
Swamp Witch Black Water Hattie2

Many of the people fear Hattie because of her powers, they fear what she could do and they also fear the stories of what other people have told them about her. Some people claim to have seen the horrible things that Hattie has done but it seems more likely that Hattie doesn’t cause trouble with the towns people and just prefers to be alone. Another reason people are afraid of Hattie is because of the animals that she keeps with her. But despite the fact of all the stories told about her and the fear that people have of her. Hattie helps the town when a plague comes to the town at first they blame Hattie for the plague. But the towns folk change their minds about her after she helps them and saves the town. The people want to thank Hattie but she doesn’t want any thanks all she wants is to be alone. Even though Hattie isn’t as evil as people believe she knows that people fear her and she uses this to scare people and keep them away.

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