Oil Magick

Using Essential Oils in the Auric Field

As they begin working magically, almost all
practitioners will find that they become more
sensitive to the vibrations of the ordinary,
everyday world. A crowded train, for instance,
when you are bombarded by the various
vibrations of your fellow travellers, can be very
difficult to handle. This difficulty arises because
your own particular ‘force field’, called the aura
– which you carry with you always – begins to
vibrate at a different level than the one to which
you are accustomed and do not notice on an
everyday level.
If you begin to do a great deal of magical
work, you must learn to protect yourself,

perhaps from onslaughts of negativity or subtle
vibrations over which others have no control.
Always remember that you have at your
disposal the means for control and it should
become a regular part of your routine to
enhance your own aura and to protect that of
others. Essential oils can help you to do this.

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