
The Practice of Magick

Candle magick may be the most basic form of magical practice.

It can be very simple, prayer and lighting a candle before an image or in a special place.

Or you can anoint the candles with herb-infused oils to draw upon the power of the herb devas, and inscribe the candle, dedicate it to a magical purpose, and light it with the ceremony.

Candles can be added in with any other work you are doing.

Many mainstream religions already incorporate candles into their workings.

Catholics often light candles for prayer, and may even see this as the main purpose for attending mass.

Candles and incense are both lit for Buddhist practice.

But while you can certainly use candle magic in these settings, you don’t need an incense-laden shrine or wall of candles to work your candle magics.

You can do this from the privacy of your own home, in your own way. in fact, intuition matters quite a lot.

Intuition will tell you what you need to do in a given situation.

For example, the traditional ritual before magic working is to take a purifying bath and dressing in ceremonial robes before doing your spellwork.

But if your intuition says it’s not really necessary to do the ceremonial bath first, or you are a come-as-you-are type who doesn’t change clothing, etc, there’s nothing wrong with that.

You should learn to listen to that intuition/gut feeling/impulses, at all times!

It is something that you just start to do after a while until the craft becomes part of your daily life.

Green level practice is not the same as Shamanism, though they do have commonalities.

To require near-death fasting and exposure to become closer to the spirits, and its original purpose was to help the sick by entering the spirit world to fight the spirits of the dead, over these sick and dying people.

This practice exists within some Buddhist practices but is not quite the same as witchcraft.

Witchcraft and Shamanism share certain elements, such as with connection to a spirit guide or power animal.

But the difference lies in that Green Witchcraft focuses on the union with nature, above all else.