Author: A Solitary Pagan

Tools And Treasures

You may need to collect some basic tools for your spells and rituals. They need not be at all expensive. Magick was traditionally carried out with the equipment of the home. The broom for sweeping the magical circle was the besom used for sweeping dirt (and negativity) out ofthe door and was stored with its bristles upwards to protect the home. The cauldron was the iron cooking pot on the black ki...

Witches Knife/ Athame

The ritual knife, like the wand, is a tool that directs energy in ritual, and may also be used to draw the circle before ritual and close the circle afterwards. However, it is more of an energy manipulator or commander, due to its sharp edges, and therefore isn’t generally used to invoke deities, as this would be considered forceful, rather than collaborative, in terms of working with divine energ...

Witches Pentacle

The pentacle is an important symbol-bearer in Witchcraft, normally inscribed with a pentagram, though other magical symbols may be present. The pentagram itself is a five-pointed star, drawn with five straight lines, often encircled, and always having one upward point. Each point is said to represent the elements of Air, Earth, Fire, and Water, with the Fifth Element (Spirit) as the upward point. ...

Charging and Cleansing Your Tools

Once you have prepared your elemental substances, you can charge your tools ready for use. If they have been bought, whether new or second-hand, you might also like to cleanse them first. You can also cleanse them after a formal ritual or when their energies seem depleted. If the ritual is important or arduous, you can recharge the tools before each use, but usually, this is not necessary, as the ...

The Pentagram

The Pentagram of the Witches is a five-pointed star formed by five straight lines, and encased in a circle, with one point upwards. The five points of the pentagram represent the five elements. The crowning point represents Spirit, and continuing in clockwise order, the remaining points symbolize Water, Fire, Earth, and Air. The circle is related to the magic circle of Power, and connects all of t...

Witches Green Salt

Green Salt is used in magick and rituals by Pagans, Wiccans, Hoodoo practitioners, people who practice witchcraft and those who want a little psychic or spiritual help for its powerful abilities to attract money, wealth, good luck and abundance. Magickal properties: There’s an old folk saying which goes, “Salt does what you tell it to”.Witches Green Salt is traditionally used for the attracting of...

Witches Salt

Salt rituals are among the oldest forms of magick. Salt can form the focus of magick for health and prosperity ceremonies as well as for psychic protection. The kind used is most usually sea salt and represents the Earth element. It is suggested that sale is kept covered and separate from domestic salt. It is also recommended that salt be empowered before use Normally the salt is placed on the alt...

Cascarilla Powder

Cascarilla is powdered egg shell. The shells are so finely ground that it feels as soft as baby powder. Any Botanica or store that caters to New Age and Magick rituals will have Cascarilla. You will most normally see it packed into what I call a “ketchup cup.” When removed from the cup, it maintains its form and can be used as one would use a soft piece of chalk. Or, if mixed with water, you ...

The Key & its Symbolic Power

The key is symbolic of the power to open and the power to lock. This concept is displayed in the symbol of the dove and the key, signifying the spirit that opens the gates of heaven. In Roman mythology, Janus, the god of doors and new beginnings, was generally represented by a doorkeeper’s staff and key. The goddess Hecate was the keeper of the key that unlocked the door to the underworld, which o...

The Wand & Witchcraft

As with all magical tools, it is not the wand that causes magical transformation, but the Witch, who energetically charges the wand with magical intention. As a shape, it takes the form of a line, and so is used to direct energy. It is often used in Witches’ rituals to invoke theGoddess and God and may be used to draw magical symbols in the air or on the ground. It can also be used to draw the cir...

Witches Bottle Spell

Supplies Needed 1 mason jar,A variety of sharp items such asnails,broken glass,barbed wire,thumb tacks,Shovel or digging tool.1 red candlematches or lighterpen or pencil and paperWandYour DNASea SaltBasil or CinnamonDeity Used. Pan, or the Horned oneTime of day=Night Fill the jar with the sharp items you have chosen.In the remaining space that is left in the jar, fill with your urine, sweat, spit,...

Witch’s Broom

The besom is the traditional witch’s broom. It’s associated with all kinds of legend and folklore, including the popular notion that witches fly around in the night on a broomstick. In addition to being good for playing Quidditch, the besom is a great addition to your collection of magical tools. The besom is used for sweeping a ceremonial area out before ritual. A light sweeping not only cleans t...