Some of the tools on this list may seem horrendously and painfully obvious, but hey. Lists are cool when they’re thorough and complete. Who likes half-arsed list makers?
Cord/thread of any kind:
All right, so this is the painfully obvious one. Cord is used almost always in binding magick because, well, what do you use to bind things together? Yep. Exactly.
In a lot of spells you will see that the cord is black. That is because for many of us, black corresponds with the banishment of negativity; with strength and protection and the absorption of bad energy. Black cord is used most often in the ‘negative’ versions of binding, but depending on your intent and type of binding you are doing you will want to vary the colour of the cord to match your personal correspondences with your intent.
Cord can also be used in knot magick bindings!
Poppets are little human-like figures made of cloth, clay or plant root that are intended to resemble or be symbolic of a specific target. Often they’ll have taglocks incorporated into them or – if the caster is a crafty little witch – if the magick being cast upon the poppet targets the heart, or the head, or the eyes, etc,. little fabric versions of those organs/extremities are stuffed into/sewn onto the poppet.
Poppets are used because they are very powerful when you are trying to cast something on someone in particular. Many binding spells include the binding of a poppet with the aforementioned cord.
Candles, candles, candles. They’re used so often by us lot, that this shouldn’t come as a surprise.
Candles can be used in binding magick to seal two things together, such as two taglocks within some wax if you want to bind or bring two individuals together!