Crystals & Stones

Programming a crystal

Crystals are prepared for programming by
charging them. Programming a crystal aligns
the energy of the crystal to the intent. Using a
carefully thought-out affirmation and directing
this to the centre of the crystal is sufficient to
programme it. Below are three of the most
common ways of programming.

  • Place the crystal on a large crystal cluster
    dedicated to the specific purpose for which it
    is required.
  • Place the crystal in the centre of a circle of
    other crystals whose ends are pointing
    towards the centre and the new crystal.
  • Put the crystal in sun and/or moonlight,
    stating the specific intent connected with the
    crystal. Many people believe that the days
    relating to the summer and winter solstices,
    the Full and the New Moon, and the vernal
    and autumnal equinox are more heavily
    charged than other days.

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