
Bune Wand

This is the old Scottish name given to anything a witch used to fly on. Contrary to popular belief, the instrument of the witches’ legendary flights through the air was by no means always a broomstick...

The Dorset Ooser

The Ooser was written about in Doreen Valiente’s ABC’s of Witchcraft and in Margaret Murray’s The God of the Witches. It was a hollow mask made of painted wood, trimmed with fur, and crowned with bull...

The Fetch Beast

The Fetch-Beast, also known as the Fetch-Wife, has been dealt with elsewhere in this book, and is the Underworld Self of the Crafter, known in Briar Rose as the Dragon. The third kind of Fetch, the on...

The Powers of the Sphinx

here are said to be four primary things essential to magic. These four principles are the Powers of the Sphinx: To know, to will, to dare, and to keep silent Eliphas Lévi indicates where to start in o...

Castle of Stone

The castles of our system are based on Grail Lore, but they also have representations in the none world. These castles are symbolic of the energies inherent in their names and attributed to them by my...

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