
Mabon: A time for welcoming the Vine Gods

At this time of year, grapes can be found everywhere. Bearing this in mind it is no great surprise to find that the Mabon season can be a popular time for winemaking as well as celebrating the deities connected to the growth of this particular fruit.

Whether you see your particular deity as Bacchus, Dionysus, the Green Man, or some other vegetative god, the god of the vine is a key archetype in harvest celebrations.

Maybe as a way of furthering your Mabon celebrations, you could try your hand at making some of your own wine. If possible perhaps you could take a tour of a local winery to see what they do this time of the year.

If you’re not into wine, that’s okay; you can still enjoy the bounty of grapes, and use their leaves and vines for recipes and craft projects. However you celebrate these deities of vine and vegetation, you may want to leave a small offering of thanks as you reap the benefits of the grape harvest.