There is so much rage in the world now, and much of it is justified.
The problem is that the rage in people becomes misdirected, lashing out wheresoever annoyance can be found.
You’re allowed to be annoyed.
But attacking someone out of your annoyance is a misdirect of power.
It breaks sovereignty.
It waters down your own power… because rather than being true to what is actually boiling your blood (or causing fear within you) you have aimed your spear at something inconsequential.
It’s easily done when our inner rage boils over in so many directions, with the world in chaos and pain.
But to try and control those around you is only breaking from the power in yourself.
I am moving in silence whilst I absorb these lessons.
I allow the lessons of others to fall on their own heads, and don’t interfere. No good has ever come from interference – even if I believe my intentions to be good.
I move in silence, trying to learn all that I can, and see what I can do from that place. I sense the real danger all around, and I move through the most painful time of year for me – alone in the dark, screaming at the night sky, shaking and brittle. But moving.
I note the things that annoy me, and write them down. Then I take note of them – what lies underneath that annoyance. How tired we all are, how angry, how unsure.
I donate, I educate myself, I move without it needing to be inspected. I do what I can, and leave the rest. Leave the pressure to skip to someone else’s expectations.
And when words do not match actions, I give it back to the wind.
It will whistle it where it needs to be heard.
Just not from my lips. I move beyond needing to voice injustice – the injustices will be all known.
I will move into healing, and what action I can take.
And let the rot be burned down by The Morrigan.