
Witchcraft – The Four Fire Festivals

The Fire Festivals interweave themselves with the lesser Sabbats of the solstice and equinox, but whereas the solstices and equinoxes mark the transitions of the Sun in its association with the Earth, the Fire Festivals mark the transitions of the seasons of Earth, the initiation of the transitions that are actualized and obvious at solstice and equinox.

Both Goddess and God are representative of all of the eight Sabbats of the Wheel, but, like day follows night, and as inherent in the day is the night (and vice versa), one face of this dual force will seem more manifest than the other in either the Fire Festivals or the Solar/Earth Sabbats.

The Wheel of the Fire Festivals progresses as follows: Samhain (also known, more recently and as a result of the Christianizing of this festival, as Halloween, or All Hallows); the Feast of Bride (also known as Imbolc); Beltane ; and Llughnassad (also known as Oimelcand, resulting from the Christianizing of this Sabbat, as Candlemas).