




In some modern Pagan traditions, it is customary to offer a blessing before a meal, particularly if it’s being held in a ritual context. At Imbolc, it’s a season to honor Brighid, the goddess of hearth, home and domesticity. Celebrate her role as a goddess of the homefires, and offer this simple blessing of gratitude before your Imbolc feast.

This is the season of Brighid,

She who protects our hearth and home.

We honor her and thank her,

for keeping us warm as we eat this meal.

Great Lady, bless us and this food,

and protect us in your name.

Prayer to Brighid, Bride of Earth

In many modern Pagan traditions, the Imbolc sabbat is a time to celebrate Brighid, the Celtic hearth goddess. Among her many other aspects, she is known as the Bride of Earth, and is the patroness of domesticity and home. This simple prayer honors her in that role.

Bride of the earth,

sister of the faeries,

daughter of the Tuatha de Danaan,

keeper of the eternal flame.

In autumn, the nights began to lengthen,

and the days grew shorter,

as the earth went to sleep.

Now, Brighid stokes her fire,

burning flames in the hearth,

bringing light back to us once more.

Winter is brief, but life is forever.

Brighid makes it so.