Author: A Solitary Pagan

Witches Garters

Ornaments with magical properties, and in contemporary Witchcraft, are sometimes worn in various rituals and as badges of rank. Garters may have been used in rituals in Paleolithic times: an ancient cave painting in northeastern Spain portrays nine women, wearing pointed headdresses, and dancing in a circle around a naked man, who wears a cord or garter tied under each knee. Garters are prominent ...


A heavily charged place of magic. The Greek goddess of witchcraft, Hecate, was also the goddess of the crossroads, and animals were sacrificed to her at such locations. It was believed that Hecate appeared at crossroads on clear nights, accompanied by spirits and howling dogs. Offerings were placed there to propitiate her and ask for her intercession in cases of madness, which was believed to be c...

What is Black Magick

Alot of practitioners of magick will say there is no color in magick and that’s true to some extent. But that doesn’t mean the idea of black, white or nature magick doesn’t exist in today’s vocabulary. Black Magik is typically known as magickal practices with negative intent. That means doing harm or trying to control others. Most practitioners of Witchcraft do not associate with these kinds of pr...

White Magick

White Magick focuses on positive intent or actions. Even with positive intent, white magic can be used to control the will of others. Because of that, it holds a similar accountability as those actions conducted under the concepts of black magic. Think of it this way. Conducting healing for a relative dying of cancer in order for that person to continue living is admirable. But the consequences ar...

Magickcal Knowledge

White witchcraft is essentially the process of drawing on ancient wisdom and powers via the collective mind that we as individuals can spontaneously but unconsciously access in our dreams andvisions. In magick, we can use rituals and altered states of consciousness to access this cosmic memory bank at will and in doing so, some believe, draw on the accumulated powers of many generations, especiall...

Four Ways to Make Everyday Magickal

For some, magick isn’t something to be contained into back room rituals and secretive assemblies in the dark depths of the forest, it’s something to be celebrated daily and integrated into the most mundane aspects of our lives .Magick, intention, energy can be harnessed and used to make your life better, keep yourself grounded and provide spiritual enlightenment and growth. Performing small acts o...

The Crooked Path of the Outcast

One of the parts of strolling the Crooked Path that is once in a while tended to in books is the feeling of being an untouchable. What we’re discussing is this feeling of being separated, of being distant from everyone else notwithstanding when you’re in a group, notwithstanding when inside a horde of Pagans, you’ll sit separated from them. You feel like there’s something among you and them that p...

Herbs In Magick

There is a long tradition of using herbs for healing, but they have many other uses. As well as healing rituals, you can place dishes of charged herbs near a bedside in a sickroom or on your healing altar next to a symbol, photograph, or the name of the person to be healed. However, they are also excellent for emotional support and spiritual empowerment. For example, if you get stressed on a regul...

Magickal Intentions – Fidelity

Although magically forcing your loved one to remain faithful is violating one of the precepts of magic (harm none), there are herbs which can be used to gently remind him or her of you, and to guard against unwanted temptations. Use them with love and care.

Belief, Respect, Ethics, & Responsibility in Magick

Magick cannot be practiced successfully without belief, respect, ethics, and responsibility. If you do not believe in magick, you will not be able to make magick. If you do not believe in yourself, and in your ability to work magick, you will not be able to make magick work for you. If you do not believe that you deserve the blessings that magick can bring, you will not be able to accept blessings...

Magical Ways – Visualization

The most “advanced” magical technique needed in herb magic is visualization; i.e., forming a picture in your mind of your need. Many books have been written on this subject, for students often complain that they have difficulty visualizing clearly. Usually, the ability is present but hindered by inhibitions. Can you, at this moment, see your mother’s face? What about that of your closest friend, o...

Magickal Intentions – Luck

Luck is simply the knack for being in the right place at the right time, saying the right things, and acting on instinct. If a person is not naturally “lucky” such an ability can be acquired through the use of herbs. How this “luck” will manifest is left unstated, but luck herbs are usually utilized when a person has had a run of “bad” luck—and wishes to change this to good. Luck herbs give you th...