
Can You Hear Your Calling?

Am I a Witch? Well this is a very tricky and difficult question. What defines a ‘natural witch’ from a ‘self-taught witch’ or a believer of magic? To answer all this we have to go way back and define ...

The Witches

I am not silly enough to suppose that everyone, or even a majority among Witches, will agree with everything I will be saying here. However, I have been thinking about this question for quite a while,...

How to Learn Witchcraft

The most important tool in Witchcraft is not the athame or the wand, it’s not the cauldron or the herbs, it’s not even the book or the spell—the most important tool in Witchcraft is the mind. There ar...

The Witchcraft tradition

The Witchcraft tradition was explored in essence by the practitioners of Yatuk Dinoih, or Persian Witchcraft of which emerged from the sorcerous shadow-god Ahriman, the darkness which would create fle...

Luciferian Witchcraft

Luciferian Witchcraft is the very result of sorcery which emerged in ancient cultures and times. The Luciferic linage is traced back to the Fallen Angels of ancient lore, whom tasted from the shadow g...

The roots of Traditional Witchcraft

That the roots of Traditional Witchcraft as they have emerged passes beyond western culture as a cornerstone of middle-eastern origins, while reemerging in Europe to America as time moved forward. Wha...


Necromancy is believed by some to be the darkest of all the black arts, where witches and alike are able to communicate with the recently departed or by summoning spirits and even resurrecting the dea...

The 4 Stages of Witchcraft

Stage 1 Wicca and the like, all white and fluffy doing nothing but good learning the rules and basic spells, cat naming etc. Stage 2 Grey Witchcraft, after many years of study you have now found yours...


A coven is typically a group or circle of witches regardless of gender, so a coven can be mixture of both men and women alike. Just in case you don’t know a male with is still a witch and not a warloc...

Shadow Creatures

There is a silent darkness that is attached to witchcraft and a subject that is very seldom talked about within the witchcraft community, seen by few and dismissed my many, known commonly as shadow cr...

Demon Witchcraft

Rarely heard of, never spoken about and practiced only by witch who has nothing to lose or live for. It is said to be the most deadly of all the dark crafts. Rituals & spells like Evocation, summo...

Advice from a Witches Coven Mystress

In honor of Woman Day: i give you advice from a Witches Coven Mystress : De Lady Marie Ro: Fathers and Mothers are equals in the seeds of nature, one gives birth the other maintains its direction, it ...

Witchcraft Old School

Old school, what is that.. well its a schooling that exist longer then any other schools now defunked, it is a school of thought, learning that has accepted the natures and rules of its awareness and ...

What is a Chaos Witch? Exploring the Practice and Beliefs of Chaos Magick

A Chaos Witch is a practitioner of witchcraft who embraces chaos magic as their main practice. Chaos magic is a form of magic that emerged in the 20th century and is characterised by its emphasis on p...

Leek, Sybil (1923–1983)

English witch and astrologer who moved to America in the 1960s and gained fame by publicizing the renaissance of witchcraft in the Western world. Her trademarks were a cape, loose gowns and a jackdaw ...

To be a Witch

A witch is either a woman or a man who knows that he or she is a witch. A witch is a natural. A witch realizes certain powers; represents, rather than worships them; calls them Goddess and God (withou...


A paranormal phenomenon whereby a body or object is raised up into the air in defiance of gravity. Levitation has been reported in cases of bewitchment, hauntings and possession; it also is attributed...

Sacred Space in Witchcraft

Sacred space means different things to different people. So really, the only way I can get around that is to tell you what it means to me. Sacred space is an enclosure we create, if you like, an artif...

Witchcraft in Brief

Witchcraft is the ability to harness and use the powers of nature and one’s own personal energy in order to create a desired effect in theworld. It is ancient and found the world over, in various form...

Ill-Wishing in Witchcraft

A curse that is the product of envy, revenge and anger. In earlier times, people commonly blamed their misfortune on the ill-wishing of others. If two people argued and then one suffered a mishap, bec...