Hecate is a well-known witch goddess of Ancient Greece still worshiped by modern-day pagans. She is the lady of the crossroads with three heads or, alternatively, guarded by a three-headed white dog. Her dominion is the moon, menstruation, intuition, dreams, the cycles of life-death-rebirth and witchcraft. In Kala Trobe’s Invoke the Goddess, she writes Hecate is the “patroness of prostitutes, thieves, and beggars not to mention witches…and protects those on the outskirts of society. She represents the objective eye searing through the façade of mainstream society. She is the original socialist.” Invoke Hecate during periods of great transition in your life: pregnancy, new parenthood, new career, death in the family, etc.
Hecate, Goddess of the Crossroads.