For those of you out there that have asked me or will ask me if I supply or do spells, the answer that I will give you will be the same that I will give to everyone, and that is “sorry no, I am a big believer that if you want a spell to work for you then it has to be written by you”. After all it does make sense, if you do not put any of your own effort into your spell then how do you expect it to work!
The easiest of all spells for any beginner is to write your desire on a piece of paper, roll up the paper and burn it in an open fire. As an example the burning ritual is a traditional ritual performed by many witches to let go of past events, emotions or any negativity in their lives, it can be performed whenever you need it and is very easy to perform for any new witch. As the paper burns in the flames and the smoke rises and dissipates into the air so will all your burdens, as it burns you say out loud the following spell.
With all my will and all my might
I free myself from my past
To release my burdens in the flames below
Into the air and wind they go
So mote it be
This is my own spell that I wrote and use in the burning ritual.
The burning ritual can be adapted to use with any spell work, like healing or protection. Needless to say always do this outdoors away from any other flammable materials. See not so hard; just remember when you write your own spells think about the end result, the more effort you put into your spell the better it will be.