Goddess / Imbolc

GODDESS BRIGHID and Her Holy Time of Imbolc, 4. Brighid the Healer.

As Brighid the Healer, Her wells and springs figure prominently, as their water is considered holy and healing. She is a Water Goddess. In this aspect She is the teacher of herbal and plant medicine. She is the midwife for birthing women. She is the guardian and caretaker of household domestic animals, particularly cows. She Herself travels with 2 Sacred Oxen, and the white cow, the white swan, and the white wolf are associated with Her as totems. One of the symbols associated with Brighid is the white wand around which a snake is entwined. And this symbol pre-dates Asclepius, the Healer God of the Greeks whose symbol was a serpent coiled around a rod. Brighid tends trees and orchards and the Rowan is sacred to Her. No one in Ireland cuts down a Rowan tree without knowing there will be some misfortune befall him. And the beginning of February is the beginning of the Celtic Tree Month of the Rowan.