Author: A Solitary Pagan

The Love Box

Items needed: Small, heart shaped box, love-drawing incense, love-drawing oil, pink candle, parchment paper, pen, rose quartz, some of your own hair, orris root powder, charcoal, and matches. Perform this spell on the first Friday after the moon turns new. To prepare, center and ground yourself. Light the charcoal. Inscribe upon the parchment that which you specifically desire in a lover. Place so...

Love Drawing Potion

Items needed: One glass sauce pan Dove’s blood ink A small paint brush Sweet red wine A metal tea ball, One cup honey, The following herbs: 3 fresh mint leaves, 7 rosebud petals, 1 pinch orange zest (orange peel), 1 pinch coriander, and 1 pinch basil.   Put the herbs into the tea ball and set aside. On the outside of the glass pan, write the name of the person you desire seven times. On the i...

The Copper Love Charm

Items needed: Seven copper pennies One copper bracelet, One green candle, A green velvet pouch Begin on the night of the new moon. Place all the items called for on your altar. Cast the magick circle, and light the green candle as you say: Power of Venus on this nightWork my will by candlelightBring to me the one I seeAs I will So Mote It Be. Place the copper bracelet in the green pouch. Take one ...

Herbal Love Spell

This spell will give your new romance a kick-start. As the plant grows, so will the love and affection between you and the one you desire. Items needed: One small basil plant,Earth,One rose quartz crystal,Ared flower pot. Write your name and the name of the one you desire on the front of the pot. Just before the moon turns full, put the rose quartz in the bottom of the pot, fill the pot with earth...


For hundreds of years’ people or groups have been performing dedication rituals to their Gods and Goddesses, this was done to declare themselves to the divine, it solidifies the relationship you have and joins your energies together in a harmonious act of love and light. This ritual is a self-dedication for those of us who are solitary practitioners, meaning we practice our craft alone rather than...

Litha History – Celebrating the Summer Solstice

An Ancient Solar Celebration Nearly every agricultural society has marked the high point of summer in some way, shape or form. On this date–usually around June 21 or 22 (or December 21/22 in the southern hemisphere)–the sun reaches its zenith in the sky. It is the longest day of the year, and the point at which the sun seems to just hang there without moving – in fact, the word “solstice” is from ...

Summer Solstice—Midsummer’s Day

Summer Solstice—Midsummer’s Day, the longest day of the year, when the sun reaches its peak of power, and begins to decline. We mark this day as the beginning of summer, of the time of ripeness and harvesting. Yet is also a time of grief, of knowing that the flower must fade for the fruit to set. This year, the solstice falls in the midst of enormous grief—for those who have died in the pandemic, ...

Blessings on Summer Solstice

This was when the whole world measured time This is when the light would turn around This is where the past would come undone and the spinning earth will mark a new beginning Let’s go back in time, to when it all began To the breaking of new dawns Where moments bright with fire, would light the chanting song Where pagans worshipped sun, and danced among the trees Wore strange masks of covered stra...

Summer Solstice Grange Stone Circle

The importance of Summer Solstice ties back to ancient Celtic society’s reliance on agriculture and crops. The reliance and appreciation for the sun is what brought people closer to nature and furthered the understanding of the environment. Through suffering and hardships during the winter months, the Solstice became an important celebration for success and ease during the summer. The celebration ...


(NORTHERN HEMISPHERE) Date: June 20th – 22nd Other Names: Alban Heruin (Druidic), Summer Solstice Pronunciations: lee-thuh, lii-thuh Although the name Litha is not well attested, it may come from Saxon tradition — the opposite of Yule. On this longest day of the year, light and life are abundant. At mid-summer, the Sun God has reached the moment of his greatest strength. Seated on his greenwood th...

Summer Solstice Blessings

In Latin the word ‘solstice’ literally translates to ‘the sun stands still’. In the Northern hemisphere we will enjoy over 16 hours of daylight – and thousands will gather at sacred sites around the world to witness the sun rising on this auspicious day. In the UK this will happen in just a few hours, at around 4.40am. It may be evening still in many parts of the world. Stone circles such as Stone...

Summer Solstice: Longest and Shortest Day of the Year

The June solstice is the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. Solstice’ (Latin: ‘solstitium’) means ‘sun-stopping’, because the point where the sun appears to rise and set, stops and reverses direction after this day. The date varies between June 20 and June 22, depending on the year, and the local time zone. Zenith Furthest Away from the E...