Solitary Magick


Thyme has a powerful ability to kill off bacteria, viruses, and should be taken at first signs of a cold or illness. It is a rich source of several essential vitamins,such as vitamins A, E, C, K, B co...

Herbal Protection Pouch Spell

Use this spell to protect your property or a loved oneyou may feel is in danger.Items needed. One black candle, one small stone froma cemetery, black cloth pouch filled with a pinch ofeach of the foll...

The Usage of Basil

Basil has been called “the Witches Herb” for centuries. Basil has been used for exorcism, protection, in “flying ointments”, and love potions. “Where Basil grows, no evil goes!” and “Where Basil is, n...

How to Harvest Plants and Herbs

Four Methods of Drying Plants and Herbs Plants and herbs dried in a controlled heat environment are generally superior to ones dried in the sun with reference to their flavor, color, and nutrition. An...


Folk Names: Chanvre, Gallowgrass, Ganeb, Ganja, Grass, Hanf, Kif, Marijuana, Neckweede, Tekrouri, Weed Gender: Feminine Planet: Saturn Element: Water Powers: Healing, Love, Visions, Meditation Magical...

Herbal Infusions

As well as magical sachets, you can make herbs into infusions. Add one level teaspoon (5 ml) of coarsely chopped dried herbs or two level teaspoons (10 ml) of freshly chopped leaves or flowers to a cu...

Guide to Magical Herbs

All herbs and plants are magic: they are the pure embodiments of the Earth’s spirit, sustaining themselves with sunlight, vibration, water, and stardust (minerals). Herbs and plants feed us, nourish u...

Theories of how Herbal Magick may Work

How does herbal magick work, anyway? A sachet of leaves tucked under a pillow, a handful of berries strewn across a doorway: Herbal charms and remedies are one of the most familiar forms of magick. He...

French Tarragon

French tarragon is the variety generally considered best for the kitchen. Russian tarragon can be grown from seed but is much weaker in flavour when compared to the French variety. It seems to be one ...

Magickal Uses for Herbs

Herbs by themselves have little magickal power. In order to practice powerful witchcraft using herbs, the herbs must be infused with power. This is advanced magick and requires the ability to invoke/e...

The Hedge Craft – NETTLE (Urtica Dioica)

NETTLE (Urtica Dioica); Plant Family: (Hamamelids) Parts Used: Leaves, buds, rhizomes and roots. Collection season: early spring for leaves and buds until they flower, seeds and roots in autumn. Soil ...


(Commiphora myrrha) P Ub Folk Names: Gum Myrrh Tree, Karan, Mirra Balsom Odendron Gender: Feminine Planet: Moon Element: Water Deities: Isis, Adonis, Ra, Marian Powers: Protection, Exorcism, Healing, ...

The Powers of Herbs

How does it work? When people discover I’m a magical herbalist, this is one of two questions asked. The other usually refers to my state of mental health. Nonetheless, the first question is a valid on...


Herbs provide us with an abundance of medicinal, as well as magickal substances. Most herbs are easily grown and cared for because in reality, they are weeds. Herbs will grow in the shade, in between ...

Herbal Protection Bath

This spell is intended to add extra protection to you personally, not your home like the two spells above. The exact amounts of the herbs are up to you. You need: • Rosemary • Rue • Lavender • Basil (...

Healing Herbs For Anxiety & Stress

Anxiety is a normal response to a stressful situation. It is an emotion that we all experience at some point. It keeps us alert and ready for action as a survival mechanism, allowing us to react quick...


Herbs can be mixed and combined to produce a “recipe” that’s just right for each of us. Since the Sun sign you were born under has such an amazing influence on your health and well-being, using the he...

Clutterbuck, Old Dorothy (1880–1951)

The high priestess of a coven of hereditary Witches in the New Forest of England, who initiated Gerald Gardner into Witchcraft in 1939. Little was known about Clutterbuck for many years, prompting som...

CROWLEY, ALEISTER: An Opinion from Doreen Valiente

Aleister Crowley earns a place in witchcraft, not because he was a witch, but because he was not ! This, of course, does not stop Crowley’s name being dragged into every Sunday newspaper’s latest “Exp...

Margaret Murray (1863 – 1963) Part Two

Murray, seeing parallels with her Egyptology work, started digging through documents, and in 1917 she published “Organizations of Witches in Great Britain” in the Folklore Journal. That dry-sound...

Doctor John (19th century)

Famous American witch doctor, Doctor John (also called Bayou John and Jean Montaigne) was a free black man who owned slaves in antebellum New Orleans. A huge man, Doctor John claimed he was a prince i...

Duncan, Helen (1898–1956)

Duncan, Helen (1898–1956) British Spiritualist whose conviction on flimsy charges of witchcraft led to the repeal of Britain’s Witchcraft Act of 1736, thus clearing the way for the public practice of ...

Bury St. Edmonds Witches

Bury St. Edmonds Witches Of the various witch trials of Suffolk, England, conducted in Bury St. Edmonds during the 17th century, two episodes stand out. In 1645, 68 witches went to their deaths on the...

Crowley, Aleister (1875–1947)

The most controversial and perhaps least understood magician and occultist of his time, Aleister Crowley has been both vilified and idolized. He was a man of both low excesses and high brilliance. He ...

Fortune, Dion (1891–1946)

The magical name of Violet Mary Firth, British occultist and author whose books continue to have an impact on modern witchcraft and Paganism. Considered one of the leading occultists of her time, Dion...


A paranormal phenomenon whereby a body or object is raised up into the air in defiance of gravity. Levitation has been reported in cases of bewitchment, hauntings and possession; it also is attributed...

Witchcraft in Brief

Witchcraft is the ability to harness and use the powers of nature and one’s own personal energy in order to create a desired effect in theworld. It is ancient and found the world over, in various form...

Ill-Wishing in Witchcraft

A curse that is the product of envy, revenge and anger. In earlier times, people commonly blamed their misfortune on the ill-wishing of others. If two people argued and then one suffered a mishap, bec...

The Brocken: A Witches Meeting Ground

The Brocken, also called the Blocksberg, was the most famous meeting place for witches in Europe. An old-fashioned poet, Matthison, wrote of it with gruesome awe. The horn of Satan grimly sounds; On B...

Witchcraft The Key to Manifestation

It is advantageous that you realize just what is accessible through this technique. I have spent many years charting and understanding the concept of thought and the body of the mindscape as a way of ...

Witchcraft & Service

Let’s not confuse the word service with the word servitude. You service the forces with which you interrelate. You are in service to life itself. This is our deity, which we consider both our Goddess ...

Witchcraft Distribution & Disassociation

The term “harm” is perpetrated through either ignorance or intent. Ignorance is a social problem brought about because the flesh we eat is prepackaged and is often not considered flesh; because our fr...

Witchcraft & Self Analysis

The biological animal and the soul that infuses it has an innate ability to handle its own life and transcend both the internal and the external problems that arise through merely being alive (in this...

Contemplation in Witchcraft

Contemplation is a very natural way of focusing and inspiring the mindscape. It is best accessed through an activity (sometimes repetitive) that doesn’t require the mental concentration of reading or ...

Mulengro in Witchcraft

Mulengro is the name of an entity that is like an alien barb; one that has become an out-of-control arrow that pierces generation upon generation with its poison. It feeds on its own likeness, and peo...

Intention in your Witchcraft

Know, at all times, why you are doing what you are doing.Know your own motives well.Exercise caution in your undertakings, as each action, each thought, is to be clearly of your own choosing.Each thou...

What is Green Witchcraft

Green Witchcraft is a term often used interchangeably with the descriptor Hedge Witch. There are certain similarities between the paths but the fundamental core of each path is very different. Where t...

Witches and Witchcraft Moving Forward

Alister Crowley’s “love under will.” When we consider Wilt. The saying goes love under will. But he says do what thou wilt. Turning will…into a verb. This could possibly be of some great importance. I...

A Witches Personal Power

Personal power is a natural growth process that develops as a result of the life you live in the way of the witch. Others will notice you even when you do not desire to be noticed. Therefore, personal...

What is Witchcraft

Witchcraft is the set of beliefs and practices employed by Witches in ritual and spellwork. Often, magical work is incorporated into the Shabbat and Esbat celebrations observed by covens and solitary ...

Some Basic Beliefs of Witches, Part One

One of the witches’ most important basic beliefs, obviously, is the reality and possibility of magic. This involves the idea that the physical world is only part of reality, the part that we are able ...

The Witches’ Darkened Room

Within the corner of a darkened room, a woman sits on a chair and hums a repetitive tune. Her eyes are closed and she rocks back and forth, back and forth, back and forth-seeming to sway in some invis...

Antiquity in Witchcraft

Witchcraft is as old as the human race. It dates from the days when, by the flickering light of a clay lamp, a Stone Age artist worked in the silent depths of a cave sanctuary, drawing upon the walls ...

Cunning Man /Cunning Woman

Village witch or healer who provided cures, remedies, charms, spells and divination, usually in exchange for a fee or gift. “Cunning” comes from the Old English term kenning, meaning “wise” or “knowle...

Witchcraft in the Bible

The best-known Biblical text referring to witchcraft is verse 18 in the twenty-second chapter of Exodus, which states: “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.” It is printed on the title-page of ...

Crossroads A heavily charged place of Magick

The Greek goddess of witchcraft, Hecate, was also the goddess of the crossroads, and animals were sacrificed to her at such locations. It was believed that Hecate appeared at crossroads on clear night...

Some Basic Beliefs of Witches

One of the witches’ most important basic beliefs, obviously, is the reality and possibility of magic. This involves the idea that the physical world is only part of reality, the part that we are able ...

African Witchcraft

In African tribal traditions, witchcraft is part of the accepted supernatural landscape and is generally something to be feared. Study of African tribal religions illustrates the African ancestry of m...


The ability of witches, sorcerers  and other magically empowered persons to transform themselves and other humans at will into animals, birds and insects. In witchcraft trials, people testified that t...

A History Of Witchcraft

Witchcraft probably originated about 25,000 years ago in the Palaeolithic era. At that time, humankind and nature were seen as inextricably linked. People acknowledged every rock, tree and stream as d...

A Call for Respect of your fellow Witches

I respect the solitary witches who blaze your own trails, walk your own paths, and listen to your own gods. It can be a lonely, yet rewarding, life. It is not for the faint of heart. From the solitary...

The Compass Round in Traditional Witchcraft

A lot of traditional witches do not cast a circle at all as this is not traditional witchcraft but some do cast a compass which is not a circle. It is very different.   Rituals in Traditional Cra...

Canewdon Witches

According to a prophecy by the famous 19th-century cunning man James Murrell, the Essex village of Canewdon, located in England’s “witch country” of East Anglia, would be populated with witches “forev...


An Esbat is a regular meeting of a coven of Witches at which religious worship is conducted, business is discussed and magic and healing work is done. The frequency of esbats depends on the coven. Mos...

Witches Curse

A curse is a spell intended to bring misfortune, illness, harm or death to a victim. Curses are the most dreaded form of magic, as curses are universal. They are “laid” or “thrown” primarily for reven...

The Setting of an Exorcism.

There is a special connection between the spirit and its possessing location, most often the victim’s bedroom or personal place. Anything that can be moved is taken out, such as rugs, lamps, dressers,...

Great Rite in Witchcraft

In contemporary Witchcraft, a powerful, magical rite of sexual intercourse that pays homage to the male/female polarity that exists in all things in the universe. The Great Rite expresses the physical...

Baphomet, An Explanation

This name was given to the statue of a mysterious deity alleged to be worshipped by the Knights Templars. The latter, although a powerful and wealthy order of chivalry, came to be distrusted by Church...

Granny Magick

The Appalachian Granny Magic Tradition of Witchcraft is one that is only recently being heard of. Though the tradition is a very old one, dating all the way back to the first settlers of the magical A...

Words on Witchcraft

In Witchcraft there is no formal priesthood although some witches working in a group or coven will have a High Priestess and High Priests who are leaders of that group. The fact that they are High Pri...

Evil Eye

The causing of illness, misfortune, calamity and death by the looks of strangers and by envious looks, amulets and incantations  ward the danger off. The evil eye exists around the world, dating to an...

The Season of the Witch

From the Autumn Equinox until just after the Wild Hunt rides out around Samhain is the Season of the Witch. People all over the United States seem to know that this is true without...

The Mechanics Of Witchcraft

Magick takes place at what TS Eliot in The Four Quartets called the ‘still point of the turning world’, that moment of timelessness that enables thought to be turned into reality on the material plane...


Hermetica Forty-two sacred books of mystical wisdom attributed to the mythical Hermes Trismegistus, or “thrice great Hermes,” the combined Egyptian and Greek deities of Thoth and Hermes, respectively....

The Theban Alphabet

The Theban alphabet otherwise known as the witch’s alphabet or runes of Honorious is believed to have emerged in the medieval period when cabbalistic practices were prominent among European magicians....


The transformation of a human being into a wolf. There are two types of lycanthropy: a mania in which a person imagines himself to be a wolf and exhibits a craving for blood; and the magical-ecstatic ...

Witchcraft & Flying

A belief during the witch hunts, that the Devil, his demons and witches could transport themselves and others through the air. Flying (also called transvection) was done with the aid of a broom, fork ...

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Guazzo, Francesco-Maria (17th century)

Guazzo, Francesco-Maria (17th century) Italian friar who became well known as a demonologist and opponent of witches. Francesco-Maria Guazzo is best known as the author of Compendium Maleficarum (Hand...

Your First Steps to Witchcraft

Our first steps on the path of Witchcraft require us to connect to the earth and at least wonder about its inherent value. Could the earth, its seasons, and the natural realm really have value beyond ...

The Witches Cauldron

The cauldron, like the broomstick and the black cat, is one of the features of any scene of witchcraft as pictured in the popular mind. Some of the belief derives from Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, wher...

Mathew Hopkins

Hopkins, Matthew (?–1647?) England’s most notorious professional witch-hunter, who brought about the condemnations and executions of at least 230 allegedwitches, more than all other witch-hunters comb...

Fairy Witch of Clonmel (1894)

Fairy Witch of Clonmel (1894) A young woman named Bridget Cleary, of Clonmel, County Tipperary, who was tortured and burned to death because her husband believed the fairies had spirited her away and ...

Hibbins, Ann (d. 1656)

Hibbins, Ann (d. 1656) Prominent Boston woman convicted of witchcraft and executed. Her chief crime as a witch seemed to have been a bad temper, which was disliked by her neighbors. Ann Hibbins was ma...

Graves, William (17th century)

Graves, William (17th century) Connecticut man accused of witchcraft over a dispute with his daughter and son-in-law. Though no legal action was taken against William Graves, his case indicates how ea...

Bamberg Witches

At the center of the worst witch tortures and trials in Germany was Bamberg, a small state ruled by Gottfried Johann Georg II Fuchs von Dornheim. The Hexenbischof (Witch Bishop) von Dornheim, as he wa...

Hawkins, Jane (17th century)

Hawkins, Jane (17th century) Massachusetts midwife and healer expelled on suspicions of witchcraft in the delivery of a deformed, stillborn fetus. The witchcraft accusations were mixed with a religiou...

The burning alive of Father Louis Gaufridi

The burning alive of Father Louis Gaufridi for bewitchment of the nuns at Aix in 1611 formed the legal precedent for the conviction and execution of Urbain Grandier at Loudun more than 20 years later....

Gruber, Bernardo (17th century)

German trader accused of sorcery by Pueblo Indians in northern New Mexico. Bernardo Gruber was imprisoned. He escaped but died a strange death. In 1668, Gruber arrived in New Mexico with a pack train ...

Arras witches (1459–1460)

A mass witch hunt in Arras, northern France. The accused were brutally tortured and promised their lives, then burned at the stake. The incident roused the ire of the duke of Burgundy, and eventually ...


Widely held superstitions that it is bad luck to walk beneath a ladder are related in part to fears about witches, especially during the witch hunt times in colonial America. Not all witches were burn...

Chelmsford Witches

Chelmsford witches Four major witch trails in the 16th–17th centuries that resulted in numerous convictions and executions. The first trial occurred in the summer of 1566, under the rule of Queen Eliz...

Corey Giles (d 1692)

Executed in the Salem Witches hysteria of 1692–93 by being pressed to death for not acknowledging the right of the court to try him on charges of witchcraft. Giles Corey was a well-to-do man of Salem ...

Butters, Mary (late 18th–early 19th centuries)

An attempt to cure a cow of bewitchment with white magic ended in disaster for Mary Butters, the “Carmoney Witch,” who narrowly escaped a trial in Carrickfergus, Ireland, in March 1808. Butters was a ...

Corey, Martha (d. 1692)

The fourth person to be accused of witchcraft in the Salem Witches hysteria of 1692–93, who was tried and executed. Martha Corey was the wife of Giles Corey, who also was executed. The Coreys were wel...

Burroughs George (d. 1692)

Burroughs, George (d. 1692) Minister accused of witchcraft and executed in the Salem Witches hysteria in Massachusetts in 1692 to 1693. George Burroughs served as minister of Salem Village from 1680 t...

Gowdie, Isobel:1662

Scottish witch whose stories of wild sexual escapades with the Devil titillated and shocked her stern neighbors and reinforced the prevailing beliefs in witches as evil creatures bent on destroying th...

Cole, Ann (17th century)

Accused witch in Hartford,Connecticut, who was believed to be under demonic possession. The case was recorded in a letter written by Reverend John Whiting, which in turn was published by Increase Math...

Greensmith, Rebecca (17th century)

Hartford, Connecticut, woman accused of witchcraft, who confessed and was executed. Rebecca Greensmith and her third husband, Nathaniel, lived next door to Ann Cole. The couple was reasonably affluent...

Good, Dorcas (17th century)

The youngest victim of the Salem Witches hysteria of 1692–93. Dorcas Good was the daughter of Sarah Good, one of the first persons to be accused of witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692. Only fo...

Burning Times

A term used by Witches and Pagans to refer to the period in Western history of intense witch-hunting and executions, generally the mid-15th to mid18th centuries. Burning, one of the most extreme forms...

Bodin, Jean (1529–1596)

Bodin, Jean (1529–1596) French demonologist and political theorist who encouraged the vicious persecution of witches and helped fan the fires of the Inquisition throughout Europe. Jean Bodin said that...

Bishop, Bridget (d. 1692)

Bridget (d. 1692) The first victim of the Salem Witches hysteria in Massachusetts in 1692–93. Bridget Bishop was the first to be accused and examined, and the first to be tried and executed. Bishop wa...

Women who Burned

“It was not witches who burned. It was women. Women who were seen as Too beautiful Too outspoken Had too much water in the well Who had a birthmark Women who were too skilled with herbal medicine Too ...

Burning at the Stake as a Punishment for Witches

Contrary to popular belief, witches were not burned at the stake in England, after the Reformation. Instead, death sentences were carried out by hanging. In Scotland, however, the sentence of burning ...

The Persecution Of Witches

In medieval times, there were possibly many issues, political, religious, and otherwise, that brought about the persecution of witches. Amongst other things, These issues included the religious emphas...

Witchcraft Theory & Practice – Solstice and Equinox

The Wheel of Solstice and Equinox is as follows: Winter Solstice (known as Yule); to Spring Equinox (known as Ostara); to Summer Solstice (known as Litha); thence to Autumn Equinox (known as Mabon). T...

Problems with the Climate

Are you troubled about traipsing through the chill of the night? Do you get singed in the sun or think an icy downpour is a downer? Witchcarft is a spiritual tradition that includes many practices tha...

Weather Magick

Witches were once believed to be able to raise the wind at their pleasure. In a confession made at Auldearn in Nairnshire in the year 1662, certain women accused of sorcery said, “When we raise the wi...

Weather Lore

The local Wise Woman or Cunning Man would have a pretty good grasp on predicting the weather. So would local farmers, if they paid attention to their landscape, which, given it was their livelihood. G...

Visualization in Witchcraft

Proficiency in visualization is most important to all occult training. The receptacle of the imagination is integral to the processes of creation. Change through intent begins with inspiration, passin...

Pentacle Tarot

● Ace- material gains, growth, happiness; (R) immobility, empty wealth● King- sensible, worldliness, manifest ideas; (R) inability, corrupt● Queen- stability, culture, plans become reality; (R) neglec...

Tarot Cards ( Breaking in a New Deck)

When breaking in a new deck,  you may wish to do so with a dedication using incense. Maybe you could use incense-like Frankincense, and sprinkle an herb (such as rue, betony, cinquefoil, burdock, elde...

Symbols Of Magick

Although you can carry out rituals using absolutely anything, you may like to create a special set of symbols for a variety of rituals. These you can keep in a separate box within your main store of m...

Ostara Blessing

Ostara Blessings to all. Today is the Spring Equinox when night and day are both at equal length. If you go out late afternoon you might just catch the rising Moon in the sky at exactly the same time ...

The Spring Equinox / Ostara, Explained

The Time of The Spring Equinox is From sunset on or about 20th March for three days Its Focus is  The triumph of light over darkness, resurrection, new beginnings and opportunities; spring cleani...

Earth-Centered Spirituality

A long time ago in the ancient days of our ancestors, when human communities were more a less tribal and before the introduction of any religion, there were earth-centered practices. Unlike religion, ...

How to Write your own Spells

While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with using other peoples’ spells — and in fact there is an entire industry devoted to publishing books full of them — there are times when you may wish to use yo...

To Cast a Spell

Probably the most obvious characteristic of a Witch was the ability to cast a spell. A spell being the word used to signify the means employed to carry out a magical action. A spell could consist of a...

Spell crafting exercise

Exercise1. Do not do the following exercises in bed until you are used to the technique, as it is likely that you will fall asleep. 2. Have a soft, dim lamp or a lighted candle behind you somewhere, a...

Rune in a Witches Home

You can inscribe a rune of protection into your doorway, or place a rune somewhere behind something if you want to be secretive. Talismans such as the Sator Square work well for this.

A Ritual To Wash Away Negativity

Infusions can be made, using lemon, peppermint, pine or tea tree oil, to wash away negative feelings. Use 12 drops of essential oil to a bucket of hot water. Alternatively, add two peppermint tea bags...

Winter’s End Ritual

You Will Need A White candle A Corn dolly A Fireproof receptacle Either the sticky burrs from a cleavers plant (which has a cleansing effect) or several pieces of paper on which you have written your ...

A Spring Equinox Cleaning Ritual

Use this ritual to welcome the winds of positive change You can perform it on any of the three days of the rising equinox energies that precede the equinox. Alternatively, it can be adapted for cleans...

Ritual and Spellwork

It might be said that Witchcraft, recognizes the laws of the Universe symbolically through the Goddess and God, the Wheel of the Year, and reverence for all living things. Rituals performed in celebra...

Rituals in Magick

Ritual magick is no different from any other activity that you may carry out in a systematic way. Yes, it is true, it is more formal than folk magick: you are using special tools and following a serie...

Rite of Wind

Light incense. Pass over working area. Place the representation of your magick key near your other supplies for this night. Close your eyes, and envision yourself surrounded by white light. Take ...

Samhain Rites and Rituals for a Hedgewitch

As this is the time when the veils between the worlds are thin, the Hedge Druid’s Craft concerns working with the ancestors and the Fair Folk at this time of the year. She can travel to the Lower worl...

Rite of Celestial Power

Places your calendar on the center of the altar, along with your magickal key. Ring your bell or chimes eleven times. If you can, go outside and light your favorite incense. If you are confined inside...

Rite of the Mountain

Light incense. On a purple candle, inscribe the word mountain with a pin, nail, or clay inscribing tool. Place the candle in a safe holder, and light. Intone the following mountain charm: Herbal magic...

Rite of Stone

Arrange your thirteen chosen gemstones around your dedication candle. You will not light your dedication candle tonight; instead, we are preparing your altar for the final ceremony. Put your magick ke...

Rite of Thunder

Arrange the white candle, the bowl of aromatic herbs, and your magick key on your altar near the black and white plate project from last night. This particular rite is mostly mental, so relax and take...

The Hedge Craft – Rites and Rituals

We previously looked at the word, enchantment (en chantement, “to sing into”) as that which brings the songs of magic and the universe together so there is a flow, balance and harmony as well as a gui...

Rite of Silence

This ritual is dedicated to pampering yourself, which means you won’t be working at your altar. You may visit a gym or a spa, or take a long, luxurious bath followed by a personal hygiene regime. You ...

Summer Solstice Rites and Rituals for a Hedgewitch

The time of the greatest light, this is a good time of the year to harness the energy towards your goals. Riding the tide, we can stand in the heat of the noon-day sun and allow its energy to flow thr...

Rite of Starry Sky

Tonight we are not using incense but enjoying the aroma of the Florida water and the fresh flowers. Sprinkle yourself with the Florida water. Go outside (or look out a window), and count the number of...

Rite of Rain

Place your magick key and the special glass bottle filled with the listed herbs beside your pebbles on your altar. Fill the bottle with blessed water. Swirl the bottle nine times, intoning the followi...

Essential Healing Salve Recipe

When it comes to healing salves, there are a couple kinds that prove their need most often. Though everyone has different preferences and different recipes for those salves, these are ours. Sore Muscl...

Elderberry Syrup Recipe

This homemade elderberry syrup can be taken at the first sign of a cough, cold, or flu. It’s also great as a daily immunity booster. For cold and flu. Adults, use 1 tablespoon every 2-3 hours. For chi...

The Best of Elderberries

The elderberry recipes here are what will make the bounty of your foraging a real prize. A recipe is what brings surprise to all you’ve gathered. There is much to learn from bringing your abundance in...

What is A Psychic Attack?

A spiritual or psychic attack is when someone intentionally sends negative energy your way. All that’s really required is for someone to think negative thoughts or wish you ill for that energy to affe...

Symptoms of a Psychic Attack

Below are a few of the many examples of what can be experienced by a psychic attack Having nightmares: Having frightening and unpleasant dreams Seeing the attacker front and center: Seeing the at...

Herbal Poppets

This is also known as the “voodoo doll,” although it has been in magical use at least 4,000 years and was only lately associated with voodoo. Though they have been made out of roots, potatoes, lead, b...

Herbal Poppets And Sachets

Traditionally, empowered herbs were used to fill either sachets or featureless dolls called herbal poppets. They were made for love, protection, prosperity, fertility, healing and success and could co...

Water Lilly

Nymphaeaceae is a family of flowering plants, commonly called water lilies. They live as rhizomatous aquatic herbs in temperate and tropical climates around the world. The family contains five genera ...


Calendula is known to affect the menstrual cycle and should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Theoretically, calendula may affect conception when taken by a man or woman, so couples tryi...

The Hedge Craft – Plantain (Plantago lanceolota)

Plantain (Plantago lanceolota) – leaf• Antihistamine – good for insect bites, hay fever tea• vulnerary (wound healer) used as a poultice for clearing heat and inflammation, varicose veins and varicose...

Moon Wort

StatusBest Time to See June, July, AugustColour GreenHabitat Woodland, GrasslandA small fern with a magical reputation.So named for the shape of its leaves, which are fan-shaped and resemble a half-mo...


A poisonous perennial herb that grows in the Mediterranean region and that is reputed to have powerful magical properties. Mandrake, part of the nightshade family, has a strong and unpleasant odor. It...

Skullcap (Scutulleria nodosa)

Skullcap (Scutulleria nodosa) – herb


(Cupressus sempervirens) P Folk Name: Tree of Death Gender: Feminine Planet: Saturn Element: Earth Deities: Mithras, Pluto, Aphrodite, Ashtoreth, Artemis, Apollo, Cupid, Jupiter, Hekat, Hebe, Zoroaste...

Magical uses of plants/scents

ACACIA -Blessing, raising of vibration, protection via spiritual elevation. AGRIMONY (Cocklebur) -Helps to overcome fear, dispel negative emotions, overcome inner blockages. ALLSPICE -Adds strength to...

BIRCH (Betula Pedula)

BIRCH (Betula Pedula) Plant family: Birch Family (Hamamelids) Parts Used: Sap, leaves, bark and buds. Soil and Environment: Woodland and heath, moor, parklands and gardens. Copes well in sandy, acidic...

Chickweed (Stellaria media)

Chickweed (Stellaria media) – aerial parts, skin soother, with cooling, drawing action when applied to bites, stings and rashes (can be used straight from picking or crushedfirst), helps to clear ecze...


Jasmine flower awakens your spirit and opens your heart to great energies involving all matters of Love, as Jasmine helps to attract love into your life in all forms. Long used as an aphrodisiac throu...

Cloth of Gold

(Crocus angustifolia) X Powers: Understanding Animal Languages Magical Uses: The cloth-of-gold gives the power to understand the language of birds and beasts. You must be barefooted with washed feet w...

Heather (Calluna vulgaris)

Heather (Calluna vulgaris) or (Erica cinerea “bell heather”) – flowers


Roses are a highly versatile and magickal herb that has the highest vibrational frequency out of all the plants. As such they have been used for cultural and medicinal purposes for over 5,000 years. W...

The Hedge Craft – Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) – root and leaf

Motherwort (Leonorus Cardiaca)

Motherwort (Leonorus Cardiaca) – herb *also known as Lionheart

Hawthorn (Crataegus oxycanthus)

Hawthorn (Crataegus oxycanthus) – leaf, blossom and berry. Hawthorn is a good heart tonic, beta blocker, protects the heart muscle, prevents heart attacks, is a vaso-dilator (peripheral), helpspromote...

The Planets: Mercury

Mercury is the closest and densest planet in the solar system to the Sun. Its interior is composed of a huge iron core. This is thought to be partially molten and acts like a dynamo generating Mercury...

Planetary Correspondence Saturn

Glyph Symbols Scythe, key, double axeDeities Saturn, Kronos, Hera, Kali, NetArchangel CassielDay SaturdayColor BlackNumber ThreeMetal LeadStones Onyx, obsidian, jet, hematite, apache tearIncense Patch...

Planetary Days And Their Applications: Mercury

Wednesday, the day of Mercury, is good for spells to assist money-making ventures. Mercury is also good, for spells in clear communication, persuasion, adaptability and versatility. As well as spells ...

Planetary Days And Their Applications: Mars

Tuesday, the day of Mars, is good for spells for courage, taking the initiative at home, independence and separateness from others, and change. It also represents aggression, competitiveness, and ange...

Planetary Days And Their Applications: Venus

Friday, the day of Venus, is associated with love and all forms of love magick, especially to attract love. Venus rules harmony and peace, however, if the success of a love spell depends on ruining an...

Planetary Correspondence, Jupiter

Glyph Symbols Thunderbolt, trident, crownDeities Zeus, Athena, Jupiter, Minerva, Tinia,Marduk, MaatArchangel SachielDay ThursdayColors Purple, dark blueNumber FourMetal TinStones Amethyst, lepidolite,...


Millions of years old, from ancient Babylon to modern times, the planets have always symbolized the essential forces of the universe. Equated with the gods, endowed with magickal attributes, and viewe...

Planetary Days And Their Applications

The Sun Sunday, the day of the Sun, is for spells for personal fulfilment and ambition, power and success, for increasing the flow of the life force, asserting or strengthening your identity and indiv...

Planetary Days And Their Applications: The Sun

Sunday, the day of the Sun, is for spells for personal fulfillment and ambition, power and success, for increasing the flow of the life force, asserting or strengthening your identity and individualit...

BOSCAWEN-UN STONE CIRCLE (nr Lands End, Cornwall)

Famous stone circle that is still used by the Cornish Gorsedd today. Many votive offerings have been found here, and the whole place has very much a faery ring feel to it. The central impressive stone...

A To Z of Sacred Sites in the UK

AVEBURY (nr Marlborough, Wiltshire) One of Britain’s most well known stone circles, dating from around 4000 years ago and originally consisted of 180 stones. Today it is possible to see two stone circ...


One of Britain’s most well known stone circles, dating from around 4000 years ago and originally consisted of 180 stones. Today it is possible to see two stone circles surrounded by an outer circle. T...

Chanctonbury Ring

In England, Chanctonbury Ring is one of the time-honored meeting places of the Sussex witches. A well-known landmark and local beauty spot, it is a green, rounded height, crowned by a fine clump of tr...

Witchcraft in the Cotswold

The area of the Cotswold Hills has long been famous as a centre of witchcraft lore. In modern days two events have brought this fact to notice: the so-called ‘Witchcraft Murder’ on Meon Hill in ninete...

Paganism: Relevant or Non Relevant Science

String theory, which was first proposed in the 1970s, suggests that the universe is not composed of particles as we think of them, but of very small loops of string that vibrate at certain frequencies...

Paganism: Views of Satan

This is a question not easily answered since every Pagan has his or her own opinion on the subject. Most Pagans will agree that whatever else Satan maybe, he is at least a Deity of the Judeo-Christian...

Paganism: You are what you believe

Ideas are powerful. What you believe about yourself and your world determines to a large extent the kinds of experiences you will have and how you will interpret them. The ideas you accept as true are...

Paganism: The Importance of Being Authentic

The Basic  ideas and ideals  of being authentic could mean: ♦ Figuring out who you are♦ Accepting yourself♦ Being true to yourself In itself, this may all sound very easy. However...

Paganism in History

The customs and spiritual practices of the early, pre-Christian Pagan cultures were passed down from one generation to the next. These old ways were traditions for respecting and interacting with the ...

What is Paganism?

Sometimes that is difficult to define. Modern Paganism probably embraces the most diverse sets of spiritual belief systems and practices in existence today. Paganism is not a traditional “religion” be...

Witchcraft Explained

Witchcraft is a number of belief systems whose roots pre date Christianity and which comes under the umbrella heading of Pagan. Witchcraft also has roots which go back to Paleolithic times as illustra...

The Meaning of the Word Paganism

The word Pagan comes from the Latin word “Paganus” which in itself means country dweller. This word may of once been used as a derogatory term created by city dwellers to describe what can be terms as...

Other Witches Tools

Depending on the tradition, the coven, and/or the individual Witch, variations and additions to the tools described above may be used in ritual and spellwork. For example, some Witches use a sword in ...

The Broom in Witchcraft

Perhaps the most common (and commonly misunderstood) symbol of Witches and Witchcraft in popular culture, the broom has been part of Witchcraft and other pagan lore around the world for centuries. The...

The Wand in Magick

The wand is a symbol of Fire and should be placed in the South of the altar. The wand is sometimes represented by a spear. Both the wand and spear, like the athame and sword, are male symbols. The spe...

Babylonian Devil trap

Babylonian Devil trap A terra-cotta bowl inscribed with charms or magical texts to drive away evil. Babylonian Devil traps were common between the third to first centuries b.c.e. and sixth-century c.e...

Pagan Crafts: How to make a Set of Worry Dolls

Worry dolls are commonly used in Central America by children, but this doesn’t mean that adults can’t use them too! The legend states that if you tell one of your worries to each of your worry dolls b...

Pagan Crafts: How to make Spell Protection Boxes

Spells are cast by constructing a spell box, which are enclosed altars or tableaux. In general, a spell box is filled with power items necessary to achieve a goal, although you should follow direction...

Pagan Crafts: Witches Inspiration Jar

The purpose is to bring on inspiration. For creativity. Items you will need: 1 mason jar1 small crystaldried orange peels, two thirdsdried mint one third2 drops orange oil1 drop mint oila square piece...

Pagan Crafts: How to make a Sacred Salt Jar

This is not only great to have for oneself, but it makes a nice gift to someone special if you happen to know what scents they like or stones they like. Since what you put into it is “yours”, it is li...

Pagan Crafts: How to make a Simple Besom

Collect handfuls of plants to use such as: YarrowCedarJuniperFruit tree sprigsOak tree sprigsBirch or ash sprigs Bundle plants together and tie, cut ends together. The bundle may be Tied to A Branch i...

Witches Good Luck Sachet

Supplies needed: 1)small bag or panty hose… 2)vanilla incense 3)frankincense 4)items to go into sachet. Here are some items for good luck. Acorns, jade, four leaf clovers, parsley, cloves, gold, silve...

Making Coloured Sachets For Rituals

Making sachets for rituals is very simple. If you are good at sewing, fold a rectangle of cloth and stitch the sides together, using a running stitch. Alternatively, just place the herbs in the centre...

Make Your Own Besom

While it’s easy to just buy a broom, it’s also pretty easy to make one of your own out of different types of wood. Although the items that follow are for the more traditional style of besom, you can u...

50 Ways To Use Essential Oils

1. For good-smelling towels, sheets, clothes, etc. place a few drops of your favorite essential oil onto a small piece of terry cloth and toss into the clothes dryer while drying. Add 5 drops of essen...

ABC of carrier oils

Vegetable and carrier oils have a plethora of fine uses which include acting as a carrier for therapeutic applications, as an excellent addition to your culinary creations, as a lathering agent for so...

Essential Oils and Their Magickal Properties

ACACIA: Possessing high spiritual vibrations, this oil is worn to aid meditation and to develop psychic powers. Some also use it to anoint their altars, censers, and candles. ALL-SPICE: Very vitalizin...

Devil’s Marks

According to witch-hunters, the Devil always permanently marked the bodies of his initiates to seal their pledge of obedience and service to him. He marked them by raking his claw across their flesh o...

Hermetica. Mystical Wisdom

Hermetica Forty-two sacred books of mystical wisdom attributed to the mythical Hermes Trismegistus, or“thrice great Hermes,” the combined Egyptian and Greek deities of Thoth and Hermes, respectively. ...


The vomiting or disgorgement of strange or foul objects, usually associated with someone possessed by or obsessed with the Devil or other demons. Such actions also once were seen as illusions or spell...

Airts, The Four

This is an old Gaelic term for the four points of the compass, north, south, east and west. They are important in magic, as the magic circle should always be orientated to them. Early Christian church...


A knotted loop of thread, also called a ligature, which witches were said to use to cause impotence, and perhaps even castration, in men; barrenness in women; and general discontent in marriage. The a...


In German and Scandinavian myth, the Alrunes are sorceresses or female demons who can change shape; they are believed to be the mothers of the Huns. As late as the 19th century in some rural areas, th...


Footprints are reputed to contain the essence of a person and may be used in magical charms and spells. Dust or dirt taken from a footprint may be used to obtain power over the person who made the pri...


The symbol of the “sabbatic goat,” portrayed as a half-human, half-goat figure, or a goat head. The origin of the name Baphomet is unclear. It may be a corruption of Mahomet. The English witchcraft hi...

Avalon, The Ancient British Paradise

Avalon, where the dying King Arthur found rest at the end of his epic story, has been identified with the present-day Glastonbury. Many legends cling to this ancient place, among the green hills of So...

The Birth of Dionysus and the Twelve Days of Dionysos

In Orphic tradition the Nativity, Epiphany or birth (Genethlia) of Dionysus is celebrated in the evening of 24th December, and is the beginnng of 12 days of ritual worship of Dionysus the Saviour, and...

Bune Wand

This is the old Scottish name given to anything a witch used to fly on. Contrary to popular belief, the instrument of the witches’ legendary flights through the air was by no means always a broomstick...