SECRETS OF THE AGES REVEALED! SEE THE FUTURE IN THE FLICKER OF A CANDLE’S FLAME By The usage of the arcane art of candle burning, you can also now obtain, luck, love, spiritual growth and all around good fortune quickly and more easily than ever before. Whether you’re a professional psychic or novice in the occult sciences, this book will teach you how to reinforce the accuracy of your spiritual readings by adding the dimension of candle magick to the form of divination you already feel most comfortable The usage of. Includes easy instructions for: ** Wax, fire, ashes, smoke readings. ** Candles and tarot. ** Water and mirror gazing. ** Readings By The usage of Colored Candles. ** Oil, incense, herbs and MUCH MORE. It is a how to workbook and study guide if you want to inspire you. The writer is a member of an ancient clan of metaphysicians and esotericists whose skills date back to the ancient continent of Atlantis. And NOW this knowledge is available ONCE AGAIN, and this time you’ll be able to learn how to use it for your own personal benefit and grow to be a master of all that is!