Author: A Solitary Pagan

The Dorset Ooser

The Ooser was written about in Doreen Valiente’s ABC’s of Witchcraft and in Margaret Murray’s The God of the Witches. It was a hollow mask made of painted wood, trimmed with fur, and crowned with bull’s horns. The lower jaw of the Ooser was movable, and it possessed a strange convex boss on its forehead. Valiente claims that this boss was representative of the third eye, a seat of psychic power. T...

The Fetch Beast

The Fetch-Beast, also known as the Fetch-Wife, has been dealt with elsewhere in this book, and is the Underworld Self of the Crafter, known in Briar Rose as the Dragon. The third kind of Fetch, the one used in shape-shifting, is traditionally a piece of skin or fur belonging to the animal into which the Shape-shifter transforms. In some cases, such as the selkies in Ireland, it is the actual whole...

The Powers of the Sphinx

here are said to be four primary things essential to magic. These four principles are the Powers of the Sphinx: To know, to will, to dare, and to keep silent Eliphas Lévi indicates where to start in our endeavor to use the Powers of the Sphinx: “When one does not know, one should will to learn. To the extent that one does not know it is foolhardy to dare, but it is always well to keep silent.” Thu...

Castle of Stone

The castles of our system are based on Grail Lore, but they also have representations in the none world. These castles are symbolic of the energies inherent in their names and attributed to them by myth and legend. In the Arthurian cycle, the knights journey to seven castles, but most mythographers interpret this imram as an Otherworldly voyage, akin to the shaman’s journey into the soul, using th...

Planetary Correspondence The Moon

GlyphSymbols Crescent, cup, silver sickleDeities Hecate, Selene, Diana, ThothArchangel GabrielDay MondayColors Silver, white,Number TwoMetal Silver Stones Moonstone, pearl, chalcedony, mother ofpearlIncense Jasmine, lotus, ylang-ylangPlants Lily, hyacinth, iris, narcissusTrees Willow, hawthornAnimals Crab, owl, vulture, horse There are more myths and legends about the moon than any other planetary...

A Moon Magick Ritual For Calm

Wait until the Moon is moving towards full, and is quite bright in the sky. Find somewhere as dark as possible so the light is undiluted and slowly ‘inhale’ the light through your nose, looking at the Moon and drawing its light towards you. Hold your Moon breath for a count of ‘One and two and three. Remember to say the ‘ands’ to stop yourself rushing – this is relaxing, not a race. Close your eye...

Planetary Days And Their Applications: The Moon

Monday, the day of the Moon, is for spells concerning the home, family matters, and the influence of the family, especially the mother, children, and animals. Its prime focus is fertility and all the ebbs and flows of the human body, mind, and psyche. It is also potent for protection, especially while traveling, for psychic development, clairvoyance, secrets and meaningful dreams, all sea and gard...

Witchcraft Theory & Practice – Full Moon

The ways of magic are aligned with the Full Moon. The archetypes of both Goddess and God resonate with a liberating consciousness and the Ritual of Esbat (the rite of the Full Moon) releases the vision of balance into the astral and thence into the collective mind of our species.


Ulex (commonly known as gorse, furze, or whin) is a genus of flowering plants in the family Fabaceae. The genus comprises about 20 species of thorny evergreen shrubs in the subfamily Faboideae of the pea family Fabaceae. The species are native to parts of western Europe and northwest Africa, with the majority of species in Iberia. Gorse is closely related to the brooms and like them has green stem...

Guarding Against Psychic Attacks

Feeling protected from psychic attacks is important. If you’re experiencing symptoms becoming aware of the psychic attack, through identification of the unusual events taking place, may help to diminish the effect of the attack. Ask for guidance: Ask a spirit guide or guardian angel to help stop the attack and create protection. Refrain from mirroring the attacker’s actions: Avoid sending similar ...

Reasons for a Psychic Attack

There are many motivations that may make someone perform a Psychic Attack of some kind on another person. These may include the following. The person performing the Psychic Attack may be jealous. An example is the victim’s life may be progressing whilst the attacker’s life remains stagnant. The person performing the Psychic Attack may be envious of the victim’s looks. The person performing the Psy...

Full Moon Blessing Rite

Items needed: Clear glass bowl, a one-liter bottle of spring water, silver paint, sprig of jasmine, moonstone, two white altar candles, gardenia incense and oil, small paintbrush, altar tools of your choice Use the silver paint to inscribe the following symbol on the outside bottom of the bowl: Set your altar so the light of the full moon shines directly on it. Fill the bowl with the spring water....