
Draconic Path and the Draconian Path

This post briefly explains the difference between the Draconic Path and the Draconian Path.The Draconic Path has recently gained a following. More and more people seem to be interested in this path. H...

A World Whose Creation is a Myth

Imagine a world whose creation myth begins not with Light, nor even with Darkness, but with a vulture picking clean the bones of a dream we finally admitted was dead. Our own magic destroyed us in the...

Cleansing the Toxins from Mind and Body

We all carry things that o not serve us and only poison our spirits Today its time to cleanse the toxins from mind and body On a small table drape a small black cloth. In the center place visual repre...

Learning Defensive Magick

This, again, is mostly for working with nature spirits, ghosts, and daemons. Make sure you know what you are doing, and do not start something first. Although you might feel threatened, it does not me...

Personal Wards

For personal wards, the same visualization techniques apply, just on a smaller scale. And it’s perfectly acceptable to use a different visualization for your personal wards than you do for your proper...

Suggestions to Call your Magick

Set aside a time once a week to burn a candle. Make it a color that connects to whatever aspect of your life you would like insight or growth in and spend 10 minutes watching the flame and opening you...

Magical Journaling

Journaling serves as an ideal basis for practicing shadow work. In the beginning stages, it is a very basic, low intensity exercise that most anyone can do without worry of incurring any significant m...


Be clear in your intentions towards your dreams. Write them down and review them before going to bed, so they’ll be fresh in your mind each night. Examples of your intentions might include: I wi...

The Law of Return

Every act which you perform will draw to itself three times the nature of the act. Such is the Law. This effects not only the acts of each day, but reaches into the future as well. Here the Law establ...


Every beginning is also the ending of that which was before it. Every ending is likewise a beginning of that which is to follow. Coming and going are simply the two sides of the one journey. Death is ...

Death, Motherhood, and Fertility:

Maman Brigitte, wrapped in allure and mystery, is the Loa of death, cemeteries, and fertility. The short version of the story; she is a badass. The long version is an interesting dive into history and...

Nothing is dead matter in the universe

Nothing is dead matter in the universe. All things exist, therefore all things live, though perhaps in a different manner from that which we are used to calling life. In view of this, the Witch knows ...

November Magick

The month of November comes from the Latin Novem – which was originally the ninth month in the Roman calendar. The last month before the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere, November is t...


The human body will eventually fade away after the death experience. Yet the Soul cannot be destroyed, nor is it subject to physical actions or restrictions. After the death of the body, the Soul is s...

The Grigori

Before the people walked upon the world, there dwelt those beings which we call the Grigori. Some have called them spirits and gods. Some have spoken of them as powers and forces. The old legends tell...

The Act of Rebirth

After the death experience has been completed, then the Soul is made ready to be born again. When a couple is engaged in sexual union, a whirlpool of energy (a vortex) is created above them. This ener...

Never forget that your magick

The truth of life is that every year we get farther away from the essence that is born within us. We get shouldered with burdens, some of them good, some of them not so good. Things happen to us. Love...

The Power of Blood

I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that blood is a powerful thing. This is something that is so embedded in us that we all understand it. Fear and awe of blood goes way back to our earliest human ances...

Magick Power

Energy—it is what makes up the universe. A witch calls this magic. Energy is the force of life. Energy empowers us to creation. Indeed it is all about the Magic Powers or direction of energy in our li...

THE SEVEN RAYS – What Are they

“We are told that seven great rays exist in the cosmos. In oursolar system only one of these seven great rays is in operation. Theseven sub-divisions constitute the “seven rays” whic...