To use the herbs fresh, simply wash them in cool water and pat them dry. They can be kept lively for a few days by putting them in a vase of water and keeping them in a cool area (if your fridge isn...
Record any observations you make while working with the herb along with it’s location in your harvest journal. If the plant is particularly fragrant or effective, write it down so you know to go bac...
Having taken from the plant, you should give thanks for the gift. Tell it that you’re grateful, and assure it that it wont be misused. Then, provide payment!Pour the fertilizer you brought at the root...
Using your sharp implement, make a clean, angular cut near a joint. This will make it easier for the plant to heal and regrow. You will want to choose a portion of the plant that is not the oldest (da...
Before you cut the plant, you should take some time to connect with it. Examine it to see if it is healthy. Take your time identifying it. Feel the plant’s energy and let it get to know you. Once you’...
Some of us are lucky to live close to forests or natural fields on public land, but for many it can be a challenge to source wild herbs.If you live in a city, find out if there are any nature trails o...
The first thing you will need is a cutting tool. Some traditions recommend the use of a sickle-shaped tool with a white handle, called the Boline. Here’s an example of what one looks like: Personally,...
Plants and herbs are a common ingredient in many forms of magic. Whether you are making incense, stuffing a sachet, or brewing a folk remedy, if you practice long enough, you’re eventually going to ha...
APPLE — health, longevity, love CHERRY — love PEAR — health, properity, love ORANGE — joy, health, purification LEMON — purification, protection, health LIME — happiness, purification, healing GRAPE —...
ALLSPICE — prosperity, increasing energy, love, healing, luck ANGELICA —protection, purification BASIL — prosperity, success, peace, protection, happiness, purification, tranquility, love BAY — succes...
CARNATION — protection, strength, energy, luck, healing DAFFODIL — love, fertility, luck DAISY — love, hope, innocence, associated with children GARDENIA — love, harmony, healing, peace GERANIUM — pro...
APPLE — life, longevity, fertility, fairies, the otherworld, afterlife, creativity, love, healing, harmony ASH — water, strength, intellect, willpower, protection, justice, balance, harmony, skill, tr...
GARLIC — healing, protection, banishing, purification ONION — protection, exorcism, healing, prosperity LETTUCE — fertility, peace, harmony, love, protection CARROTS — fertility, health PEAS — love, a...
One half cup of white vinegar One half cup of plain tap water Two teaspoons of bicarb20 drops of Grapeseed Extract Mix the white vinegar and plain tap water, then add the bicarb only one teaspoon at a...
One Half cup white vinegarOne half cup plain tap water Two tablespoons of borax Two teaspoons of bicarb of soda Several drops of either Lavender oil or Peppermint oil. Mix the white vinegar and plain ...
One half cup of white vinegar One half cup of plain tap water Two teaspoons of borax Two or three drops of washing up liquidMix thoroughly to dissolve Borax. Add washing up liquid after. Pour into an ...
A Green Witch is normally someone who practices Natural Witchcraft. Someone who works with the Earth and the Universe around them.A Green Witch also works with the energies of natural objects l...
I Acknowledge the Unity of the Divine, symbolized by the Divine Androgyne, aspected as fe male and male, Goddess and God, form and energy, lunar and solar powers, honored during the Wheel of the Year...
The green witch is a naturalist. She or he harkens back to the old days of healing magick with herbs, spices, and such. The green witch has studied labouriously all their witchy lives to know their fl...