Author: A Solitary Pagan

Kitchen Witch: Lettuce

(Lactuca sativa) Planet: Moon Element: Water Energies: Peace, money, celibacy Lore: Lettuce was sacred to the god Min in ancient Egypt. Min, whose graphic depictions as a phallic god were deemed obscene a hundred years ago, also ruled over vegetation of all kinds. Lettuce seems to have been his favorite due to its greenness and the fact that the core, when squeezed, exudes a milky sap that was pro...

Kitchen Witch: Chervil

(Anthriscus cerefolium) Planet: Mercury Element: Air Energies: Weight Loss Lore: Folk magicians once boiled chervil with pennyroyal. The resulting brewwas thought to cause its drinker to see double. The plant was named cerefolium to honour its ancient use in festivities directed to Ceres, the goddess of grain and vegetation. In earlier, rougher times, many died from combat wounds due to infection....

Kitchen Witch: Bean

(Phaseolus spp.) Planet: Mercury Element: Air Energies: Money, sex Lore: Beans were a major part of the diets of many Mesoamerican cultures,including the Maya and the Aztecs. They’re still an important food throughout Latin America. Plutarch states that beans were given in sacrifice to Harpocrates (the GraecoRoman deity) in the month of Mesore. Apollo was also offered beans in sacrifice. The Egypt...

Kitchen Witch: Plates and Platters

Plates were probably used before bowls. The first plates were flat pieces of wood or stiff leaves, which came in handy for holding and slightly cooling cooked food prior to eating. Plates are ruled by the sun and the element of earth. Generally speaking, they represent the physical world, money, and abundance. Any plate made of natural materials can be used for magic

Kitchen Witch: Suggestions for Magickal Cooking

When preparing foods for specific magical purposes, cook with purpose and care. Keep your goal in mind. Know that the food contains the energies that you require.— Always stir clockwise. The clockwise motion is thought to be in harmony with the apparent movement of the sun in the sky, and has been linked with life, health, and success.— Cut foods into shapes symbolic of your magical goal; i.e., he...

Kitchen Witch: Tortilla

Planet: Sun Element: Fire Energies: Spirituality, protection Lore: Tortillas are a standard Mexican food. They are still made in the same way as they were during Aztec times. Round, containing sacred corn, tortillas are an indispensable part of the Latino diet. The Huichols of Mexico also offer tortillas to their deities. Tortillas made of yellow corn are believed to be more satisfying and to give...

Summer Solstice, Watermelon & Feta Salad

1/4 watermelon, diced into bite-sized chunks 1/2 cucumber 2 oz. feta cheese, crumbled (I like to leave the feta in rather large chunks: personal preference) 1 lime 1 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil (I beg of you, break out the good stuff: it makes all the difference) 4-5 fresh mint leaves, chiffonade salt and pepper Slice the half cucumber down the middle and then cut each half so that you have a pil...

Kitchen Witch: Forks

Though they are commonly found in Western tables today, forks were once used solely for noneating purposes such as spearing fish, working with hay, and digging. The first fork was probably a forked stick. Until late in the seventeenth century, most Western peoples ate with their fingers. Though the fork was introduced into Europe in the eleventh century, it took five hundred years for it to gain w...

Kitchen Witch: Vegetarianism 1.1

Many witches are strict vegetarians. They shun meat, poultry, and fish; some even avoid eggs and milk products. They often believe that spiritual advancement and magical ability can only be obtained with such a diet. There are many kinds of vegetarians. Those who follow a macrobiotic diet eat little more than grains. The more common type commonly called “vegans,” add fruits, vegetables, and nuts t...

Kitchen Witch: Sunflower

(Helianthus annuus) Planet: Sun Element: Fire Energies: Protection, success Lore: Sunflowers were viewed as symbols of the sun by the ancient Incas of Peru. Gold crowns inspired by this flower were reportedly worn by solar priestesses during rituals. Many Mexican gardens contain sunflowers, since their presence is thought to confer “luck.” Women still eat sunflower seeds for help in conceiving a c...

Kitchen Witch: Seaweed

Planet: Moon Element: Water Energies: Weight loss Lore: Seaweed (more correctly, sea vegetables) are surprisingly nutritious foods that are rarely found in Western diets, except as processed food additives (such as carrageenan). In Cornwall, pieces of a seaweed known as Lady’s Tresses were placed on small stands near the chimney to guard seaside cottages against fire. Seaweed is eaten throughout t...

Kitchen Witch: Onion

(Allium cepa) Planet: Mars Element: Fire Energies: Protection, weight loss Lore: The great city of Chicago was named for the local Indians’ word for the wild onions growing in the area—chicago. According to ancient Egyptian incantations, onions were included in charms designed to keep potentially harmful ghosts from children. Celebrants at winter solstice festivals in Egypt wore onions around thei...