Angel Magick

Watcher of the West & North

Marking the Autumnal Equinox was Antares, Watcher of the West. The North Watcher was the marker of Winter Solstice, Foralhaut. Actual towers, called Ziggurats (cosmic mountains) were built as a form of worship. Each tower bore the symbols of the Watchers. During ritual celebrations the symbols were traced in the air with torch flames or wands, and the Watchers names were called. The Watchers were thought of as gods that guarded the heavens and earth. Lunar and Solar cults eventually replaced the Star cults. The Watchers became the gods of the four winds to the Greeks. The Christians took them over as “guardian angels.” The Hebrews taught that all angels, known to them as Watchers, were ruled by four “higher” angels. They became the “Archangels” to the Cabalists.

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