Author: A Solitary Pagan

Mastering Manifestations Four Get Comfortable

Have everything you need, set, and ready to go. Take a bathroom break. Get some water. Assemble anything you need to create what you have in mind. You want to keep complete concentration, not have to break it to get something necessary. Get comfortable in your space, knowing that you will be able to concentrate and manifest what you want

Mastering Manifestations Five Clear Your Mind

Slowly close your eyes, and take three deep, slow breaths. On the first breath out, relax as completely as you can. On the second breath out, clear your mind of any thought by just focusing on the feeling of the air leaving your body. And on the third breath out notice how good it feels to take a few seconds to stop and breathe. Now you’re ready to tap into your power of concentration to manifest ...

Mastering Manifestations Six Decide What You Really Want

What do you want to manifest? It doesn’t matter if it’s a feeling or relationship or an object or an experience. It’s your desire. The only rule is you must focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want. Concentrating on what you don’t want sends your energy in the wrong direction. Manifestation works in creating new outcomes, not eliminating unwanted outcomes. Choose one thing that is top of...

Mastering Manifestations 1.7: Write Down Your Desire

Writing all these ideas down speeds your process because most people can’t write about an idea and simultaneously think about a different idea. Writing increases your concentration power. Be as specific as you can. The more details you can get, the easier you can concentrate and the faster you’ll manifest what you desire. For example, if you want to manifest a car, describe it in every way you can...

Mastering Manifestations 1.8: Get Clear On Why You Want it

If you aren’t completely committed to manifesting your desire and it’s what you really want, work on finding more reasons why you want it. Write down as many as you can think of. Don’t worry about what others would think about your reasons. They can be selfish or selfless, it doesn’t matter. It’s your desire. And the reasons are the fuel for your concentration.

Mastering Manifestations 1.9: Write Down the Steps to Get There

Now that you are in complete concentration on what you want, you can feel the inspiration building. Write down the steps that come to mind to get you there. You don’t have to have a complete plan, just the first few steps are enough to get you started. Begin with what you know and trust that your concentrated energy will bring you everything you need to manifest what you want. Everything will beco...

Suggestions for your Magickal Cabinet

Over time you may collect all kinds of tools and equipment to use as you make magickal herbal items, amulets, charge candles for magickal purposes, and much more. Here is a listing of the basics that you will want to have on hand to always be ready to practice your Craft! Herbs. You may want to have at least one herb or resin for each planetary energy so that you are prepared to create any incense...

The Athame in Magick

An athame is, quite simply, a ceremonial knife. You can obtain an athame from a specialist magical shop, but as I said before, any knife – even a letter opener – will do, although it should preferably have a silver-colored blade. Athames are traditionally double-edged and black-handled, but a single-edged blade is better if you are new to magick, to avoid unintentional cuts. There is a vast array ...

The Chalice in Magick

The chalice, or ritual cup, used for rituals is traditionally made of silver, but you can also use crystal,glass, stainless steel or pewter. The chalice represents the Water element and is placed in the West of the altar. Like the sword, it is a sacred Grail treasure and is a source of spiritual inspiration. The Grail cup is most usually represented as the chalice that Christ used at the Last Supp...

The Eye

The eye is considered to be the primary organ of sense perception. It is closely associated with light, the spirit, and the sun. The eye symbolizes spiritual and mental perception and is considered to be the mirror of the soul, the organ of spiritual and mental expression. The right eye is associated with the activity, the future, and the sun. The left eye is associated with passivity, the past, a...

The Witches Cauldron in Magick

While the word “cauldron” may bring to mind images of Shakespeare’s three witches tossing all kinds of animal parts into a boiling stew for evil purposes, the cauldron is really a symbol of the Goddess and the creative forces of transformation. Cauldrons appear in many ancient Celtic myths in connection with magical occurrences and continue to influence Witchcraft today. Associated with the elemen...

The Witches Bell in Magick

The bell stands in the North of the circle and is an Earth symbol.It is an optional tool and can be made from either crystal or protective brass.Best for magick is the kind that you strike.The bell is traditionally rung nine times at the beginning and close of each ritual; the person ringing the bell should stand in the South of the circle, facing North. (Nine is the magical number of completion a...