Generally called from the North
Considered cool and dry and is associated with the melancholic temperament
Represents the solid state of matter
Corresponds to the physical part of ourselves, our physical body, and rules the elder state of life.
Rules the intestines
Rules the winter and the night
Represents the sense of touch and all physical, practical, material things including money, crops,
livestock, the home, property, family, career, investments, saving.
The Alchemical Mineral associated with Earth is Salt
Other minerals associated are: halite (aka salt), granite, jasper, emerald, jade, malachite,
hematite, lead, ochre
Usually considered feminine in nature
Colors associated are green and brown
Associated with old age, maturity, the winter, night time, and the Winter Solstice
The best time to perform spells associated with the element of Earth is when the moon is in one
of the Earth signs: Capricorn, Taurus, or Virgo
Symbols are soil, the Pentacle, cattle
Herbs associated are apple, bistort, comfrey, cypress, fern, all grains, all grasses, honeysuckle,
horehound, ivy, magnolia, mugwort, narcissus, oak, oakmoss, primrose, rhubarb, vervain,
Generally called from the East
Considered warm and moist and is associated with the sanguine temperament
Considered hermaphrodite or masculine in nature
Represents the gaseous state of matter
Corresponds to our spirit body and our breath and riles the infant state of life
Rules the lungs and the sense of smell
The color yellow can be used to represent air
Rules the spring time and the dawn and the Vernal Equinox
Rules the breath, the voice, speech, eloquence, information, communication, networking and
In tarot, air corresponds to The Fool, The King, and suit of Swords
Animals are songbirds, eagles, and hawks
The elemental spirit is the sylph
Astrological signs are Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra
Tool is the dagger. Other tools can be athame, wand, and censor
Minerals that correspond to air are metal mercury ad the stones halite or salt rock, granite,
holey stone, picture jasper, emerald, jade, malachite and hematite
Plants the correspond are acacia, almond, anise, citron peel, frankincense, gum-arabic, gum
benzoin, bergamot, lavender, lemon verbena, lemongrass, mace, marjoram, mastic, myrrh,
pansy, parsley, peppermint, primrose, sage, star anise, vervaine, violet, yarrow
Corresponding incense is galbanum, sandalwood, mallow
Generally called from the south
Considered warm and dry and is associated with the choleric temperament
Active and penetrating and considered masculine in nature
Represents energy
Corresponds to our conception and birth and our very life force – the “spark” of life, also of
Rules the liver and the sense of sight
Corresponds with the color red
Rules the summer and noon time
Rules our passions, inspiration and life force; the drive to create
In Tarot, fire corresponds to Judgment, the Knights, and the suit of Wands
Animal correspondences to dragon, lion, and the horse
Associated elemental spirits are salamander and djinn
Astrological signs are Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo
Elemental tool is the wand. Other tools may be the sword, dagger, rod, staff, candle, tripod
lamp, and/or censor
Corresponding minerals are red or bright colored, and/or are formed in fire and/or are
associated with the battle, passion and fury. Include the metals iron and gold, the stones fire
opal, fire agate, ruby, obsidian, tiger eye, carnelian, garnet, and amber
Corresponding plants often inherit from Mars or the Sun. Prickly, hot and/or protective in
nature. Include allspice, angelica, basil, bay-laurel, beech, buttercup, carnation, cedar,
cinnamon, cloves, coriander, deer’s tongue, dill, fennel, garlic, juniper, heliotrope, lime, marigold,
mustard, nettle, nutmeg, red peppers, onion, orange, peppermint, red poppy, rose geranium,
rosemary, sassafras, sunflower, tangerine, tobacco, woodruff
Corresponding incense is olibanum, copal
Generally called from the west
Considered moist and cool and is associated with the phlegmatic temperament
Considered feminine and nature
Represents the liquid state of matter
Corresponds to maturity, but also has some associations with death and rebirth
Rules the heart and kidneys, blood and sense of taste
Represented by the color blue
Rules the autumn and sunset
Rules our emotions and our subconscious
In Tarot, it represents the Hanged Man, the Queens, and the suit of Cups
Represented by the animals dolphin, sea serpent, the seal, gulls and fish
Elemental spirits are the undines
Astrological signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
Elemental tools are chalice and cauldron
Corresponding minerals include the metal silver and the stones topaz, sapphire, lapis lazuli,
chalcedony, amethyst, and citrine
Corresponding plants are usually juicy and refreshing or may grow near water. Correspond to
the planet Venus and the moon. Includes apple blossom, calamus, chamomile, camphor,
cardamom, catnip, cherry, coconut, comfrey, cucumber, elder, eucalyptus, fern, gardenia,
heather, hyacinth, iris, jasmine, lemon, lemon balm, licorice, lilac, lily, lotus, melon, moss,
motherwort, orris root, passion flower, seaweed, sandalwood, peach, lungwort, rose, rush,
spearmint, stephanotis, sweet pea, tansy, thyme, tonka bean, vanilla bean, violet, and water lily.
Corresponding incense is ylang ylang, myrrh, and onchya
The element of Aether is the “stuff” that Gods are made of, sort of
Considered androgynous
Represents transcendence or eternity
Represents the Plasma state of matter
Symbolized by the cauldron
Virtually identical to either Aether or Fire
Sometimes the Spirit entities (ancestors, Gods, nature spirits, etc.) are referred to as the element
of spirit in ritual. Sometimes it is magickal energy that is being referred to.
Symbolized by diamond, quartz crystal, jet and onyx.