Plant Magick

Plant Magick, The key to understanding the Old Ways

Plants are an integral key to understanding the Old Ways. Our ancestors attached symbolism to different plant part such as flowers or leaves because of what their shape resembled, or even what the nature of the environment in which they grew suggested often something of their physical nature indicated magickal power such as the sunflower always turning to face the sun, or the moon flower only opening its petals at night.

Here they symbolize many abstract principles and therefore

we find them included in the mythology of ancient Gods and

Goddesses. Other reasons for including plants as occult symbols are related to what we now term their pharmaceutical or chemical natures.

Occult symbolism appears in the act of the seed pushing its

way up through the soil. The plant grows from a seed, flower

produces seed, and dies; so too is the life of a man or woman.

The beauty of the flower is fleeting in its time; just as youth

itself soon departs and the life of the plant lives in accord with the seasons of Nature. Plants that did not die in the Winter were believed by our ancestors to have particularly strong magickal powers. For this reason, evergreen trees were themselves worshiped as deities in the ancient times of our ancestors.