Fairy Magick

Connecting to the Lowerworld 3

In the Hedge Druid’s Craft, we can seek relationship with the Fair Folk, the Faeries, the Sidhe, deep within the Hollow Hills.
We can seek them out, using our wit and intelligence, our skills and knowledge, if we dare. We can connect to the Lowerworld through their means, through their places of power, through the gateways that we begin to perceive, both seen and unseen.
We can, through the aid of allies such as the ancestors, and other spirit guides establish a deeper connection to the sidhe, and enter into a relationship with the Lowerworld that enriches our lives and enchants our souls.
Find a tree near you that you can visit regularly.
Spend some time with your tree, which you will be using to help you journey to the Lowerworld.
Befriend the tree. Research all that you can, enlighten yourself as to its ways.
You will only learn by doing the work.