Author: A Solitary Pagan

Black Mirror Gazing

The black mirror is used very much like a crystal ball. You can purchase, or make your own if you prefer! Black paint on the back of a piece of glass is all this takes. Use an old photo frame, paint the back of the glass and return to the frame, etc. Gaze into the mirror, trying to find its center, and keeping your sight clear. When you begin to see grey or white clouds, whisper your query, and se...

Mirror Doorway in Witches Homes

It is recommended that you never allow a mirror to face or reflect a doorway or window.If yours does, move it if possible.If you cannot move it, use a sator square or similar protective talisman.Mirrors are doorways and should not be taken lightly in a witch’s room.

Iron Protection Ritual

Items needed: Eight pieces of iron or iron nails One black candle, A dish of salt, Protection incense. Method Place the candle on the floor near your front door. Encircle the candle with the iron pieces and then with a ring of salt. Place the dish of salt on the outside of the circle to the west of the candle. Light the incense and walk around your house with it as you say: Let that which is unwan...

Rite of Metal

Once upon a time, magickal symbolism in jewelry, such as the pentacle, the Star of David, or even the Helm of Awe could render the wearer a death sentence. Although we no longer live in the Dark Ages, the tradition of empowering gemstone jewelry rather than magickal symbols has persisted. The empowerment process given here is appropriate for magickal symbol jewelry as well as those gemstone treasu...

Planetary Qualities of Metals

Ever since Vulcan, son of Jupiter, created thunderbolts in his underground forge, the power of metal magick as been a closely guarded secret. In Western alchemy, it was believed that the metals found on earth were influenced by their corresponding planetary rulers. Each metal was then named after a planet, imbued with the planet’s attributes, and incorporated into daily life through the days of th...

A Meditation to Help You Reduce Anxiety

A meditation to help you reduce anxiety. First, I’d like to invite you to gently close your eyes and take a nice, slow, deep breath in, deeper than you’ve taken all day so far. And as you exhale, concentrate on the sound of my voice, allowing it to ground you into the present moment, and giving yourself permission right now to focus on you, making yourself your first priority. There is nowhere els...

Meditation and Visualization

Preparing for ritual and magical work involves accessing a beneficial altered state of mind that allows for both openness and focus. Many traditions practice specific meditation and visualization techniques to strengthen this ability and call on it when needed. You can find information on meditation in Witchcraft or many other spiritual traditions. Seek out different kinds of meditation instructio...

Simple Formula for HedgeWitch, Spellwork, Prayer, and Meditation

1. Go to the still point. This means relaxing, closing your eyes, taking several deep breaths, and letting nothing fill your mind. Be at peace. In your mind, surround yourself with white light. 2. Next, be grateful for something-anything. Say out loud what you are thankful for. These things do not have to be in line with your intent. By being thankful, you will lift your spirits. 3. Align yourself...

Meditation, Grounding and Centering Part 3

Visualization is critical to any magickal practice. It is the art of seeing with your mind’s eye, the results you wish to manifest when your work is completed. So how do we achieve that? With practice and focus. The previous exercises were meant to teach you how to quiet your mind and pull your energy back unto yourself while drawing from the balancing and stabilizing energies of the earth itself....

Meditation, Grounding and Centering Part 2

The next important step is to learn to Ground and Center. What does that mean exactly? Well during the course of our day-to-day, our energy scatters to the four winds as we try to grapple with the hectic business of our lives. We multi-task more than ever these days and as a result, our energies get fractured. Grounding and centering helps to pull your energies back to yourself and connect with th...

Meditation, Grounding and Centering Part 1

Three of the most important basic practices of Witchcraft include Grounding, Centering and Meditation. I’m going to address each one separately but the combined practice of these is going to be invaluable to you as a practicing Witch. Part One: First, we want to look at Meditation. There are many different ways in which one can meditate. There is trance, relaxation, controlled movement (such as Yo...

How to Meditate

Attitude is everything. While there are many meditative strategies, what makes the difference in terms of spiritual awakening is your quality of earnestness or sincerity. Rather than adding another “should” to your list, choose to practice because you care about connecting with your innate capacity for love, clarity and inner peace. Let this sincerity be the atmosphere that nurtures whatever form ...