Healing Magick / Herbal Magick

Skullcap, Seven Healing Herbs For Anxiety & Stress

This awesome herb became one of my favourite herbs during the height of my challenges. It is well known amongst Native American tribes as a woman’s herb, although it is beneficial for us all. It can normalise the nervous system and help induce a state of peace and calm. Skullcap helps to balance our thoughts to help us create the inner-space so that we stop reacting to triggers and find more helpful ways to deal with challenging situations.

This is a gentle herb that has sedative properties (mild or strong depending on how much we take). It can help us sleep, rest and unwind and is especially beneficial if taken in the evening before bed.

I’ve read that (unlike pharmaceutical drugs) skullcap can help restore optimal function of the nerve cells – making it especially beneficial if your nerves are all over the place.

I sometimes enjoy a little amount of this herb in the evenings if I need a extra help to find peace and calm. I tend to take just enough (half a teaspoon of the dried herb) to allow gentle relaxation rather full on sleep-induction. I make it up as a tea infusion, blending it with passionflower and lemon balm for complementary effects.