Known herbs associated with fire are: Basil, Bay Laurel, Cinnamon, Cumin, Juniper, Saffron, Rosemary, Rue, Pepper, Coriander. (Among others)
Foods that are red, spicy, or bitter.
Preparing food with these herbs can also enhance your energy.
Or drying them and keeping them in your altar or around you also work.
(Cooking food in itself is use of heat and energy. Use it to your advantage)
Sometimes burning things can help you lighten your energy.
On a piece of paper, write down your stress, worries, or anything making you feel negative. Fill a whole notebook if you need! Or keep it small, this is up to you. When you burn it, release the negative emotion associated with it. Allow yourself to feel lighter and at peace.
Burn incense and run your hand over the soft, delicate smoke.
(For more precise results, choose incense with meaning)
Believe it or not, Fire Witches can also feel a longing for water. Warm water does a great job in helping you cleanse yourself or releasing mental weight.
Whether it be a warm bath, swimming outdoors in the sun, or even boiling water for tea, use the warmth and strength of the warm/hot water
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