Folk Magick / Healing Magick / Health Magick

Folk Medicine and Remedies Cold Prevention

Folk Medicine and Remedies Cold Prevention

  • Echinacea is good as a preventative and when you start to get sick. To prevent a cold you can take 30 drops a day for week, stop for a week and then repeat it. If you notice thay you’re getting sick, you can take 20 drops five times a day for a week.
  • Mix a large, finely chopped onion with four tbsp of honey. Leave it foir three hours and then strain. Take 1 tbsp of the juice three times a day.
  • Chew Angelica root when you feel a cold coming on.
  • Some take a large dose of vitamin C (vitamin chock) and mean they’ve avoided an oncoming cold. (Be careful, large doses of vitamin C can be hard on the mucus membranes of the stomach.
  • Chew garlic until all the juice is gone.
  • Put garlic in your nose and sniff the fumes. One clove in each nostril and breathe in a couple of times.
  • Garlic sandwich; 3 cloves, a piece of bread and some other form of spread.
  • Garlic salad; 1⁄2 finely chopped apple, 1 tbsp of parsley, 2 large pressed garlic cloves, 1 tbsp of sour cream. (Eat it 3 times a day, the apple and the sour cream makes it taste milder and the parsley takes away some of the smell.)
  • Garlic and milk: bring 2-3 cloves to boil with milk, add honey if you like, nice to give to children who can’t eat raw garlic.
  • When you feel a cold coming on, chew on shoots from fur tree, larch or pine. It’s supposed to kill it. It’s disinfecting for the mouth and the throat, increases blood circulation and is said to be blood purifying. For those afraid of bad smell, there are remedies for that to, see bad breath.
  • Put 2 drops of iodine in 1 glass of water drink it every day. (Iodine is poisonous in larger amounts so be thorough with the dose, some may be allergic to iodine and shouldn’t drink it.)
  • Put Champhor 20 drops on a piece of sugar and suck on it or take 1 cup of warm milk with 1 tsp of camphor (this is strong, not recommended for small children), go to bed and sweat it out. Dry camphor- put it on a wool cloth and put it on your chest, loosens nose and chest and is said to protect against infection (can also be used on children).
  • Chamomile tea and linden flower tea also prevent infection. 2-3 tsp is made into a large cup of tea.
  • 2 Peppermint drops in half a glass of tepid water or on some honey.
  • Sage gurgle water and tea.
  • Apple geranium – plant which smells like lemon when you touch it, just to have it in the living room can be preventative.
  • Zone therapy – press on and massage the skin between your thumb and your index finger on both hands for about 5 minutes, then put your index finger nails against the top of the inside of the thumb nails and press for 15 minutes. Repeat several times a day for a couple of days.
  • Take a warm foot bath with a handful of sea salt and go to bed immediately after, you’ll probably feel better the next day.