
What is Modern Witchcraft5

It’s a tool for spiritual education.

Beginning practitioners often fret about whether or not their spells will work. Did I use the right oils? The right herbs? The right lunar cycle?

But if magic is really just a focused intention to shape your fate, your intentions will manifest in some way.

It’s not about whether your spell works—it will work. That part is all but guaranteed.

It’s a matter of how it manifests. Often, what you think you want is very different from what you actually want. Which is why some people consider it so dangerous. Ironically, if spells and magic are what attract people to witchcraft, the possibility that they work is what scares them off.

But it should be the reason they come to it. Because learning the difference between what you think you so desperately, stubbornly want and what you actually need is one of life’s most valuable lessons.

And magic is the wisest teacher I know.

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