Animal Magick

Animal Kinship

It has long been believed that humans have a kinship with animals, and that this kinship allows us to draw on their special qualities.

When choosing an animal as a totem (a hereditary badge or emblem for a tribe or clan that serves as a personal sacred talisman), you call upon the power of the animal and are drawn into harmony with its strength and power.

Totems appear in dreams and bring healing, abundance, strength and power, and protection.

Native American Indians believe that when you align your consciousness with that of an animal, that animal will speak to you in a special way, the way of power.

This way of power is considered to be very potent.

The totem animal then becomes your spiritual ally and safely guides you through life’s trials and tribulations.

For example, if you feel the need for more independence, you might want to work with the cat.

If you are faced with a problem which calls for swift action, then the horse would be a good choice.

The best way to make contact with your power animal is during meditation.

Choose a place where you can be alone for at least 15 minutes.

Dim the lights and turn off all outside distractions, including the television, radio, and stereo.

Seat yourself in a comfortable chair and relax your body. Begin at the top of the head and work downward.

Tilt your head forwards, backwards, and then from side to side, breathing deeply three times each.


Continue down through the neck, chest, back, arms and abdomen, breathing deeply three times for each body section.


Then continue on down through the thighs, knees, ankles, feet, and toes.

Check all muscles you can feel and be sure that they are relaxed.

If your breathing is even and calm, relaxation will come quickly and easily.

As you direct your breathing, exclude all thoughts and sensations and fix your consciousness totally on the breathing process.

Let your mind slip into a semiconscious state and ask for your power animal to appear.

When the animal comes into focus, relax and allow yourself to connect with the animal on a mental level.

Invite the animal to work with you and give you a measure of its power.

When you feel you have absorbed the qualities or power needed, thank your power animal, and return to a full conscious state of mind.