Candle Magick

Witches Candles

Witches’ candles can be used as a source of light, as devotional symbols of deity, as a means of communicating with Spirit, and to aid transformation in many spells. Candles have a magical way about t...

Empowering a Candle

Choose a candle with the colour according to the Spell you wish to cast. It does not matter what size candle you use as long as its A fresh candle that has never been used before. Hold the candle in y...

Red Candle

Red is for Fire and the South, noon, and summer. Place your red candle in the six o’clock position. Fire represents light, the Sun, lightning, fertility, power, joy, ambition, inspiration, and achieve...

Zodiacal Candle Colours And Associations

Aries, the Ram: 21 March to 20 April. Colour: red. A cardinal Fire sign, for all matters of the self and of identity, for rituals of innovation, courage assertiveness and action. Ruled by Mars. Taurus...

An Introduction to Candle Magick

Although tools of the craft may at times help you can practice magick with nothing but a candle. A candle is a self-contained magical system, for although it represents the Fire element, it also conta...

Colour Correspondents of Candles

When it comes to colours, you may wish to have a variety on hand for different purposes. Typically, colour correspondences for candle magic are as follows: White: A balance of all colours; Spirit...

Candle Colours and their Meaning

Here are the most common candle colors and their suggested uses: White. The color of purity and new beginnings. Use a white candle for rituals involving healing, new beginnings, and spiritual growth. ...

Blue Candles

Blue is for Water and the West, dusk, and autumn. A blue candle is placed in the nine o’clock position. Water represents love, relationships, sympathy, intuition, reconciliation, harmony, healing, and...

Zodiacal Candles

Candles etched with zodiacal signs may be used to represent people born during a particular Sun period. They may then be burnt in rituals for different purposes. For instance, you can burn your own zo...

Making Dipped Candles

This recipe makes six 10 x three-quarter inch tapers. You will need • 4 pounds of bees wax.• Three 24-inch lengths of flat-braided 2/0 wick• A drying rack. You can make a drying rack by hammering pair...

Hedge Witches Candle Spell

Take a candle of an appropriate colour to use in your work. As a very basic guide, red is for love and passion, pink for emotions, blue for healing, green for the environment, brown for animals, yello...

Pillar Candle

Pillar candles are tall, wide, and generally round.  They last a long time, so they are excellent for ongoing spells. The way that pillar candles burn varies according to shape, content, and manu...

Candle Ritual for Sorrow or Loss

Here is a Black And White Candle Ritual ritual for a new beginning after sorrow or loss. You can carry out this ritual for yourself or someone you know who is grieving or unhappy after a betrayal of s...

Candle Making Equipment

Double Boiler Using a double boiler will help to keep your wax from reaching too high of temperatures. After use you can clean the top of the double boiler by wiping it with a dry dishtowel before the...

Yellow Candle

Yellow is for Air and the East, dawn, and spring. A yellow candle is placed at the three o’clock position. Air represents life itself, logic, the mind, communication, health, new beginnings, travel, l...

Preparation for Candle Magick

Remember the most important thing is what phase the moon is in. If it is waning, you want to work on something that you do not want anymore or some kind of psychic work. It is a great time for banishm...

Art of Candle Magick

A lot of witches burn candles just about every night. They burn a candle in honor of the Goddess. Just burning a candle, too, puts you in the right frame of mind. Some witches, even if they are burnin...

Crafting Ritual/Ceremonial Candles

Crafting Ritual/Ceremonial Candles Ritual Candles are a form of symbolism used within the circle while summoning the elements and guardians therein. Each is created with the symbols of a specific elem...

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