Solitary Magick

Experiencing Energy Signatures

Each person and entity has their own energy signature. By learning to recognize your energy signature from someone else’s, you become more attuned to the energy around you. There are many exercises th...

Attuning Your Energies 8 Respect The Entities You Work With

When you start working with entities, of any type, always show the utmost respect for them. This is one thing that most people overlook when working with entities, manmade or preexisting. Many, either...

Attuning Your Energies7 Become More Creative

Expanding your creativity is extremely helpful when working with any type of magick. When it comes to creating entities, however, creativity should be given the highest priority of development. Thinki...

Attuning Your Energies6 Visualization

Another tool in your toolbox is the art of creative visualization. Creative visualization will help you align the physical, mental, and spiritual minds to act together to achieve the desired result. I...

Attuning Your Energies5 Sleep

Getting enough sleep is very important for health and energy. With only a few exceptions, the average adult needs between 7 and 8 hours of sleep within each 24- hour period to be adequately alert for ...

Attuning Your Energies4 Diet

A good diet and perhaps even a good multivitamin can make a big difference in your energy as well. There is no one “true” diet that everyone should follow. However, try to eat balanced meals with mode...

Attuning Your Energies3 Exercise

Regular exercise is an important factor in overall health. Exercise not only will keep you in good physical shape, but also reduces stress, alleviates depression, and improves the quality of your slee...

Water Elemental Correspondence

Generally called from the west Considered moist and cool and is associated with the phlegmatic temperament  Considered feminine and nature Represents the liquid state of matter  Corresponds to matur...

Fire Elemental Correspondence

Generally called from the south Considered warm and dry and is associated with the choleric temperament Active and penetrating and considered masculine in nature Represents energy Corresponds to our c...

Air Elemental Correspondence

Generally called from the East Considered warm and moist and is associated with the sanguine temperament Considered hermaphrodite or masculine in nature Represents the gaseous state of matter Correspo...

Earth Elemental Correspondence

Generally called from the North Considered cool and dry and is associated with the melancholic temperament Represents the solid state of matter Corresponds to the physical part of ourselves, our physi...

Invoking Spirit Element

When you feel you are sufficiently adept at using the other Elements, you may begin to use spirit – the fifth Element. This has no special space but is everywhere. It should never ever be used negativ...

The Sigillum Aemeth

The Sigillum Aemeth, or Seal of Truth, illustrated above, was inscribed by John Dee upon a disk of “perfect wax” that was nine inches in diameter (nine is the number of the moon) and one inch thick. I...

An Explanation of Divination

Among other things, Divination can be termed as foretelling the future, finding objects and people, and determining guilt by means of information obtained from signs, omens, dreams, visions, and divin...


A pendulum can be made of any weighted object on a string. It can be a stone weight, crystal, metal, or even just a button on some thread. You don’t need to spend money at all, just use what you have ...

A Glossary of Divination X

XYLOMANCY is divination from pieces of wood, either from their shape when collected or their appearance while burning.

A Glossary of Divination T

TASSEOGRAPHY is the reading of tea leaves that remain in a tea cup once the beverage has been drunk. TEPHRAMANCY is divination by ashes obtained from the burning of tree bark. TIROMANCY is a type of d...

A Glossary of Divination S

SCIOMANCY is divination using a spirit guide, a method generally employed by channelers. SCRYING is a general term for divination using a crystal, mirrors, bowls of water, ink, or flames to induce vis...

A Glossary of Divination R

RADIESTHESIA is the general term for divination using a device such as a divining rod or pendulum. Other forms include “table tipping” which was practiced at the White House in the 19th century, the O...

A Glossary of Divination P

PALMISTRY is the broad field of divination and interpretation of the lines and structure of the hand. PEGOMANCY concerns itself with spring water and bubbling fountains and the omens contained therein...

A Glossary of Divination O

  OCULOMANCY is divination from a person’s eye. OINOMANCY is divination using wine. OMPHALOMANCY IS counting the number of knots in the umbilical cord to predict how many more children the mother...

A Glossary of Divination N

NUMEROLOGY is the numerical interpretation of numbers, dates, and the number value of letters.

A Glossary of Divination M

MARGARITOMANCY is the procedure of using bouncing pearls. METAGNOMY is the divination using “visions” received in a trance state. METEOROMANCY is divination from meteors. METOPOSCOPY is the reading of...

A Glossary of Divination L

  LAMPADOMANCY is divination using lights or torches. LECANOMANCY uses a basin of water for divination. LIBANOMANCY is the study of incense and its smoke. LITHOMANCY is divination using precious ...

A Glossary of Divination I

ICHTHYOMANCY is divination using fish.

A Glossary of Divination H

HALOLMANCY see ALOMANCY HARUSPICATION IS fortune-telling by means of inspecting the entrails of animals, as practiced by priests in ancient Rome. HIEROMANCY or HIERSCOPY is divination by observing obj...

A Glossary of Divination G

GASTROMANCY is an ancient form of ventriloquism whereby the voice is lowered to a sepulchral tone and prophetic utterances are delivered in a trance state. GELOSCOPY is the divination from the tone of...

A Glossary of Divination D

DACTYLOMANCY is an early form of RADIESTHESIA using a dangling ring. DAPHNOMANCY requires one to listen to laurel branches crackling in an open fire. DEMONOMANCY is divination with the aid of demons. ...

A Glossary of Divination C

CAPNOMANCY is the study of smoke rising from a fire. CARTOMANCY is fortune telling using cards such as the Tarot. CATOPTROMANCY is an early form of crystal gazing that utilizes a mirror turned to the ...

A Glossary of Divination B

BELOMANCY is an ancient form of divination performed by tossing or balancing arrows. BIBLIOMANCY involves divination by books. BOTANOMANCY is divination from burning tree branches and leaves. BUMPOLOG...

A Glossary of Divination A

AEROMANCY divination from the air and sky, particularly concentrating on cloud shapes, comets, and other phenomena not normally visible in the heavens. ALCHEMY is the practice of transmutation of base...

Symbolism for Divination W

● Well- blessing from the Goddess, inspiration, spirituality, health ● Wheel- completion, eternity, season/life cycles, rebirth, gains ● Windmill- business dealings, factors working together for one g...

Symbolism for Divination U

● Umbrella- temporary shelter, limited protection ● Unicorn- purity, nature, fairy blessings, Otherworld intervention

Symbolism for Divination T

● Tree- blessings of nature, good fortune, stability, power, security ● Turtle- fertility, security, defense against obstacles, slow gains

Symbolism for Divination S

● Salt- purity, stability, cleansing, grounding ● Scales- balance, justice, careful evaluation ● Scissors- duplicity, arguments, separation, division, strife ● Shell- Goddess, emotional stability, luc...

Symbolism for Divination R

● Ring- eternity, containment, wheel of life/year, wedding ● Rose- love, lost or past love, fullness of life, healing, caring

Symbolism for Divination P

● Palm Tree- respite, relief, security, protection, blessings ● Parrot- gossip, flamboyance ● Peacock- luxury, vanity, baseless pride ● Pineapple- hospitality, good things hidden by harsh exterior ● P...

Symbolism for Divination O

● Owl- wisdom, spiritual communication

Symbolism for Divination N

● Nail- labor, construction, unity

Symbolism for Divination M

● Man- visitor, helpful stranger ● Mirror- reversal, knowledge, karma ● Moon- the Goddess, intuitive wisdom, guidance ● Mountain- hindrance, challenge, obstacle, journey, steadfastness ● Mouse- povert...

Symbolism for Divination L

● Ladder- initiation, rise or fall in status, connections ● Lion- power, strength, influence, ferocity, pride, domination ● Lock- protection, concealment, security, obstacles, sealed

Symbolism for Divination K

● Key- understanding, mysteries, opportunity, gain, security ● Kite- warning for caution, new ideas ● Knot- restrictions, marriage, bindings ● Knife- duplicity, misunderstanding, direct action

Symbolism for Divination H

● Hammer- hard work rewarded, building, creativity, fortitude ● Hat- honors, rivalry, independence, self-assertion ● Hound- advice, help given, companionship, trust ● Heart- love, pleasure, confidence...

Symbolism for Divination G

● Glove- protection, luck, aloofness, nobility, challenge ● Gate- opportunity, advancement, change, new directions ● Gun (any type)- power to gain goals, discord, slander, infidelity

Symbolism for Divination F

● Fan- indiscretion, disloyalty, things hidden, inflammations ● Fence- retention of possessions, defense, isolation ● Fish- riches, luck, sexuality, productivity ● Flag- warning, defensiveness, identi...

Symbolism for Divination E

● Egg- increase, fertility, luck, creativity, new start, hoarding ● Eye- introspection, awareness, evaluation, spirit

Symbolism for Divination D

● Dagger- complications, dangers, power, skill ● Distaff- creativity, changes, sexuality ● Dog- fidelity, friendship, companionship, faithfulness ● Duck- plenty, wealth, success ● Elephant- advice nee...

Symbolism for Divination C

● Castle- financial gain, security, inheritance, life of bounty ● Cage- isolation, restriction, imprisonment, containment ● Cat- wisdom, spiritual access, female friend, domestic strife ● Car- local t...

Symbolism for Divination B

● Basket- gift, security, comfort ● Baby- new interests, security, new beginnings ● Bees (hive, comb)- fertility, industry, community, self-sacrifice ● Bell- celebrations, news (good or bad, depending...

Symbolism for Divination A

● Acorn- youth, strength, man, small start for large accomplishment ● Airplane- travel, new projects ● Anchor- voyage, rest, problem solved, security ● Arrow- news, disagreements, direct action

Mirror Divination

One of the most ancient forms of divination is crystallomancy or catoptromancy, performed with a magic mirror. The Magi of Persia are said to have used mirrors, as well as the ancient Greeks and Roman...

Ouija Boards

Today, most people look at Ouija boards  and think, “Why would you want to open the gates of Hell?” It wasn’t always that way, however. The Ouija board came straight out of the “Spiritualism” movement...

Cauldron Divination

Divination is an art that has been practiced in one form or another since ancient times and in all levels of culture. There are a number of ways in which a cauldron can be used for divining. One metho...

Numerology Divination Techniques for a Solitary Pagan Practitioner

Numerology is a technique that involves using numbers to gain insight into different areas of life. Practitioners may use techniques such as calculating a person’s life path number or using the letter...

Pendulum Divination Techniques for a Solitary Pagan Practitioner

A pendulum is a small weight that is suspended from a string or chain. To use a pendulum for divination, the practitioner holds the weight steady and then asks a yes or no question. The pendulum will ...

Runes Divination Techniques for a Solitary Pagan Practitioner

Runes are a set of ancient symbols that were used by the Germanic and Norse peoples for divination. They consist of 24 or 25 small stones or tiles, each with a different symbol carved into it. To use ...

Tarot Cards Divination Techniques for a Solitary Pagan Practitioner

Tarot cards are a popular divination tool that can provide insight into a variety of different areas of life. They consist of a deck of 78 cards, each with its own unique meaning. To use tarot cards f...

Scrying Divination Techniques for a Solitary Pagan Practitioner

Scrying is a technique that involves gazing into a reflective surface, such as a crystal ball or a mirror, in order to gain insight and guidance. The practitioner may see images, symbols, or other vis...

Divination Techniques for a Solitary Pagan Practitioner

Divination is a practice that has been used for centuries by people of different cultures and religions to gain insight into the unknown. For Solitary Pagans, divination is a powerful tool that can be...

Altar Objects

This is a general term for the objects that youplace on your altar – candleholders, flowervases, crystals and so forth – which do notnecessarily have a specific magical use of theirown; they are prese...

Talismans, Amulets and Charms

These devices use all the other forms of magic intheir formation, but principally representationaland symbolic magic. They are ‘charged’ (givenpower) magically and usually are worn orcarried on the pe...

Symbolic Magick

In this system different symbols, rather thanobjects, are used to represent various ideas,people or goals. These symbols can be personalto you, or such things as Tarot cards, runes,Hebrew letters or n...

Representational Magick

Representational magic involves using anobject that represents something or someonefor whom you are working the spell. It helps inconcentrating the energy and visualizing thedesire and the end result....

Knot Magick

Knot magic works partly with the principle ofbinding, which is a type of bidding spell, andalso with that of weaving, which wastraditionally a female intuitive occupation. Itutilizes ribbon, rope, str...

Crystal Magick

Every stone or gem has its own attribute whichcan be used in magic. Crystals are used extensively in healing because of the vibrationalimpact they can have. Because of this, they lendthemselves to the...

Candle Magick

In candle magic, man discovered the ability tocontrol light and this is one of the oldest formsof magic as well as one of the most simple.Using candles to symbolize ourselves and ourbeliefs means that...

Herbal Magick

Herbal magic is often used alongside many other forms of magic. Used as talismans and amulets – for example in a pouch or bag – herbs become protective; the oil from herbs can also be used in candle m...

Colour Magick

Perhaps the simplest form of magic is thatwhich involves colour. This method of workingis also used in conjunction with various otherforms of magic. Colour can enhance, alter andcompletely change mood...

Elemental Magick

IN THIS PARTICULAR type of magic theElements of Fire, Earth, Air and Water aregiven their own directional focus to createadded power and give extra energy to yourspells. You will no doubt find that yo...

Invoking Water Element

Water is the Element of the West and is represented by a bowl of water or a goblet of wine or fruit juice. Its color is blue and, because it represents the giving of life, it is associated with the El...

Invoking Fire

Fire is the Element of the South and is usually represented by a candle or a cauldron with a fire inside. Its color is red and its associations have to do with power, determination, and passionate ene...

Invoking Air

The direction of this Element is east and the colour usually associated with it is yellow. Incense is often used to represent Air since the movement of the air can be seen in the incense smoke. When y...

Invoking Earth

Traditionally the direction of this Element is north and the colour normally associated with Earth is green. It is represented on the altar usually by salt or sand. Crystals, because they are totally ...


In most systems of magical working you willfind mentioned the four (or sometimes five)Elements, often in conjunction with theirdirections or, as they are known in magic,quarters of the universe or car...


This type of spell prepares the magical workerand his helpers for further work by heighteningtheir awareness. It does not set out to call up thepowers, but appeals to gods, goddesses,powers of nature ...


These call on what is believed to be the ultimatesource of power, which differs from spell tospell. Quite literally, they call up that powerand ask for permission to use this influence fora stated pur...

Healing spells and charms

Within this type of spell it is wise to go beyondthe presenting symptoms and to ask for healingon all levels of existence – physical, mental andspiritual – because the practitioner may nothave the kno...

Blessings Spells

These might be counted either as prayers orspells and need a passionate concentration onbringing, for instance, peace of mind or healingto the recipient. They hold no danger for thepractitioner but ar...

Bidding spells

These are spells where the spell makercommands a particular thing to happen, butwithout the co-operation of those involved.Trying to make someone do something whichthey do not want to do, or which goe...

Love spells

Many people’s first thought in this context is oflove spells – ways of making another personfind them sexually attractive and desirable. Intheory, love spells should be unconditional andthis type shou...

What We Are Drawn to

We do not control that which we are drawn to. Nor does it control us. Witchcraft is a symbiotic relationship between Witch and World, Living and Dead, Universe and Spirit. Growing on one another, feed...

Rage under The Morrigan

There is so much rage in the world now, and much of it is justified. The problem is that the rage in people becomes misdirected, lashing out wheresoever annoyance can be found. You’re allowed to...

The way of the witch was never meant to be easy

Witches do not walk in straight lines, in fact there are no lines, there are no rules to bind us, for we are free flowing entities of Nature. Walking in the peripherals has never been for the faint of...

The Magic of the Divine Masculine

Today’s “culture” (look up the etymology) invests so much time and energy toxifying masculinity, that the balance needs to be redressed. What do YOU think…? “The Magic of...

Discovering yourself as a Witch

Discovering yourself, and defining yourself as Witch can be as long or short of a process as you make it. Learning the vital differences, however subtle, between Jinxing, Hexing, Banishing, Binding an...

What is a Spell?

IN ANCIENT PAGAN communities the elders, orwise ones, had, by their very experience, anawareness of custom and a firm grasp ofwhat had previously worked when trying togain control over Mother Nature a...

Modern Magick

Today there is a rich heritage of magical practicesand beliefs on which we can call to satisfy ourneed for control over our own lives. Whereconventional religion no longer offers an outletfor our sens...

Magick, Curiosity, Exploration & Secrecy

Curiosity, exploration and secrecyOne of most interesting characters from earlytimes was Abraham Abulafia (1240–95), whomade available much arcane knowledge, whichultimately formed the basis of Kabbal...

Defining Magick

IT IS SOMETIMES best not to attempt anydefinition of ancient magic and magicalbelief. However, in any discussion of magicand its practitioners we must take account of aperiod in which the magical trad...

Ancient Beliefs and Magick Practices

Ancient beliefs and practices are the mainstay ofmagic. Modern-day spells often have their rootsin ancient rituals and today’s rituals arise fromknowledge of age-old spells.While we might make an atte...

Sacred Geometry

SACRED GEOMETRY MEANS different things todifferent people. The artists of theRenaissance period discovered theGolden Mean – a ratio which helped them to construct a perfect picture, calculated as1:l.6...

The main Feng Shui schools

Over the centuries many different schools ofFeng Shui have developed. The basic principlesare broadly the same, though each school has aslightly different focus. There are three mainschools in existen...

Feng Shui

ONE OF THE most important adjustmentsthat we can make as we begin to workconsistently with magic is to theenvironment in which we live and to our ownpersonal space. As we reach an internal peacewe cre...


THE WORD GEOMANCY (from the Latin geo,‘Earth’, mancy ‘prophecy’) had a differentmeaning in ancient times from that it hastoday and we shall deal with that aspect first. Itwas a method of divination us...

Customs Associated with Birth

There are, in fact, several customs associatedwith birth and the surrounding period whichhave survived without people today necessarilyappreciating their magical significance. In Celticlore, the ‘toad...

To Protect a Newborn Baby

This spell uses crystals and symbolism. Theblue stone is reputed to bring about harmony inrelationships and to help its wearer to be true tothemselves, and to be able to openly state theiropinion. The...

Protections and Purifications

There are many folkloric remedies for the evileye, ranging from painting an eye on the prowof a boat in the Mediterranean, supposedly tooutstare the sorcerer, to passing a plate filledwith burning coa...

Antler Charm

YOU WILL NEEDPiece of deer’s antlerHair from a black mare’s tailSilver tip for the antlerCairngorm stone (a type of smoky quartz)METHOD✤ Wind the horsehair around one end of theantler at least nine ti...

Removal of the Evil Eye

YOU WILL NEEDLemonIron nailsMETHOD✤ Drive the nails with some force into the lemon.✤ Visualize the evil eye being pierced.✤ Keep the lemon for three days, by which timeit should begin to rot.✤ If it d...

Diagnosis of the Evil Eye

YOU WILL NEEDOlive oilBowl of waterMETHOD✤ Drip three drops of olive oil on the surface ofthe water.✤ Watch what happens.✤ If the drops remain distinct there is no evil eye.✤ If they run together ther...


The evil eye is an ancient, widespread anddeeply held belief in more than one third of theworld’s cultures, but is particularly stronglyfeared even today in countries of Mediterraneanorigin, and also ...


Spells designed to bring about a difference inbodily appearance in order to dissolvemischievous enchantments by the fairy folk orfrequenters of the lower world were legion inmost cultures. In Celtic l...

Winter’s End

YOU WILL NEEDWhite candleCorn dollyFireproof receptacleEither the sticky burrs from a cleavers plant(which has a cleansing effect) or several pieces ofpaper on which you have written your irritationsM...

Making a Corn Dolly

YOU WILL NEEDTwo small handfuls of corn stalksGreen and yellow wool or cottonTrailing greenery (ivy or grape vine are ideal)Appropriately coloured ribbons for the ritual(e.g. red or orange for Lammas)...

The Blending of pagan and Christian Festivals

Ways of dealing with problems within thecommunity, which used a blend of Christianand pagan rituals, was partly a product of theinteraction between Christianity and paganism.Pagan belief demanded ritu...

Folklorist Belief

FOLKLORISTS BELIEVE THAT the first festivalsarose because of the anxieties of earlypeoples who did not understand theforces of nature and wished to placate them.The people noted the times and seasons ...


The majority of people who are new to spellworking will acknowledge that for them commonsense backed up by practical action is normallymore productive than theoretical or mysticalthinking. In magical ...

Weight loss knot spell:

Cut a piece of yellow ribbon that’s the length of wrapping it around your waist once. Say, as you tie your knots: “By knot of 1, my overeating is done. By knot of 2, I exercise too. By kno...

Death and Resurrection in Pluto

Pluto in a nutshell is all about death and resurrection, the unknown and secrets, and cosmic purpose and destiny. But what about the moons? All of Pluto’s moons have great significance and are tied to...

What is it about mirrors that can fascinate and frighten us?

They have been around for thousands of years in one form or another, and over time so many folktales and superstitions have been developed around them. Going back to ancient times mirrors were used to...

FOLKLORE ON A Stopped Clock

Lets examine the curious and sometimes sinister superstitions that have grown up around clocks over the years, and related how a stopped clock was often related to a death in many folk beliefs. Now th...

Three Fires

Three fires are burning within me,three fires, no less and no more;three flames are flickering in methat drive me and dance at my core. The first is faith, the bright lanternwith a steady beacon of li...

What is Death Witchcraft?

Here is a few facts on Death Witchcraft. I personally define death witchcraft as working with and honoring spirits of the dead (ghosts, ancestors) as well as the power of death itself (endings, resurr...

A Witches Guide to the Pagan Summer Solstice Celebration

Litha, also known as the Summer Solstice, is a pagan holiday celebrated on or around June 21st in the Northern Hemisphere. It is the longest day and shortest night of the year, and marks the official ...

Fairy Witches: The Age-old Connection Between the Fay and Witchcraft

Today fairies are not just for little girls’ imagination, they’re for witches and magical practitioners too. There’s a magical trend – working with the unseen world, namely working with the fae. There...

Chants to Bless The Witch’s Tools

MAGICK CHANT FOR POWER AND PROTECTION“I call upon the powerful, cosmic guardians who have the magnetic force to bring power and strength to those who believe.I now declare and affirm that I am a livin...

 The dark Goddess of Transformation

Listen to the words of The dark Goddess of Transformation; She who of old was also called among men Kali, Hecate, Cerridwen, Lilith, Persephone, Fata, Morgana, Ereshkigal, Arianhrod, Durga, Inanna, Ti...

Keep You Well Spell

This is a little herbal charm you can use to help ward off illnesses you might pick up from other people (like a cold). A small branch or twig (about 3 inches long)Sprig of dried rosemaryGardenia peta...

Specific Spell Timing

This is the other aspect of knowing when to cast a spell. Now I mean picking the right day or time to do the actual spell itself. There is no set rule that love spells have to be cast at exactly the r...

Herbal Health Poppet

This a poppet spell for healing designed to improve your own personal health, though you could use it to direct healing energy to other people if you wanted (you’ll need their hair though). White fabr...

Smooth the Waters

You can use this spell to help improve or mend a friendship that is going through a rough patch. A large bowl (no plastic)A sprinkling of saltA sprinkling of rosemaryA keyPiece of string, about a foot...

Seeds of Change

Nothing says change more than a sprouting seed that grows into a plant. So harness that transformation for yourself, as long as you have a little patience. This spell works best when you’re trying to ...

Abracadabra Healing Charm

This is a very simple spell, but it’s been around for thousands of years and comes from old occult practices. I thought I’d include it. Write the word “Abracadabra” on a small piece of paper, and on e...

What is Psychic Phenomenon?

The internet describes it as: “phenomena that appear to contradict physical laws and suggest the possibility of causation by mental processes.” or “phenomena lying outside the sphere of physical scien...

Irish Fairies: The Banshee

The banshee (from ban [bean], a woman, and shee [sidhe], a fairy) is an attendant fairy that follows the old families, and none but them, and wails before a death. Many have seen her as she goes waili...

A Spirit Spark

When you’re feeling sluggish or just generally “down in the dumps” try this energy spell to help rev you up a little. All you need is: orange candles for a energy spell in witchcraftOrange candles hav...

Flavors & Correspondences

Almond(milk): mental clarity + fortitude, luck, abundance, healing + good healthAmaretto: opening the mind, warding against negativity, creativity, luckBlueberry: aids in memory + mental clarity, calm...

Three Candle Joy Spell

Add a little joy to your life when you need it the most. All you need is: 3 orange or yellow candlesCedar oilA few pinches of rosemary and marjoramRub oil on all three candles, and set them up on your...

Happiness Blooms

Bring positive fresh energy to your life with happiness spells and fresh flowers. You just need: Jasmine or Lilac oilOne fresh flower, any kindPaper and pencilYellow candleA heat-proof container Light...

Your Magick Teachings

You are your best teacher. Remember that while some people can help guide you on their path, that guidance is limited. Witchcraft is more of an internal process of figuring out who you are inside, wha...


The purpose of this ritual is to charge a ritual blade with the elemental forces of nature via the assistance of draconic elemental mages.As with human magic workers, different dragons can have an aff...

Fairy Witches: The Ages-old Connection Between Fae and Witchcraft

Today fairies are not just for little girls’ imagination, they’re for witches and magical practitioners too. But it’s not truly anything new. It dates back to at least ancient times. There are many hi...


1. Lay thorny branches on your doorstep to keep evil from your dwelling. 2. Eat a pinch of thyme before bed, and you will have sweet dreams. 3. Place chips of cedar wood in a box with some coins to dr...

Making Daily Tasks Magickal

Take daily tasks and make them magical! Enchant your cooking, cleaning, and working. A few simple words can go a long way when enchanting your daily activities. For instance, I usually bless my food f...

Protection Magick

Warding, banishing, shielding, binding, even hexing and cursing—these all fall under the broad title of “protection magick.” Protection magick means directing psychic energy toward self-pr...

Intelligence Booster Potion (Home Herb Addition)’

You will need the following items for this spell: 2 strawberries2 teaspoons thyme1 teaspoon cinnamon1/2 teaspoon honeyWaterUnrefined quartzBottle/JarBowlMash the strawberries over the bowl until they ...


DEEP PEACE OF THE TREE MEDITATION We work with many methods of meditation. Here is one, inspired by the deep peace of the trees, that you can practice, either as a spiritual exercise in its own right,...

Simple Protection

You will need the following items for this spell: NoneFirst, centering, grounding, meditation and shielding are recommended, but not required, though they will yield better results. Second, be still, ...

Penny for Luck

You will need the following items for this spell: A pennyBeliefTake a penny out of your pocket.Hold it in your hand, getting used to the feel of the penny.Hold it near your heart.Hold it near your thi...

Witch Spell

You will need the following items for this spell: YouFavorite piece of jewelryBelieveBetween 9pm and 1am1. Put your favorite piece of jewelry on2. Say this 3x “I call to you, and only you.I wish...

Unwinding Universal Messages – Angel Numbers

Angel numbers are messages that the universe sends us in times of need. Humans are living in 3D lives. Three directions we are typically aware of in our reality are past, present and future. However, ...

Lucky Spells And Rituals To Attract Good Luck

Whether you believe in luck or not, a lucky spell can help you focus your energy on a specific intention you want to manifest. Where our attention goes, energy flows, and energy is powerful. Energy + ...

Good Fortune and Happiness Spell’

You will need the following items for this spell: Bird Seeds (That are safe to eat by birds in your area. Do your research!)A small pouchA larger pouch (alt. a large jar)Anything that you have lying a...

Get A Job Spell

You will need the following items for this spell: A candle, preferably greenA penny, piece of copper, quartz, or anything else to be a charmA boline, terminated quartz crystal, or something else for c...

Invocation for Discovering Truth

You will need the following items for this spell: 1 beeswax candle2 pieces natural paperA pen/pencilBowl of waterChalkA single candle of beeswax should be lighted and placed on a table away from the d...

Hekates Night 13th August

August 13th is listed in modern Pagan calendars as being Hekates Night, a night sacred to Hekate. This purportedly ancient Greek festival is for propitiation, where we ask Hekate Lady of the Storms to...

‘Angelic Voice’

You will need the following items for this spell: Egg yolkSugarMilkWhite candlePentagramPut the egg yolk into a glass. Add sugar and milk, then mix them very good untill it looks like a foam. Take the...

To Create Opportunity

You will need the following items for this spell: A bowl of sand (to represent the earth)Green clothNeedle and threadPen Cinnamon or cedar incenseDried camomile, vervain or squillMint and honeysuckle ...

The Verdanthrope

In the deep recesses of the forest, a tale whispered by ancient trees and dreaded even by the shadows unfolded. The Verdanthrope — a creature carved from moss, branches, and the dark secrets of the wo...

The Empathic Process

1. The Empath picks up on someone who has an issue or a problem, through the emotional energy they are expressing, even if they are not saying anything, because they are a highly tuned receiver of thi...

Become Wealthy

You will need the following items for this spell: Paper (back and front side)BallpointYou should understand wealth is the form of givings, not takings. So if your business is going to make other peopl...

Daily Pagan Rituals: List of 30+ SIMPLE Everyday Traditions

When we embark on a spiritual path, sometimes the path gets twisted and we feel we lose our connection to the Divine. Sometimes we’re too busy with the physical to cater to our spiritual needs. But th...

Nocturnals Embrace

You will need the following items for this spell: Moon lightVoiceLay with ur feet toward the moonAn say if you aren’t families with nocturnalNocturnal let me feel the embers of our new beginning...


Epithets:Aidônaia (Lady of the Underworld)Anassa eneroi (Queen of those Below, Queen of the Dead)Angelos (Messenger)Antaia (the One in Front)Antania (Enemy of mankind or Sender of Nocturnal Dreams)Ata...

What To Do With The Offerings After The Ritual Is Done….

One of the more common questions I see come up from Pagans, especially those with Hellenic leanings or a devotion to a Hellenic deity, is what to do after the ritual is done. Most specifically, what t...

Spells and Magical Uses for Rainwater…

Many spells and rituals call for water, but tap water just doesn’t have the potency of rain water. The water that pours from the heavens is said to have magical properties. It has not been purified, a...

How To Make a Witch’s Ladder

A witch’s ladder is one of those nifty things we sometimes hear about but rarely see. Its purpose is similar to that of a rosary – it’s basically a tool for meditation and ritual, in which different c...

Energetic Cord Cutting: Colors & Textures of Cords and a Ritual

The spiritual community doesn’t put enough emphasis on energetic cords and cord cutting rituals. Which is sad, because Spirit says it’s so important for shadow work, healing, and our paths in life. If...

Purple Light Spell

You will need the following items for this spell: 1 Purple CandlePurple promotes ambition, progress, power, and strengthens will- power.As you light the candle, repeat:”This light is burning to ...

Confidence in Social Situations

You will need the following items for this spell: A small drawstring bagGround nutmegPine needlesDried lavenderPiece of mandrake rootPut a pinch or two of the nutmeg, pine needles, dried lavender and ...

Dream Incantation’

You will need the following items for this spell: B.O.S/Dream JournalBlessed Pen1. Think what you want to ask2. Take out your B.O.S/Dream Journal3. Write an incantation (its kinda short spell or messa...

How do Crystals Actually Work?

Energy Explaination ◊ Crystals and stones have been treasured and sought after for hundreds of years and used in nearly every culture of the world. Not only are they beautiful, collectable, and make w...

Singers Dream Voice’

You will need the following items for this spell: A pretend stage Setup (alter)Beyonce’s ”AVE Maria”White CandleFirst, set up your stage as if your were going to perform in front of ...

‘Wyrd Scrying’

You will need the following items for this spell: A wooden bowlA small knife or chiselIncenseCandle wax (optional)WaterBegin by placing the wooden bowl on a flat surface. Take the chisel or knife and ...

‘How to make a blessed necklace ‘

You will need the following items for this spell: VisualizationBelieveA necklaceYour handsA emotional bond with the necklace (optional but makes it stronger)A wish Go to a place where you wont be both...

Pleiadian Starseeds: Star Beings & Signs You Are One of Them

Perhaps one of the most enigmatic of the constellations is the Pleiades, also called the Seven Sisters. In fact, the Pleiades isn’t a constellation but a cluster of stars within the Taurus constellati...

GODDESS BRIGHID and Her Holy Time of Imbolc

Deep in ancient history, all the way from the regions of eastern Europe and India to the British Isles, are the roots of the worship of Brighid. Her name is also spelled Brigit, Bridget, and Bride (pr...

‘First Impression’

You will need the following items for this spell: 1 Whole Orange4 Tablespoons of Vanilla Extract8 Rose PetalsCut the orange into 4 pieces. Run yourself a bath. Place the orange pieces, vanilla extract...

Dream Question, Dream Answer’

You will need the following items for this spell: 1 blue candle1 white candle (optional)1 stick of cinnamon incenseA slip of paperA pen4 magickally charged stones (optional)Light the candle(s). Light ...

Tome of Imriel, Wisdom : the Stillness

1. In the days of old, a curious blue imp named Imriel roamed the land, easily swayed by the winds of emotion and ever-reactive to the world’s changing currents. 2. He would dance in joy when th...

‘Basics of Spellcasting’

You will need the following items for this spell: NoneNow not many people know all of this and if they do know some it isn’t everything that you should know. Magic secret #1: You MUST truly beli...

Tell Me My Fortune’

You will need the following items for this spell: A 4 leaf cloverAn amuletYour birthstonePlace the clover on the amulet. Then chant, “Oh, good luck and fortunePlease tell my luck today in my sle...

Yemaya Unblocking

You will need the following items for this spell: Blue and white candlesSeven white rosesGo to the beach and dig a small hole in the sand. Light the white and blue candles as you make your petition. E...

Summer Sun Jar’

You will need the following items for this spell: One small, preferably glass, jarMarigold Petals (fresh or dried)HoneyWaterSunflower Petals (fresh or dried)Cayenne(Optional) Sealing wax; Yellow, Gold...

Positive Chant

You will need the following items for this spell: Whatever you wish to add while you say these words.“Give me the wisdom,to be a better man/woman,I do all I can, I do all I can.” “Gi...

The Witch’s Cauldron: Origins, Magic & How to Use a Cauldron Today

The cauldron is one of the most well-known of the witch’s tools. And I’d say, next to the broom, it’s the witch’s favorite tool! We have proof the cauldron’s been used since ancient times and it’s sti...

‘Good Luck and Well Being’

You will need the following items for this spell NothingChant the following as many times as you like: “To the moon.To the sun.To the skies.To the waters.Stars, let your fire burn.Winds let your...

6 Witch Goddesses to Invoke For Magic, Empowerment, and More

In ancient times, there was a god or goddess for everything: war, love, fertility, protection, abundance, hunting, writing and healing. And yes, there were even gods and goddesses that presided over m...

“Fire Faerie Phoenix”

In the realm where the flames of magic danced and the air crackled with energy, there lived a faerie named Phoenix. With wings that glowed with the colors of a vibrant inferno and eyes that held the i...

Rabbits & Hares in Magick

“In the black furrow of a fieldI saw an old witch-hare this night;And she cocked her lissome ear,And she eyed the moon so bright,And she nibbled o’ the green;And I whispered ‘Whsst! ...


Defined asan unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain or a threat.“he is prey to irrational fears”There may be many things that ...

POPPETS: Curse/hex

I personally do not believe in a 3 or a 10 fold law. But I feel it necessary to make this statement for those who do. What I believe is, we have a responsibility to be the best we can be. Help where y...

Cinnamon Spell First of the Month for Prosperity and Protection

Did you know that cinnamon in your witch’s cabinet is super useful and super powerful? We’ve written an entire article on the magical and medicinal properties of cinnamon here, if you’d like to dive d...

Amazing good luck Spell

You will need the following items for this spell: Green candles, one or two (optional)Full moonChant this spell on the full moon:”I summon earth, fire, water, and air to protect me with the stre...

‘Altar Blessing Spell’

You will need the following items for this spell: NoneHold the object that you wish to bless in your hands and envision energy flowing through your body and into the object. Then, say this chant: R...

Anti-depression/Sadness Spell

You will need the following items for this spell: 1 Blue candleRibbon/stringRain water (optional)Light the blue candle and tie the string/ribbon (preferably blue) around the candle. You can put drops ...

A spell to help someone with their education

You will need the following items for this spell: This is more Force of Will Magick, in that you don’t need any tools or items just energy work. But because everyone’s practice is their ow...

Attract Good Fortune Spell

You will need the following items for this spell: A piece of yarn or stringA trinket with a hole in itA green candleLight the candle and loop the string in through the trinket and tie it. Then start p...

A Spell for Wishes

You will need the following items for this spell: 1 White pillar candle1 pencil or candle carving set1 yard of white ribbon or yarn (shoe laces work too. just cut the tips off)1 lighter3 MirrorsPlace ...

Hoodoo Money Candle Spell’

You will need the following items for this spell: 1 Green Chime or Votive CandleCandle holderHoneySugarCinnamon ( Grounded )High John RootTigers eyeMoney Incense: Money Powder, Frankincense EXTIncense...

Working with the Enchantress Pomba Gira

Pomba Gira (pronounced pohm-ba shira), is Brazilian female spirit found in the traditions of Umbanda, Quimbanda, and Candomblé. She is revered by initiates and noninitiates alike as she is quite easy ...

Pendent/Spell Jar

So you know that one saying girls are made of sugar, spice, and everything nice? Well, ever since I could walk my mother told me I was purely spice. This spell is a twist on this thought, even though ...

Ninja Dust

Intent: To enable a person to make a quick unseen exit or go unnoticed; formulated to work in crowded places. Ingredients: 1 pt White Oak1 pt Bloodroot1 pt Black Salt1 pt Red Poppy1 pt Mustard½ pt Ros...

Norse Paganism: Its Fascinating Origins and How to Practice Today

First, What is Norse Paganism?Norse paganism is a type of modern paganism based on what we know about old Norse religion. When we say Norse, we are referring to the people who lived in Northern Europe...

A Threshold a Solid Foundation for Magick

A threshold is a solid foundation for any magic which is intended to effect the home, or everyone who enters the home. Such spells work based on the principal of the threshold as not being just a barr...

Key Magic, Myth and a Lock & Key Spell for Protection

Keys are a worldwide symbol of good luck and new opportunities. They open doors to new worlds, new faces, and fresh beginnings. They also lock doors and protect us from taking certain destructive path...

The Truth-speakers

The Truth-speakers, the ones who refuse to contain their feelings, those who challenge and humanize the toxic status quo, are often scapegoated and vilified, made to feel crazy by those who lack the c...

Fairy Protection Explained

Fairy protection is sometimes necessary. If you are a friend of the fay like me, you’ve seen their beauty and wonder. They might have helped your garden grow or give you a healing remedy in your dream...

Mabon Healing Bath

Mabon marks the beginning of Autumn, and what better way to celebrate cooler weather than with a warm and healing bath. Ideal as both a pre-ritual bath or the main magical event of this Sabbat, this m...

Journey to the Four Directions

Journey to the Four Directions – Pointers in Sacred and Shamanic Work East, West, South, NorthIn sacred space I ask you forthBring your power and your graceLive within this sacred space To the E...

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