Fairy Magick

Leprechaun in the Fairy Realm

The folklore of Ireland is filled with famous tales of this fairy shoemaker. The Leprechaun is depicted as having a wizened face, gray beard, and twinkling eyes. He wears a red jacket with silver butt...

Auki in the Fairy Realm

The mountain spirit of Peru who inhabits the high Andes, is called upon by the brujos (shamans) to heal the sick. The brujos will call the auki by whistling. The auki will descend, and channel its pow...

Goblins in the Fairys Realm

Goblins are earth spirits. Popular in European folklore, goblins are said to be knee-high, with heavy gray hair and beards. They inhabit the homes of humans, where they indulge in poltergeist activiti...

Elf Arrows

Arrowhead-shaped flints from the Stone Agefound in many parts of the British Isles, Europe andnorthern Africa, which witches supposedly used as weaponsagainst animals and people. Elf-arrow superstitio...

Nymph in the Fairy Realm

Nymphs are female water spirits that appear in classical Greek and Roman mythology. They are portrayed as beautiful maidens dressed in gossamer gowns, with long flowing hair. The nymphs would attend t...

The Hedge Craft – Connecting to the Lowerworld

The Lowerworld is often associated with the Sidhe, the Fair Folk, thefaerie folk. Travelling by means of the World tree, we can work with theFair Folk as well as the ancestors in the Lowerworld. The a...

Fairy Ring

A natural mushroom fungus that grows indark rings on grass and turf. In folklore it is said to bethe site where fairies and witches meet at night to danceand sing. The mushroom is inedible—and animals...

Bogie in the Fairy Realm

A frightening goblin of English folklore. The bogie is described as little, black, and hairy. It is considered dangerous, mischievous, sly, and is renowned for its intelligence. Parents would use the ...

Making Fairy Water

Use this fairy water out in the garden as well as using it as an astringent and in the bath! Sprinkle a few drops here and there along with some glitter! If that doesn’t make the wee ones want to visi...

Fairies & Their Origins

A host of supernatural beings and spirits who exist between earth and heaven. Both good and evil, fairies have been associated with witches.During the witch hunts in Europe and the British Isles, accu...

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