Author: A Solitary Pagan

Experiencing Energy Signatures

Each person and entity has their own energy signature. By learning to recognize your energy signature from someone else’s, you become more attuned to the energy around you. There are many exercises that you can do to help you with this. One that is easy is making note of some of your friends’ energy signatures (or how they feel to you when they are around you). When someone comes into a room where...

Types of Empaths Earth empath

  And lastly, an Earth empath feels a very deep connection to the Earth. Think of this trait as the macro-level of being a plant empath, where plant empaths are tuned to individual plants, and Earth empaths are tuned to all of nature and the Earth at large. As such, they can be strongly affected energetically by natural disasters, weather, and the environment being harmed. Connect with nature...

Types of Empaths Animal empath

  You guessed it—animal empaths can pick up on the needs and feelings of animals. It may feel like a somewhat telepathic connection, where the empath senses what an animal wants. These people are naturally inclined to go into work with animals, particularly where they’re directly caring for the animal. Spend time with animals. If you’re an animal empath, you likely already know that being aro...

Types of Empaths Plant empath

  Plant empaths are those who are attuned to the needs of plants. They make excellent gardeners or landscapers because they intuitively know exactly what a plant needs, giving them quite the green thumb. Plant empaths of course, love to be around plants, especially those they can tend to (like houseplants or a garden). Foster your connection to plants. Luckily, plant empaths don’t have to wor...

Types of Empaths Intuitive empath

  Intuitive empaths have very strong intuition and may pick up what other people are feeling and thinking or take on the negative energy in a room, Orloff explains. As such, it’s important to have ways of avoiding taking on toxic energy. This is also sometimes referred to as “claircognizance,” where the person is almost psychically attuned to others with just a look. In her book, Orloff detai...

Attuning Your Energies 8 Respect The Entities You Work With

When you start working with entities, of any type, always show the utmost respect for them. This is one thing that most people overlook when working with entities, manmade or preexisting. Many, either because of ill instruction or ignorance, try to dictate and control the entities through threats and intimidation. This is the surest way to minimize the effectiveness of your magickal workings. To m...

Attuning Your Energies7 Become More Creative

Expanding your creativity is extremely helpful when working with any type of magick. When it comes to creating entities, however, creativity should be given the highest priority of development. Thinking in a creative manner will allow you to solve a problem with at least ten different solutions, with most of them being highly feasible. When you think creatively, you realize that not only is anythi...

Attuning Your Energies6 Visualization

Another tool in your toolbox is the art of creative visualization. Creative visualization will help you align the physical, mental, and spiritual minds to act together to achieve the desired result. It also allows for you to gain insight and information that was once hidden. The type of information that you may receive may come in the form of a scent, an image in the mind’s eye, a sense of coolnes...

Attuning Your Energies5 Sleep

Getting enough sleep is very important for health and energy. With only a few exceptions, the average adult needs between 7 and 8 hours of sleep within each 24- hour period to be adequately alert for 16 to 17 hours. Without the proper amount of sleep, the body cannot and will not function to its fullest potential. If you have trouble sleeping, try taking a hot bath before you go to bed. Lavender a...

Attuning Your Energies4 Diet

A good diet and perhaps even a good multivitamin can make a big difference in your energy as well. There is no one “true” diet that everyone should follow. However, try to eat balanced meals with moderate portions. More small meals a day are sometimes better than three large meals a day. Buy or grow organic whenever you can and try to eat food that is minimally processed. Raw fruits and vegetables...

Attuning Your Energies3 Exercise

Regular exercise is an important factor in overall health. Exercise not only will keep you in good physical shape, but also reduces stress, alleviates depression, and improves the quality of your sleep. You don’t have to run out and get a membership at a gym. Try spending an hour doing martial arts, yoga, or any other type of exercise such as walking, dancing, swimming, or even inline skating. Exe...

Attuning Your Energies2 Meditation

Meditation is a tool that will allow you to gain control of your thoughts and actions. With proper control, anything is possible, and accurate results can be achieved. It is important to be clear in your mind about what exactly it is that you want for your magickal work. Meditation will help you to define your goals and desires. It will also allow you to see the situation from different angles. Th...