
A Glossary of Divination P

PALMISTRY is the broad field of divination and interpretation of the lines and structure of the hand.

PEGOMANCY concerns itself with spring water and bubbling fountains and the omens contained therein.

PHRENOLOGY is the long practiced study of head formations.

PHYLLORHODOMANCY is a means of divination whereby one slaps a rose petal against the hand and judges the favorability of the omen by the loudness of the sound.

PHYSIOGNOMY is the study of character analysis through physical features.

PRECOGNITION in an inner knowledge or sense of future events.

PSYCHOGRAPHY is a form of mysterious writing having a divinatory nature.

PSYCHOMETRY is the faculty of gaining impressions from a physical object and its history.

PYROMANCY and PYROSCOPY are forms of divination by fire or flame, often assisted by substances thrown onto the flames.

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