
To be a Witch

A witch is either a woman or a man who knows that he or she is a witch.

A witch is a natural.

A witch realizes certain powers; represents, rather than worships them; calls them Goddess and God (without it being a fixed, or boxed, ideology) and invokes them; fuses with them emotes and lives them; recognizes them in the vast forces of nature and beyond that (within other frames of reference).

Witches are priestesses or priests, initiates to these powers, and are never laity.

They are secretive in their undertakings and do not proselytize.

There is an admirable shade of gray in most witches.

A witch may be answerable to those powers to which he or she is oathed and to the axiom.

They are things you may want to know about these powers at some time or other, whether the need to use them arises or not.

Two common expressions that may be associated with what constitutes a witch are: β€œA witch may be born, not made,” and β€œIt takes a witch to make a witch.”
On the other side of the coin, all people have the ability to be a witch.

Witchcraft is in the blood, no matter how many generations it may not have been acknowledged

Self-preservation may very well have been why seven or ten or fifteen or more generations ago your ancestor kept silent about their knowledge and did not pass it down the line.

For during certain periods in time, a witch passing down their knowledge could have been dangerous to the point of deadly.

Like a dormant seed, this knowledge could wait until the season is fertile for it to germinate.

Some witches will be willing to embark on a process of initiation when the magic calls.

They will actively, consciously, and with free will, walk across the line to live in the world

However in order to do this a witch does not need to be initiated.

It may well be your powers are ready when you feel they are ready, not when others say so

Witches work sacred rituals to Earth and Moon and Sun and Star as a means of removing the barriers of separateness that are at times the current blindness of our species.

As a way of keeping the powers strong within our pattern as a people of the Earth, the pattern is of the cycles of the seasons of Earth and Moon and Sun and Star.

Some may feel they have a  responsibility to develop our deeper talents of psychic capacity and the ability to cast enchantments; to study and come to know and understand the ways of the sacred of other people

to constantly strive to broaden our capacity to learn in whatever areas life presents to us and in whatever areas we choose;

to treat the whole thing as the art that living most assuredly is, and to perpetuate and project that art as the gifts we can give to life.