
Santa Muerte7: Facts and Practices Behind the Saint of Death: Worshipping Santa Muerte Yourself

All religious figures since humans have been worshiping have been known to require some type of dedicated devotion or action done in their name before they will accept any requests pertaining to their goodwill. Whether these practices come through prayer, sacrifice, altars, or spellwork, there is a tangible nature to worshipping any entity. You must first show respect to these folklore gods and goddesses before you can ask anything of them. Santa Muerte’s followers look to her to help accomplish many tasks, such as being blessed with love, money, employment, health, and so on. Take a look at some of the things that you should consider when you’re looking to make contact with Santa Muerte: You must perform any rituals, prayers, or altar worship in darkness or at night, since this is when Santa Muerte is at her strongest. If you want to use spellwork to connect with Santa Muerte, make sure that you have an experienced spellcaster nearby so that you complete your spell safely. You can dedicate a pair of rosary beads to the goddess of death and pray on them throughout the day. Since she has roots in both pagan and Catholic worship, you can light candles in her honor at the start or end of every day. If you’re in the area, you can visit a temple dedicated to Santa Muerte and pay your homage there.

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