This spell uses crystals and symbolism. The
blue stone is reputed to bring about harmony in
relationships and to help its wearer to be true to
themselves, and to be able to openly state their
opinion. The blue bead or stone used here
should preferably of lapis lazuli, which is
considered a stone of truth and friendship.
Blue bead or small stone with a hole
Copal or cedar incense
White candle
Bowls of salt and water
Safety pin
✤ Light the candle and the incense.
✤ Pass the bead and then the pin through the
candle flame, the smoke, the salt and the water.
✤ Repeat the following as many times as you
feel necessary:
Great Mother, I ask protection for [name]
That he/she may not come to harm
From forces of evil on this or any other plane.
✤ Put the bead on the safety pin and say:
Through this gift I thee implore
Keep him/her safe for evermore.
✤ Now pass the bead and safety pin three times
through the incense smoke, being aware of
the available power to protect the new
✤ Traditionally, the gift is then pinned safely to
the baby’s shawl.
✤ Let the candle burn out
Since a newborn baby is still so close to its Creator,
only the best and highest vibrational incenses and
materials are used. Copal incense is one of the purest
and most sacred that there is. It is believed to help
open the soul and can stimulate imagination,
intuition and creativity. Cedar is used to carry
prayers to the Creator. It is used to bridge the gap
between heaven and earth and is often associated
with breaking misuse of power or powerful forces
that may be having a negative influence.