Healing Magick / Herbal Magick

Valarian, Seven Healing Herbs For Anxiety & Stress

Valarian works well for most people if you need to seriously quieten the central nervous system and gently sedate yourself. It will induce a deep and restful sleep for 95% of people (5% of people, for some reason, will however, experience the opposite effect). Valarian was the plant inspiration for the synthetic valium drug; although taking the whole plant allows for a natural ‘whole-plant’ experience without the side effects and dependency that you might find from valium.

I personally benefited from this in tea during the height of some inconsolable grief that I experienced. It helped me to finally find a place of peace and calm in the evenings so that I could rest and rejuvenate and eventually begin the process of inner-healing. I made it up as a tea with other supportive herbs like liquorice, fennel and lemon balm.