Charm Magick

Antler Charm

Piece of deer’s antler
Hair from a black mare’s tail
Silver tip for the antler
Cairngorm stone (a type of smoky quartz)
✤ Wind the horsehair around one end of the
antler at least nine times.
✤ Fix the silver tip to the antler. This ensures
that there is a balance of male and female
energy, which repels the evil eye.
✤ If you wish to make your own jewellery, the
gemstone adds additional protection,
particularly from fairies
✤ If you wish, you can then consecrate your
✤ It is said that if the antler breaks you have
been attacked and you should bury the
broken pieces in the earth.
This charm demonstrates how much arcane
knowledge can be lost, without people appreciating
the real reasons for certain actions. In other cultures
the shark’s tooth is equally protective.
While the owner of the evil eye did not
necessarily need to be a witch, the curse did
require the services of a magical person to
remove it. In Scotland such arcane knowledge
was, and in some cases still is, passed from
father to daughter and mother to son. The word
orth was used for an ordinary spell but a
ceremonial magical spell among the Gaelic Celts
was signified by the word bricht. It is interesting
that this word also means ‘bright’ in dialect –
perhaps such a ceremony required an
exceptionally bright moonlit night.