Solitary Magick

The Dorset Ooser

The Ooser was written about in Doreen Valiente’s ABC’s of Witchcraft and in Margaret Murray’s The God of the Witches. It was a hollow mask made of painted wood, trimmed with fur, and crowned with bull...

The Fetch Beast

The Fetch-Beast, also known as the Fetch-Wife, has been dealt with elsewhere in this book, and is the Underworld Self of the Crafter, known in Briar Rose as the Dragon. The third kind of Fetch, the on...

The Powers of the Sphinx

here are said to be four primary things essential to magic. These four principles are the Powers of the Sphinx: To know, to will, to dare, and to keep silent Eliphas Lévi indicates where to start in o...

Castle of Stone

The castles of our system are based on Grail Lore, but they also have representations in the none world. These castles are symbolic of the energies inherent in their names and attributed to them by my...

Planetary Correspondence The Moon

GlyphSymbols Crescent, cup, silver sickleDeities Hecate, Selene, Diana, ThothArchangel GabrielDay MondayColors Silver, white,Number TwoMetal Silver Stones Moonstone, pearl, chalcedony, mother ofpearlI...

A Moon Magick Ritual For Calm

Wait until the Moon is moving towards full, and is quite bright in the sky. Find somewhere as dark as possible so the light is undiluted and slowly ‘inhale’ the light through your nose, looking at the...

Planetary Days And Their Applications: The Moon

Monday, the day of the Moon, is for spells concerning the home, family matters, and the influence of the family, especially the mother, children, and animals. Its prime focus is fertility and all the ...

Witchcraft Theory & Practice – Full Moon

The ways of magic are aligned with the Full Moon. The archetypes of both Goddess and God resonate with a liberating consciousness and the Ritual of Esbat (the rite of the Full Moon) releases the visio...


Ulex (commonly known as gorse, furze, or whin) is a genus of flowering plants in the family Fabaceae. The genus comprises about 20 species of thorny evergreen shrubs in the subfamily Faboideae of the ...

Guarding Against Psychic Attacks

Feeling protected from psychic attacks is important. If you’re experiencing symptoms becoming aware of the psychic attack, through identification of the unusual events taking place, may help to dimini...

Reasons for a Psychic Attack

There are many motivations that may make someone perform a Psychic Attack of some kind on another person. These may include the following. The person performing the Psychic Attack may be jealous. An e...

Full Moon Blessing Rite

Items needed: Clear glass bowl, a one-liter bottle of spring water, silver paint, sprig of jasmine, moonstone, two white altar candles, gardenia incense and oil, small paintbrush, altar tools of your ...

Black Mirror Gazing

The black mirror is used very much like a crystal ball. You can purchase, or make your own if you prefer! Black paint on the back of a piece of glass is all this takes. Use an old photo frame, paint t...

Mirror Doorway in Witches Homes

It is recommended that you never allow a mirror to face or reflect a doorway or window.If yours does, move it if possible.If you cannot move it, use a sator square or similar protective talisman.Mirro...

Iron Protection Ritual

Items needed: Eight pieces of iron or iron nails One black candle, A dish of salt, Protection incense. Method Place the candle on the floor near your front door. Encircle the candle with the iron piec...

Rite of Metal

Once upon a time, magickal symbolism in jewelry, such as the pentacle, the Star of David, or even the Helm of Awe could render the wearer a death sentence. Although we no longer live in the Dark Ages,...

Planetary Qualities of Metals

Ever since Vulcan, son of Jupiter, created thunderbolts in his underground forge, the power of metal magick as been a closely guarded secret. In Western alchemy, it was believed that the metals found ...

A Meditation to Help You Reduce Anxiety

A meditation to help you reduce anxiety. First, I’d like to invite you to gently close your eyes and take a nice, slow, deep breath in, deeper than you’ve taken all day so far. And as you exhale, conc...

Meditation and Visualization

Preparing for ritual and magical work involves accessing a beneficial altered state of mind that allows for both openness and focus. Many traditions practice specific meditation and visualization tech...

Simple Formula for HedgeWitch, Spellwork, Prayer, and Meditation

1. Go to the still point. This means relaxing, closing your eyes, taking several deep breaths, and letting nothing fill your mind. Be at peace. In your mind, surround yourself with white light. 2. Nex...

Meditation, Grounding and Centering Part 3

Visualization is critical to any magickal practice. It is the art of seeing with your mind’s eye, the results you wish to manifest when your work is completed. So how do we achieve that? With practice...

Meditation, Grounding and Centering Part 2

The next important step is to learn to Ground and Center. What does that mean exactly? Well during the course of our day-to-day, our energy scatters to the four winds as we try to grapple with the hec...

Meditation, Grounding and Centering Part 1

Three of the most important basic practices of Witchcraft include Grounding, Centering and Meditation. I’m going to address each one separately but the combined practice of these is going to be invalu...

How to Meditate

Attitude is everything. While there are many meditative strategies, what makes the difference in terms of spiritual awakening is your quality of earnestness or sincerity. Rather than adding another “s...

Mindfulness in Meditation

Mindfulness is not a technique so much as an important aspect of magical practice. Mindfulness is being in the moment, allowing whatever task you’re performing to have the whole of your attention in a...


Meditation is a focusing of the mind and creating within it a relaxed state of awareness. When you learn to properly meditate, you actually alter how your brain functions—lowering the brainwave freque...

Techniques to Quieten Your Mind 5

Leave the city for a while and reconnect with nature. This could mean going on your lunch break in a nearby park or going on a vacation to get away from the stress of daily life. Anything you can do t...

Techniques to Quieten Your Mind 4

Live in the here and now. Forget about the errands you have to run tomorrow after work, or the bills you have to pay next week, or the uncertainty of your future that you haven’t even gotten to yet. W...

Techniques to Quieten Your Mind 3

Meditate on a regular basis. We suggest meditation a whole lot on our website, but for good reason. When you meditate, you stop the flow of thoughts bombarding your consciousness every second, and ins...

Techniques to Quieten Your Mind 2

Repeat peaceful words to yourself throughout your day. Pay attention to your brain at this very moment…what kinds of thoughts do you observe? Most likely, you will notice that the majority of your tho...

Techniques to Quieten Your Mind 1

Focus on the positive aspects of yourself and your surroundings. In short, we have collectively created the mass disorder and confusion we observe around us on a daily basis with our thoughts. We have...

Techniques to Quieten Your Mind Introduction

In many ways, the uncontrolled mind resembles a five-year-old child wanting to run amok through the city streets, only able to sit still for a few seconds before getting the urge to jump up again. If ...

Witchcraft Theory Practice and Meditation

Meditation is a very ancient technique that has been used worldwide by sages, magi, magicians, witches, wizards, and monks who have taught people who have in turn taught others. The actual word “medit...

Mastering Manifestations One: Take your Power Back

Manifestation is about exploring your inner self and exploring it to that extent where your dreams can become part of your regular life. This is true and it is very much possible because there are peo...

Mastering Manifestations 1.2 : The Power of Concentration

When it comes to manifesting what you want, nothing beats focus and clarity. Yet most people can’t get clear or remain focused long enough to get what they want. They keep changing their minds or gett...

Mastering Manifestations Three Getting Rid of Distractions

We live in a time of constant distractions. You get pull from your concentration and lose our ability to manifest what you want by TV, mobiledevices, and the internet. Clear away anything that might d...

Mastering Manifestations Four Get Comfortable

Have everything you need, set, and ready to go. Take a bathroom break. Get some water. Assemble anything you need to create what you have in mind. You want to keep complete concentration, not have to ...

Mastering Manifestations Five Clear Your Mind

Slowly close your eyes, and take three deep, slow breaths. On the first breath out, relax as completely as you can. On the second breath out, clear your mind of any thought by just focusing on the fee...

Mastering Manifestations Six Decide What You Really Want

What do you want to manifest? It doesn’t matter if it’s a feeling or relationship or an object or an experience. It’s your desire. The only rule is you must focus on what you want, not on what you don...

Mastering Manifestations 1.7: Write Down Your Desire

Writing all these ideas down speeds your process because most people can’t write about an idea and simultaneously think about a different idea. Writing increases your concentration power. Be as specif...

Mastering Manifestations 1.8: Get Clear On Why You Want it

If you aren’t completely committed to manifesting your desire and it’s what you really want, work on finding more reasons why you want it. Write down as many as you can think of. Don’t worry about wha...

Mastering Manifestations 1.9: Write Down the Steps to Get There

Now that you are in complete concentration on what you want, you can feel the inspiration building. Write down the steps that come to mind to get you there. You don’t have to have a complete plan, jus...

Suggestions for your Magickal Cabinet

Over time you may collect all kinds of tools and equipment to use as you make magickal herbal items, amulets, charge candles for magickal purposes, and much more. Here is a listing of the basics that ...

The Athame in Magick

An athame is, quite simply, a ceremonial knife. You can obtain an athame from a specialist magical shop, but as I said before, any knife – even a letter opener – will do, although it should preferably...

The Chalice in Magick

The chalice, or ritual cup, used for rituals is traditionally made of silver, but you can also use crystal,glass, stainless steel or pewter. The chalice represents the Water element and is placed in t...

The Eye

The eye is considered to be the primary organ of sense perception. It is closely associated with light, the spirit, and the sun. The eye symbolizes spiritual and mental perception and is considered to...

The Witches Cauldron in Magick

While the word “cauldron” may bring to mind images of Shakespeare’s three witches tossing all kinds of animal parts into a boiling stew for evil purposes, the cauldron is really a symbol of the Goddes...

The Witches Bell in Magick

The bell stands in the North of the circle and is an Earth symbol.It is an optional tool and can be made from either crystal or protective brass.Best for magick is the kind that you strike.The bell is...

Tools And Treasures

You may need to collect some basic tools for your spells and rituals. They need not be at all expensive. Magick was traditionally carried out with the equipment of the home. The broom for sweeping the...

Witches Knife/ Athame

The ritual knife, like the wand, is a tool that directs energy in ritual, and may also be used to draw the circle before ritual and close the circle afterwards. However, it is more of an energy manipu...

Witches Pentacle

The pentacle is an important symbol-bearer in Witchcraft, normally inscribed with a pentagram, though other magical symbols may be present. The pentagram itself is a five-pointed star, drawn with five...

Charging and Cleansing Your Tools

Once you have prepared your elemental substances, you can charge your tools ready for use. If they have been bought, whether new or second-hand, you might also like to cleanse them first. You can also...

The Pentagram

The Pentagram of the Witches is a five-pointed star formed by five straight lines, and encased in a circle, with one point upwards. The five points of the pentagram represent the five elements. The cr...

Witches Green Salt

Green Salt is used in magick and rituals by Pagans, Wiccans, Hoodoo practitioners, people who practice witchcraft and those who want a little psychic or spiritual help for its powerful abilities to at...

Witches Salt

Salt rituals are among the oldest forms of magick. Salt can form the focus of magick for health and prosperity ceremonies as well as for psychic protection. The kind used is most usually sea salt and ...

Cascarilla Powder

Cascarilla is powdered egg shell. The shells are so finely ground that it feels as soft as baby powder. Any Botanica or store that caters to New Age and Magick rituals will have Cascarilla. You w...

The Key & its Symbolic Power

The key is symbolic of the power to open and the power to lock. This concept is displayed in the symbol of the dove and the key, signifying the spirit that opens the gates of heaven. In Roman mytholog...

The Wand & Witchcraft

As with all magical tools, it is not the wand that causes magical transformation, but the Witch, who energetically charges the wand with magical intention. As a shape, it takes the form of a line, and...

Witches Bottle Spell

Supplies Needed 1 mason jar,A variety of sharp items such asnails,broken glass,barbed wire,thumb tacks,Shovel or digging tool.1 red candlematches or lighterpen or pencil and paperWandYour DNASea SaltB...

Witch’s Broom

The besom is the traditional witch’s broom. It’s associated with all kinds of legend and folklore, including the popular notion that witches fly around in the night on a broomstick. In addition to bei...

Witches Garters

Ornaments with magical properties, and in contemporary Witchcraft, are sometimes worn in various rituals and as badges of rank. Garters may have been used in rituals in Paleolithic times: an ancient c...


A heavily charged place of magic. The Greek goddess of witchcraft, Hecate, was also the goddess of the crossroads, and animals were sacrificed to her at such locations. It was believed that Hecate app...

What is Black Magick

Alot of practitioners of magick will say there is no color in magick and that’s true to some extent. But that doesn’t mean the idea of black, white or nature magick doesn’t exist in today’s vocabulary...

White Magick

White Magick focuses on positive intent or actions. Even with positive intent, white magic can be used to control the will of others. Because of that, it holds a similar accountability as those action...

Magickcal Knowledge

White witchcraft is essentially the process of drawing on ancient wisdom and powers via the collective mind that we as individuals can spontaneously but unconsciously access in our dreams andvisions. ...

Four Ways to Make Everyday Magickal

For some, magick isn’t something to be contained into back room rituals and secretive assemblies in the dark depths of the forest, it’s something to be celebrated daily and integrated into the most mu...

The Crooked Path of the Outcast

One of the parts of strolling the Crooked Path that is once in a while tended to in books is the feeling of being an untouchable. What we’re discussing is this feeling of being separated, of being dis...

Herbs In Magick

There is a long tradition of using herbs for healing, but they have many other uses. As well as healing rituals, you can place dishes of charged herbs near a bedside in a sickroom or on your healing a...

Magickal Intentions – Fidelity

Although magically forcing your loved one to remain faithful is violating one of the precepts of magic (harm none), there are herbs which can be used to gently remind him or her of you, and to guard a...

Belief, Respect, Ethics, & Responsibility in Magick

Magick cannot be practiced successfully without belief, respect, ethics, and responsibility. If you do not believe in magick, you will not be able to make magick. If you do not believe in yourself, an...

Magical Ways – Visualization

The most “advanced” magical technique needed in herb magic is visualization; i.e., forming a picture in your mind of your need. Many books have been written on this subject, for students often complai...

Magickal Intentions – Luck

Luck is simply the knack for being in the right place at the right time, saying the right things, and acting on instinct. If a person is not naturally “lucky” such an ability can be acquired through t...

Magical Ways – Other Considerations

This is a convenient heading for a variety of short topics, as evidenced by the diversity of material below. When possible, bathe before performing magic. A sachet of purification herbs added to the w...

Magickal Intention – Healing

There are many herbs that aid the body’s healing processes. Some of these are multi-purpose and others specific. All can be mixed into sachets which, when carried, help the body’s healing powers. Some...

Magical Principles

Magickal Intention – Exorcism

This ancient form of magic comes in handy today—not necessarily to drive demons from people or buildings, but to clear away the negativity that daily living so amply provides. Purification herbs are s...

Magickal Intent and Intensity

These are cornerstones of magick, because no spell can be cast without them. A spell’s purpose, or intent, is what that spell is meant to accomplish. A spell will not work properly unless you are very...

Magick Workings

Magic has been defined as the ability to create change by force of will and in some respects is not dissimilar to the power of prayer. However, in Magic, it is our personal intervention that may creat...

Magick And Giving

It is said that if you smile in London in the morning, the smile will have reached Tokyo by evening. This principle, which lies behind all white magick, has been named morphic resonance and has been i...

What is Natural Magick

Magick is a constantly flowing stream of energy. It is a  concentrated and channeled form of the life force that flows through all animate life forms, people , animals, birds, insects, and plants...

Magick And Responsibility

True magick is not like a cake in which everybody must vie for a slice or be left with none: it is more akin to a never-emptying pot. Like the legendary Cauldron of Undry in Celtic myth, the more good...

Four Stages Of Magick

Although there are many different kinds of magick, in practice all spells and more formal magical rituals tend to follow four stages, though informal spells may combine one or more steps. The Focus Th...

Magickal Effort And Will Power

Magick is not like the magic a conjuror uses to bring a rabbit out of a hat: that kind of magic is just a trick, which relies merely on the art of illusion. White magick is much more than that. It is ...

Magick In The Southern Hemisphere

In magick, time and direction have an important place and it is necessary to understand that there may be differences according to which hemisphere of the globe you are working in. In the northern hem...

A Magickal Place

You can create magick in all kinds of ways and you can use it for an almost infinite variety of purposes. Your magick can be solitary or group-based, self-centered, or entirely altruistic. It can be p...

Magickal Practices in the Herbal Way

The Green level of Witchcraft uses herbs in many different practices pertaining to the Craft. Herbs alone can be used for health, comfort, treatments of ailments, and divinations. They can be added to...

Components of Ritual Magick

1. Choose the timing of a spell. 2. Outline the ritual and prepare your tools and materials. 3. Purifying yourself. 4. Purifying the working space. 5. Creating a sacred circle. 6. Have an invocation. ...

Magickal Hours

The hours of the day are also influenced by the planets. For example, if you were carrying out a love spell in which you wanted rapid results, perhaps for a special meeting, you could work on a Friday...

Ritual Magick

Ritual magick is no different from any other activity that you may carry out in a systematic way. Yes, it is true, it is more formal than folk magick: you are using special tools and following a serie...

Preparing Your Mind For Magick

As well as preparing the physical area for magick, you also need to prepare your mental state. It is universally agreed that we have two hemispheres of the brain -the left, logical, and the right, int...

Types of Magick

The overall idea of types of magic, like Black magic, or White magic, largely stems from applying Ceremonial uses of magic practice to Witchcraft. The dark side of nature and the light side may natura...

Magick and Science

Many contemporary writers on Witchcraft have pointed out the relevance of new discoveries in the physical sciences that seem to identify what Witches have always known to exist: a symbiotic relationsh...

Frugal magick, Does it work

There are many books to read, pre-made spells, and lots of verbal advice about which herbs to use and how to create a spell using sympathetic magick. Most of them call for supplies that are next to im...

The Magick Alphabet

It is probable that all alphabets were originally magical. Only in later times did they come to be reduced to the more prosaic transactions of mere record and trade. The names which the letters were g...

Magick As Self-Care

One of magic’s main focuses is healing—healing of the self, healing of the earth, healing of humanity and nature. In this sense, magic and self-care go hand in hand. Self-care is a way to maintain you...

The Practice of Magick

Candle magick may be the most basic form of magical practice. It can be very simple, prayer and lighting a candle before an image or in a special place. Or you can anoint the candles with herb-infused...

Magical Journaling for SelfCare

Journaling is a therapeutic practice. It’s also a valuable part of working magic. Keeping records of your work allows you to consult notes regarding herbal or incense blends, timing, successes and fai...

The Modern Magical Revival

The modern magical revival has been unfolding for over a century. As a spiritual movement committed to the resurgence of esoteric knowledge or gnosis in the West, it first began to gather momentum in ...

Magickal Correspondences and Invocation

Magick teaches us that everything in the Universe is connected. Correspondences are magickal associations. They link herbs, animals, crystals, colors, lunar phases, and so on with specific energies, a...

Magick: The evils of Magick

“Magic is supernatural.”“Magic is evil.”“Magic is dangerous.”“Magic is illusion.” These statements, all false, have been passed down to us by earlier generations of nonpractitioners. Only those who ha...

Slavery in Magick

I do not come to bring absolute truths and no discourse that opposes the personal path of each one. But we need to talk about slavery in magic, the worst thing is that slaves are slaves to themselves....

Different Kinds Of Magick

What is certain is that whether folk customs or more formal ceremonies are used, the underlying principles of all types of magick are the same throughout the world, Some of these can be categorized un...

Connected to Magick

Magic, entities, gods, strands, oracles, everything connected to magic, we first have to understand that it is our work directed also in search of our true transformation that dwells in magic, that mo...

Apples for Mabon

Apples are the perfect symbol of the Mabon season. Long connected to wisdom and magic, there are so many wonderful things you can do with an apple. Find an orchard near you, and spend a day with your ...

Mabon: A time for welcoming the Vine Gods

At this time of year, grapes can be found everywhere. Bearing this in mind it is no great surprise to find that the Mabon season can be a popular time for winemaking as well as celebrating the deities...

Count your blessings at Mabon

Mabon is a time of giving thanks, but sometimes we take our fortune for granted. Sit down and make a gratitude list. Write down things that you are thankful for. An attitude of gratefulness helps brin...


Autumn Equinox, 2nd Harvest, Falls Between September 21 – 23 Mabon, (pronounced MAY-bun, MAY-bone, MAH-boon, or MAH-bawn) is the Autumn Equinox. The Autumn Equinox divides the day and night equally, a...

Mabon: Clearing Away and Finishing Off

Although the corn is gathered, there is still apples, pears and berries left to be picked. Mabon is the time of year to tie up loose ends and also throw-away aspects of your life that are no longer re...

Mabon : The Festival and its Meaning

Mabon celebrates the “Harvest home” the end of the grain harvest. The fields are all cleared and in the garden, most of the crops have come to an end. Only the Apples and Pears and the winter-hardy pl...

Mabon: A time of Balance

Mabon is a time of balance when there are equal hours of darkness and light, and that can affect people in different ways. For some, it’s a season to honor the darker aspects of the goddess, calling u...

Mabon: Raising Energy

It’s not uncommon for Pagans and Witches to make remarks regarding the “energy” of an experience or event. If you’re having friends or family over to celebrate Mabon with you, you can raise group ener...

Mabon; Goddess and Gods

At Mabon the Goddess is the Lady of the fruitful harvest. She has given nearly all she has to give and watches over us while we reap the final sheave. She is growing old and wise with the year and off...

Mabon: A time to get back to Nature

Fall is here, and that means the weather is bearable once more. The nights are becoming crisp and cool, and there’s a chill in the air. Take your family on a nature walk, and enjoy the changing sights...

Mabon: Celebrating Hearth and Home

As autumn rolls in, we know we’ll be spending more time indoors in just a few months. Take some time to do a fall version of spring cleaning. Physically clean your home from top to bottom, and then do...

Kitchen Witch: Mabon, September 21st/ 23rd

Mabon marks the second harvest. The bounty of nature is dwindling. Earth begins to pull her fertility from the land. Humans and wild animals alike scramble to gather as much food as possible in prepar...

Honour the Darkness at Mabon

Without darkness, there is no light. Without night, there can be no day. Despite a basic human need to overlook the dark, there are many positive aspects to embracing the dark side, if it’s just for a...

Mabon : The Festival and its Meaning

Mabon celebrates the “Harvest home” the end of the grain harvest. The fields are all cleared and in the garden, most of the crops have come to an end. Only the Apples and Pears and the winter-hardy pl...

Mabon Explained

Autumn Equinox, 2nd Harvest, Falls Between September 21 – 23 Mabon, (pronounced MAY-bun, MAY-bone, MAH-boon, or MAH-bawn) is the Autumn Equinox. The Autumn Equinox divides the day and night equally, a...

Lughnasadh Rites and Rituals for a Hedgewitch

This is the time of the first harvest, when the wheat that has ripened in the summer months is ready for harvest, turning golden as the sun. This is also when, hopefully, we begin to see the results o...


Time: Sunset 31 July-sunset 2 August (31 January-2 February in the southern hemisphere) Focus: Willing sacrifice for the greater good, natural justice and karma, trusting the cosmos to provide by givi...

The Love Box

Items needed: Small, heart shaped box, love-drawing incense, love-drawing oil, pink candle, parchment paper, pen, rose quartz, some of your own hair, orris root powder, charcoal, and matches. Perform ...

Love Drawing Potion

Items needed: One glass sauce pan Dove’s blood ink A small paint brush Sweet red wine A metal tea ball, One cup honey, The following herbs: 3 fresh mint leaves, 7 rosebud petals, 1 pinch orange zest (...

The Copper Love Charm

Items needed: Seven copper pennies One copper bracelet, One green candle, A green velvet pouch Begin on the night of the new moon. Place all the items called for on your altar. Cast the magick circle,...

Herbal Love Spell

This spell will give your new romance a kick-start. As the plant grows, so will the love and affection between you and the one you desire. Items needed: One small basil plant,Earth,One rose quartz cry...


For hundreds of years’ people or groups have been performing dedication rituals to their Gods and Goddesses, this was done to declare themselves to the divine, it solidifies the relationship you have ...

Litha History – Celebrating the Summer Solstice

An Ancient Solar Celebration Nearly every agricultural society has marked the high point of summer in some way, shape or form. On this date–usually around June 21 or 22 (or December 21/22 in the south...

Summer Solstice—Midsummer’s Day

Summer Solstice—Midsummer’s Day, the longest day of the year, when the sun reaches its peak of power, and begins to decline. We mark this day as the beginning of summer, of the time of ripeness and ha...

Blessings on Summer Solstice

This was when the whole world measured time This is when the light would turn around This is where the past would come undone and the spinning earth will mark a new beginning Let’s go back in time, to...

Summer Solstice Grange Stone Circle

The importance of Summer Solstice ties back to ancient Celtic society’s reliance on agriculture and crops. The reliance and appreciation for the sun is what brought people closer to nature and further...


(NORTHERN HEMISPHERE) Date: June 20th – 22nd Other Names: Alban Heruin (Druidic), Summer Solstice Pronunciations: lee-thuh, lii-thuh Although the name Litha is not well attested, it may come from Saxo...

Summer Solstice Blessings

In Latin the word ‘solstice’ literally translates to ‘the sun stands still’. In the Northern hemisphere we will enjoy over 16 hours of daylight – and thousands will gather at sacred sites around the w...

Summer Solstice: Longest and Shortest Day of the Year

The June solstice is the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. Solstice’ (Latin: ‘solstitium’) means ‘sun-stopping’, because the point where th...

Ways to Celebrate Summer Solstice

Host a Bonfire Litha is all about the fiery aspect of the sun, so why not celebrate the fertility of the gods with a blazing, roaring fire in your back yard? It’s the longest day of the year, so stay ...

Summer Solstice Ireland

The ancient Celtic festival acts as a timely reminder and celebration of who, where and what we really are. Summer Solstice celebrations date back to over 5,000 years ago in ancient Ireland, For north...

Thoughts on the Summer Solstice Well Dressing

A dressing created on Solstice Eve, in the softening light of the summer sun, reflected in our Well lantern(s) and candles. Healing herbs and flowers ~ calendula, jasmine, hypericum, lemon balm, yarro...


The Summer Solstice is a powerful gift of solar energy given to the world. The seasons do change as the planet orbits the sun and Gaia is bathed in light, seeded with the wind and quenched with the ra...

Litha, Summer Solstice Incense and Oil Recipes

Midsummer Incense #1 2 parts Sandalwood 1 part Mugwort 1 part Chamomile 1 part Gardenia Petals a few drops Rose Oil a few drops Lavender Oil a few drops Yarrow Oil Burn at Wiccan rituals at the Summer...

Summer Solstice Rituals and Ceremonies

Depending on your individual spiritual path, there are many different ways you can celebrate Litha, but the focus is nearly always on celebrating the power of the sun. It’s the time of year when the c...

Summer Solstice Wales

The summer solstice is the first day of astronomical summer and the longest day of the year for people in the Northern Hemisphere. In ancient times, solstices and equinoxes were important in helping p...

Summer Solstice Protective Ritual

The protective rituals on the night of the summer solstice included also the preparation of wreaths. Unmarried girls were carefully selecting the herbs and flowers for their wreath. Its shape and colo...

Summer Solstice

At the Summer Solstice the Sun has reached its climax. It is the longest day of the year. At its most glorious peak the Sun God sacrifices his power and bestows his solar seed upon the Earth womb. On ...

Litha, also known as Summer Solstice

The Summer Solstice, also known as Litha, occurs on Tuesday, 21st of June, marking the astronomical first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. The sun is at the height of its power – the longest ...

Shamanic Summer Solstice

Celebrations of the Summer Solstice vary across the globe and from culture to culture. In some cultures, it is also known as “Midsummer’s Night” and celebrations begin with twilight. In others the Sum...

A Summer Solstice Blessing

It’s the midsummer’s evening, the shortest of night, Where our planet is blessed with the greatest of light. The sun at its power, sharing its wealth, With the earth glowing in abundance and health. T...

Summer Solstice St John’s Wort Flowers

Typically flowering on the longest day of summer, this ‘sunshine’ plant is a powerhouse of usefulness. Topically it is a skin plant for cuts, burns, wounds, bruises and some skin diseases. You can use...

Litha, The Summer Solstice

Time: Three days beginning from sunset around 20 June (20 December in the southern hemisphere) Focus: Full potency, illumination, mysteries revealed; healing, the height of joy, fulfilment, the need t...

Lamp Magick

The lamp has four distinct parts. The base of the lamp corresponds to the element of earth and is the foundation upon which you will structure your magickal work. The globe represents the element of a...


The lamp and the lantern are symbolic representations of life, the light of divinity, immortality, the intellect, guidance, and transitions in life. The striking or extinguishing of a lamp signifies t...

Lammas , The Festival and its Meaning

The two names “Lammas and Lughnasadh” for the festival points to the fact that it is both a time to celebrate and remember the passing of the god and the year. At Lammas we celebrate the first harvest...

lammas: Crafts, Song and Celebration

Because of its association with Lugh, the skilled god, Lammas (Lughnasadh) is also a time to celebrate talents and craftsmanship. It’s a traditional time of year for craft festivals, and for skilled a...

Lammas: Symbols of the Harvest

The harvest is here, and that means it’s time to include symbols of the fields on your altar. Sickles and scythes are appropriate, as are baskets. Sheaves of grain, fresh picked fruits and vegetables,...

Corn Dolly

A ritual doll, or variation of a poppet, used in traditional seasonal rites for the fertility of the land. The corn dolly is a harvest figure made of either the last or first sheaves of grain. It is p...

Lammas: Honoring the Past

In some modern Pagan traditions, Lammas is also a day of honoring Lugh, the Celtic craftsman god. He is a god of many skills, and was honored in various aspects by societies both in the British Isles ...

Lammas: Bread Sacrifice Ritual

Lammas is a time of celebrating the beginning of the harvest, a theme seen often in the sacrifice of the grain god. Make a sacrifice of your own this Lammas, with this bread ritual that marks the begi...


At Lammas, also called Lughnasadh, the hot days of August are upon us, much of the earth is dry and parched, but we still know that the bright reds and yellows of the harvest season are just around th...

Lammas: Symbols of the Season

The Wheel of the Year has turned once more, and you may feel like decorating your house accordingly. While you probably can’t find too many items marked as “Lammas decor” in your local discount store,...

Lammas: Celebrating Grain in Ancient Cultures

Grain has held a place of importance in civilization back nearly to the beginning of time. Grain became associated with the cycle of death and rebirth. The Sumerian god Tammuz was slain and his lover ...

Lammas: A Feast of Bread

In early Ireland, it was a bad idea to harvest your grain any time before Lammas; it meant that the previous year’s harvest had run out early, and that was a serious failing in agricultural communitie...

The Witch’s knot

The Witch’s knot is a common symbol in folk magic. The witch’s knot is a symbolic representation of the knot magic practiced by witches in the middle ages, and was used as a sympathetic charm against ...

Magickal Knots

Knot magick, sometimes referred to as cord magick, relies mainly on the powers of concentration and visualization. The cord and tying of the knots are points of focus that will link the thought-form t...

Knot Magick

The knot is a symbol of linking, bonding, or the connection to protective powers. The Egyptians used the knot to symbolize life and immortality. The Isis knot, which resembles an ankh with its arms at...


The tying and untying of knots is used to bind and release energy in many folk magic spells and formulas. The ancient Egyptians and Greeks tied knots in cords for love spells. The “knot of Isis,” a re...

Cord Magick

Gather around let me tell you about this amazing old folk magical art that has pretty much been utilized by cultures around the world. for those of you that are a little crafty, this could be somethin...

Kitchen Witch: Corn

(Zea mays) Planet: Sun Element: Fire Energies: Protection, spirituality Lore: Corn has played a central role in North and Central American religion for thousands of years. The Quiche Mayas of Guatemal...

Kitchen Witch: Asparagus

(Asparagus officianlis) Planet: Mars Element: Fire Energies: Sex Magical uses: As you prepare the asparagus to be cooked or steamed. Eat with power.

What is a Kitchen Witch

A Kitchen Witch is a Witch who focuses his or her magical practice on the home and hearth and uses things commonly found in the kitchen as magickal tools. Kitchen Witchery may be an expression of reli...

The Kitchen Witch’s Creed

The Kitchen Witch’s Creed In this pot, I stir to the sun an’ follow the rule of harming none. Banishment of bane when goin’ widdershins; an’ with water and salt negativity is cleansed. Household dutie...

Kitchen Witch: Spoons and Spatulas

The spoon is a bowl with a handle. As such, it is related to the moon and to the element of water. Spoons have been used for thousands of years. Until quite recently in Japan, the shamoji, or rice-spa...

Kitchen Witch: Vegetarianism 1.4

There have always been vegetarians, and there have also always been omnivores (though most earlier cultures ate far less meat than we do today). Neither way is more “correct” or “ancient” or, indeed, ...

Kitchen Witch: The Ritual of Eating 1.3

Our ancestors worshipped food, seeing it as a gift from the hands of their deities. Food magicians don’t worship food, though we respect it as a life-sustaining substance containing the energies of th...

Kitchen Witch: Watercress

Planet: Mars Element: Fire Energies: Protection, fertility Lore: In the ancient world, watercress was thought to strengthen the conscious mind. The Greeks (who knew the plant as kardamon) ate watercre...

Kitchen Witch: Squash

(Curcurbita spp.) Element: Fire Energies: Spirituality Lore: Squash was cultivated in the Americas as early as 4000 B.C.E. Several American Indian tribes honored this plant. One striking Hopi kachina ...

Kitchen Witch: Pea

(Psium sativum) Planet: Venus Element: Water Energies: Love Lore: During the Inquisition, peas were thought to be standard food for“Witches.” They have always been sacred to the Mother Goddess. Magica...

Kitchen Witch: Poke

(Phytolacca americana) Planet: Mars Element: Fire Energies: Protection Magical uses: All parts of this Native American plant are poisonous, save for the young shoots. These are cooked and eaten for pr...

Kitchen Witch: Endive

(Cichorium endivia) Planet: Jupiter Element: Air Energies: Physical strength, sex Magical uses: Endive is overlooked today as a salad green. This is a shame, because it can be eaten to promote physica...

Kitchen Witch: Chives

(Allium spp.) Planet: Mars Element: Fire Energies: Weight loss, protection Lore: Chives may have been first grown in what is now Siberia, near the shores of Lake Baikal, one of the deepest lakes in th...

Kitchen Witch: Cabbage

(Brassica spp.) Planet: Moon Element: Water Energies: Protection, money Lore: Superstitious persons once placed cabbage leaves on their foreheads on the dreaded Friday the 13th to keep evil far from t...

Kitchen Witch: Pretzel

Planet: Sun Element: Fire Energies: Protection Lore: Pretzels have a long magical history. According to legend, the winter solstice was observed with a special bread in Europe during the Middle Ages. ...

Kitchen Witch: Oat

(Avena sativa) Planet: Venus Element: Earth Energies: Money Lore: In Scotland, cakes known as bannocks were baked and eaten at Beltane, the old Pagan observance of May Day. Oatcakes are still eaten du...

Kitchen Witch: Potato

(Solanum tuberosum) Planet: Moon Element: Earth Energies: Protection, compassion Lore: The potato is a native of Peru, where it was first cultivated by about34000 B.C.E. It was introduced to Spain (an...

The Kitchen Witch

Sharing a meal with friends or those you love is a ritual in itself, there is a certain energy associated with this simple pleasure, and with the magic of food our life is sustained. The oven is one o...

Kitchen Witch: Knives

Knives were first created by flaking flint, jasper, and other cryptocrystalline quartzes into finely edged tools. The knife is ruled by Mars and the element of fire. This tool has been used both for l...

Kitchen Witch: Vegetarianism 1.3

We’re all separate, distinct persons, connected with the rest of our fellow-creatures and with the universe, and yet apart. No one diet is correct for everyone, just as no single type of haircut, food...

Kitchen Witch: The Ritual of Eating 1.2

When the harvest had been spared, our ancestors thanked their deities with offerings of food. This may have been buried, flung into the air, or tossed into afire. The portion earmarked for the deities...

Kitchen Witch: Truffle

(Tuber melanospermum) Planet: Venus Element: Water Energies: Love, sex Magical uses: The Romans believed that truffles were created by thunder. Add truffles to foods designed to increase your ability ...

Kitchen Witch: Sweet Potato

(Ipomoea batatas) Planet: Venus Element: Water Energies: Love, sex Lore: An English cookbook of 1596 includes the preparation of a sweet potato tart intended to excite sexual desires. Those sweetened,...

Kitchen Witch: Rhubarb

(Rheum spp.) Planet: Venus Element: Earth Energies: Love, protection Magical uses: Rhubarb is native to China, where it is still used in medicinal herbalism. All parts of the plant are poisonous save ...

Kitchen Witch: Radish

(Raphanus sativus) Planet: Mars Element: Fire Energies: Protection Lore: Wild radishes, eaten before breakfast, were once thought to protect the diner from being flogged and to enable one to overcome ...

Kitchen Witch: Mushroom

Planet: Moon Element: Earth Energies: Psychic awareness Lore: Pharaohs in ancient Egypt ate mushrooms, but the common people did not. Romans believed that mushrooms provided strength to the body. Mush...

Kitchen Witch: Chili

(Capsicum spp.) Planet: Mars Element: Fire Energies: Protection Lore: From archaeological evidence found in Mexican caves, chili peppers seem to have first been cultivated 9,000 years ago. The Aztecs ...

Kitchen Witch: Broccoli

(Brassica spp.) Planet: Moon Element: Water Energies: Protection Magical uses: Broccoli is a fine addition to protective diets. Season with basil, garlic, and mustard seed for increased power

Kitchen Witch: Rye

Secale spp.) Planet: Venus Element: Earth Energies: Love Magical uses: The familiar taste and smell of rye bread comes from the caraway seeds used in its creation, not from the rye. Rye, however, is a...

Kitchen Witch: Rice

(Oryza sativa) Planet: Sun Element: Air Energies: Money, Sex, Fertility, Protection Lore: Rice is to Asia what corn is to the Americas. It has been laboriously cultivated and eaten in the East for tho...

Ingredients for a Kitchen Witch

Here are 13 easy to find ingredients A Kitchen Witch should always have on hand for everyday use, general use, and of course Magickal use. Sometimes knowing where to start is the hardest part. Discove...

The Magick Of Herbs In the Kitchen

Just stop and think about the Magickal properties of cooking…The Goddess and God energy that is in your kitchen…Well..if you haven’t given it a thought let me see if I can change your perspective abou...


Salvia Rosmarinus, commonly known as rosemary, is a shrub with fragrant, evergreen, needle-like leaves and white, pink, purple, or blue flowers, native to the Mediterranean region. Until 2017, it was ...

Flavoring With Herbs

Beef: basil, horseradish, marjoram, mustard, thyme, savory Lamb: marjoram, mint, rosemary, savory Pork: basil, chives, elder, rosemary, sage Poultry: parsley, rosemary, sage, tarragon, thyme, savory F...

Kitchen Herbs for Witches

Anise* Planet: Mercury/Jupiter Element: Air Main magickal uses: Contacting other planes, divination, love, passion, preventing nightmares, protection, psychic development, psychic protection, purifica...

The Kitchen Witch at Samhain

This ancient Celtic festival lives on in the United States and in other countries as Halloween, a degraded version of both the earlier Pagan holiday as well as the later Christian variant—All Hallow’s...

Kitchen Witch: Imbolc (February Second)

Imbolc is an old festival connected with the coming of spring and the growing warmth of the sun. In some areas of Europe, this day marked the emergence of a few brave plants from beneath the snow. As ...