Herbal Magick

Herbal Infusions

As well as magical sachets, you can make herbs into infusions. Add one level teaspoon (5 ml) of
coarsely chopped dried herbs or two level teaspoons (10 ml) of freshly chopped leaves or flowers to a
cup of boiling water; leave it for five minutes and strain. Once the liquid has cooled, you can sprinkle
it round rooms, furniture and personal property or add it to a bucket of water for washing floors.
The roots and bark of some plants can be used to make a decoction. Crush and powder two
tablespoons (30 ml) of the herb and add to one pint (500 ml) of cold water. Simmer the mixture until
the quantity of water is reduced by half and then strain the mixture.
Fresh herbs or flowers can be added to your bath in the following way: place them in a net or a piece
of muslin – you could even use an old pair of tights – and hang them under the hot tap while you run a
bath. Alternatively, allow the bag of herbs to float in the bath for 10 minutes or add a strained infusion
to the water.
Of course, you can always drink herbs as tea or burn herbal incenses or oils. All these are valid ways
of getting the medicinal as well as magical properties from herbs, though you should still charge them
magically. However you use them, always bear in mind that herbs are very potent so before you begin
you should seek the advice of a trained herbalist or homeopath or read carefully a reliable herbal book