Energy Magick

Experiencing Energy Signatures

Each person and entity has their own energy signature.

By learning to recognize your energy signature from someone else’s, you become more attuned to the energy around you.

There are many exercises that you can do to help you with this.

One that is easy is making note of some of your friends’ energy signatures (or how they feel to you when they are around you).

When someone comes into a room where your back is to them, try and figure out who it is by their energy signature before turning around to see who it is.

Of course, if you have friends who are magi, then you can structure this a bit more.

Another way to attune yourself to someone’s energy signature is to stand facing each other with your palms 1-2 inches apart from each other.

Feel each other’s energy and then decide who will be the leader.

Now, the leader will move their hands around in circles, figure 8’s, or whatever patterns they wish.

The follower will follow their energy.

Once you get used to this with your eyes open, both leader and follower should close their eyes and continue to follow the energy signature of their partner.

Start slow at first, then speed things up, or start with your hands close together and then work them farther apart.

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