
Hekate…6. Hymn to Hekate.

Hail, many-named Mother of the Gods, whose children are fair.
Hail, mighty Hekate of the Threshold.
Shape the course of my life with luminous Light
And make it laden with good things,
Drive sickness and evil from my limbs.
And when my soul rages about worldly things,
Deliver me purified by Your soul-stirring rituals.
Yes, give me Your hand I pray
And reveal to me the pathways of divine guidance that I long for,
Then shall I gaze upon that precious Light
Whence I can flee the evil of our dark origin.
Yes, give me Your hand I pray,
And when I am weary bring me to the haven of piety with your winds.
Hail, many-named Mother of the Gods, whose children are fair.
Hail, mighty Hekate of the Threshold.
Proclus Diadochus (410-485 AD)
Hymn VI: To Hekate and Janus adapted by E A Kaufman 2008