Author: A Solitary Pagan

Modern Use of the Watchtowers

The Modern use of Watchtower Elementals is said to be derived from the works of Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelly. It is also said that Aleister Crowley introduced Gerald Gardner to the Elementals (see below), who then wrote them into his own work. Many Wicca systems have their own versions of the Watchtowers and Watchers. Some see the Watchers as demi-gods, spiritual teachers, cosmic intelligence or ...

The 48 Keys/Calls to the Watchtowers

There are 48 “Calls” or “Keys” that open the gates of these “astral residences.” These are symbolically represented by a large letter square. It is divided into four parts by a large cross, called “The Black Cross” by Dee. These four quadrants are called the Watchtowers. You are able to access 12 astral cities through each Watchtower. The Watchers ar...

The 48 Gates of Understanding

It is said Edward Kelly was a seer and alchemist, and John Dee was a sage. Kelly “received messages” from a group of beings of the spirit who claimed they were the same who had instructed Enoch. As Kelly received these messages, Dee wrote them down. His writings now compose the magickal system known as Enochian Magic. It is a system of angel magic influenced by Judeo-Christian beliefs....

Watcher of the West & North

Marking the Autumnal Equinox was Antares, Watcher of the West. The North Watcher was the marker of Winter Solstice, Foralhaut. Actual towers, called Ziggurats (cosmic mountains) were built as a form of worship. Each tower bore the symbols of the Watchers. During ritual celebrations the symbols were traced in the air with torch flames or wands, and the Watchers names were called. The Watchers were ...

The Watcher of the East

The Watcher of the East was the star Aldebaran.This star marked the time of the Vernal Equinox. The Watcher of the South was Regulus, marking the time of the Summer Solstice.

The Watchers and the Watchtowers

Know the history of the Watchers and Watchtowers and why they are called upon in circle. If you don’t know their purpose, why call? Early History They are considered an old race who have gone past the need for physical bodies. Some claim they are light. There are legends that say they came from the stars. They are the ones known as the Watchers. It is claimed that each of the four Watchers r...

The Children of the Grigori

Angels are strictly forbidden to associate with the Children of the Grigori or, God forbid, any actual remaining Grigori they might run across in the course of a mission. Amaros – Taught men the resolving of enchantments. Araqiel (Arakiel) – Taught men the signs of the earth. Azazel – Taught men to make knives, swords and shield; to devise ornaments, coloring tinctures for the be...


As has been implied before, angels — though filled with God’s divine grace — are eminently corruptible in the corporeal world (physical plane) and, perhaps more importantly, when in the presence of humans. The Grigori, designed as the type of angels farthest from divine, proved to be so much more corruptible that it wasn’t long before their enormous zest for physical life, ...

THE WATCH Also Known as Grigori

Watcher Angels according to ThBook of Jubilees, are the sons of God sent from heaven to instruct the children of men; they fell after they descended to earth and cohabitated with the daughters of men — for which act they were condemned and became fallen angels. But not all Watcher angels descended; those that remain are the holy Watchers and they reside in the 5th Heaven. The evil Watchers d...

The Power of Our Thoughts

We who are lightworkers are already aware of the power of our thoughts. What we are continuing to learn, however, is that our thoughts arel.p. even more powerful than we suspected! A large part of our lightworker function, then, is to continuously monitor our own thoughts to ensure they are from a high and loving plane. When we occasionally slip into fearful or judgmental thoughts, we can release ...

Positively Lightworking

Researchers have known for years that prayer positively affects plants and animals. These studies reveal something that many lightworkers have already known: our collective prayers and healing thoughts can avert prophecies of world trauma. There is only one spirit and one mind, and we are all part of this collective intelligence and love. Miraculous results in scientific laboratories are demonstra...

Spiritual Gifts of a Lightworker

Many lightworkers are discovering innate spiritual gifts, such as psychic communication skills and spiritual healing abilities. These are the gifts that we volunteered to use to heal the earth and her population. Prophecies predicted our coming, and now it is time for us to fulfill our divine purposes. The world depends upon us! We, who are lightworkers, don’t necessarily need to add anythin...