
Deities Of Change

These deities may be invoked in rituals involving not only change but also good fortune.


Oya is the African goddess, also known as Yoruba, who rules the winds and so controls the winds of
change. She oversees trading and the marketplace and brings good fortune to all honest traders and
those who work with finance. She is very powerful, described as an Amazonian warrior and life-giver
with dominion over the storms. She can be invoked at times of change and for all matters of
employment, commerce good fortune and taking control of one’s destiny.
A Practical Guide to Witchcraft and Magick Spells.


Lakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, beauty, joy, pleasure and good fortune.
At Divali, the Hindu autumn festival of light, lamps and candles are placed in windows so that
Lakshmi will look in and endow prosperity upon the family. Rangolis, or colored patterns, are
painted on floors and walls to attract her. Rituals to invoke her usually involve candles and use gold or
jewelry as a focus for her benevolence