
Imbolc 1.4

Fire is one of the most important aspects of this celebration, for it was also a day dedicated to the pagan
Goddess Brighid (also known as, Bríde, Bridget, Brigit or Brìd).

Brighid is a triple aspect Goddess (revered as Maiden, Mother and Crone).

As Maiden she ruled over Poetry, Writing, Inspiration and Music, as Mother over Healing, Midwifery and Herbalism, and as Crone over Fire and the working Arts of the Smithy.

When Christianity arrived, instead of doing away with Brighid as a pagan Goddess, they canonized her as “St. Bridget” the patron Saint of Ireland, in which guise she founded a church and monastery at Kildare.

It was here according to legend that the Priestesses of the Goddess constantly tended a Sacred Flame in her honour.